LaTeX 2.09 中的中文字符和图像插入

LaTeX 2.09 中的中文字符和图像插入

我正在编写简历,不幸地决定在文档中添加几行简体中文和一张图片。虽然通常通过使用CJKgraphicx软件包可以很容易地做到这一点,但 2.09 不支持这些软件包,并且MP_Res没有从 移植到\documentstyle\documentclass所以我目前陷入困境。关于如何完成其​​中一项或两项,有什么想法吗?


\documentstyle[hyperref, margin, line]{MP_Res}




\def\Cplusplus{{\rm C\raise.5ex\hbox{\small ++}}}
\def\CSharp{{\rm C\raise.5ex\hbox{\small \#}}}
% 'st' 'nd' 'rd' 'th' superscripts for numbers
\def\first{{\raise.5ex\hbox{\small st}}}
\def\second{{\raise.5ex\hbox{\small nd}}}
\def\third{{\raise.5ex\hbox{\small rd}}}
\def\fourth{{\raise.5ex\hbox{\small th}}}



\name{\textbf{My Name}}

1234 Address Lane, City, STATE 12453 \ \ \ \ \  (555) 555-5555 \ \ \ \ [email protected]  \hspace{1 cm} \vspace{-1 mm}



\textbf{University Name} \hfill 2014 -- Present \\
Doctoral Candidate in Something Useful \hfill 3.787 GPA \\

\textbf{University Name} \hfill 2009 -- 2014 \\
Bachelor of Science Generic Degree  \hfill 3.8 GPA \\

\section{\textsc{Professional Experience}}

\employer{Company Name}
\title{\textbf{Important Sounding Title}}
\location{City, STATE}
\dates{August 2014 -- Present}
I did things and they gave me money for it. \\
\scriptsize\emph{Reference: Some Dude -- [email protected]}

\section{\textsc{Notable Presentations \\ And Awards}} %\includegraphics[width=1in]{Example QR Code.png}}

1st Place Oral Presentation, 8th World Congress of Research Stuff
\vspace{-12 pt}

\quad Hangzhou/Tonglu, People's Republic of China 
\vspace{-7 pt}

(杭州/桐庐-中华人民共和国) \hfill August 2016
\vspace{-7 pt}

Invited Research Presentation, Some Cool Laboratory
\vspace{-12 pt}

\quad Way Too Much Money University, STATE \hfill May 2016
\vspace{-7 pt}




QR 码示例

