为什么 \titleclass 会从目录中删除我的章节?

为什么 \titleclass 会从目录中删除我的章节?


  • 它不应该增加\thechapter计数器。
  • 在目录中,“前言”应放在“第 N 章”通常所在的位置。
  • 在页脚中,我想要“序言 - {章节标题}”而不是“第 N 章 - {章节标题}”

既然我反正都在使用 titlesec,我想我会先尝试一下 titleclass。然而,当我添加前言 titleclass 时,我的章节级条目就从目录中消失了!


以下是 MWE:



% use arabic numbering throughout
\renewcommand{\frontmatter}{\cleardoublepage \@mainmatterfalse}
\renewcommand{\mainmatter}{\cleardoublepage \@mainmattertrue}

%%%% begin preface defs %%%%

% see http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/17278/2041 and the titlesec manual

\newcounter{preface} % required when defining a new titleclass; accessible via \thepreface


% TODO verify that these dimensions make sense
\titlespacing*{\preface}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

% see autoref in hyperref manual

%%%% end preface defs %%%%

%\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % I'm not sure if this is appropriate

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % only go down to the section level in TOC

%%%% begin TOC formatting %%%%




%%%% end TOC formatting %%%%





\preface{Will This Work?}
%\chapter{Perhaps This Will Work}


\section{Under The Preface}


\subsection{To The Subway}


\subsection{Then To A Submarine}


\chapter{My First Chapter}


\section{First Section Under A Chapter}






\chapter{How About Another Chapter}









% use arabic numbering throughout
\renewcommand{\frontmatter}{\cleardoublepage \@mainmatterfalse}
\renewcommand{\mainmatter}{\cleardoublepage \@mainmattertrue}

%%%% begin preface defs %%%%
%  \vspace*{-6ex}% add if really wanted
%%%% end preface defs %%%%

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % only go down to the section level in TOC

%%%% begin TOC formatting %%%%



%%%% end TOC formatting %%%%




\preface{Will This Work?}


\section{Under The Preface}


\subsection{To The Subway}


\subsection{Then To A Submarine}



\chapter{My First Chapter}


\section{First Section Under A Chapter}






\chapter{How About Another Chapter}









\usepackage{bookmark} % better using this

% use arabic numbering throughout
\renewcommand{\frontmatter}{\cleardoublepage \@mainmatterfalse}
\renewcommand{\mainmatter}{\cleardoublepage \@mainmattertrue}

%%%% begin preface defs %%%%

% see http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/17278/2041 and the titlesec manual

\newcounter{preface} % required when defining a new titleclass; accessible via \thepreface


% TODO verify that these dimensions make sense
\titlespacing*{\preface}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

% see autoref in hyperref manual
  \markboth{\MakeUppercase{Preface}}{\MakeUppercase{Preface}}% or whatever
%%%% end preface defs %%%%

%\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % I'm not sure if this is appropriate

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % only go down to the section level in TOC

%%%% begin TOC formatting %%%%




%%%% end TOC formatting %%%%





\preface{Will This Work?}
%\chapter{Perhaps This Will Work}


\section{Under The Preface}


\subsection{To The Subway}


\subsection{Then To A Submarine}


\chapter{My First Chapter}


\section{First Section Under A Chapter}






\chapter{How About Another Chapter}



