\documentclass[msom,blindrev]{informs3} % current default for manuscript submission
\usepackage{setspace}% http://ctan.org/pkg/setspace
\def\newblock{\ }%
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} % this reduces the vertical spacing between rows
XXX&Model 3&Model 4\\
Coors, bottle, 16-pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&-0.063\\
Budlight, bottle, 18-pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0.106**&0.114**\\
Miller Lite, can, 18pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0.094&0.256**\\
Miller Lite, bottle, 18-pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0.147***&0.070\\
Budweiser, bottle, 18-pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&0.120**\\
Budweiser, can, 18-pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&-0.017\\
Budlight, can, 12-pack vs. Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&0.050\\
***$p<0.005$ **$p<0.05$ &&\\
\usepackage{siunitx, threeparttable}
\begin{tabular}{|l@{\enspace vs.\enspace}lS[table-format=1.3, table-space-text-post=\textsuperscript{***}]S[table-format=-1.3, table-space-text-post=\textsuperscript{**}]|}
\multicolumn{2}{|l}{XXX} & {Model 3}&{Model 4}\\
Coors, bottle, 16-pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&-0.063\\
Budlight, bottle, 18-pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0.106\textsuperscript{**}&0.114\textsuperscript{**}\\
Miller Lite, can, 18pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0.094&0.256\textsuperscript{**}\\
Miller Lite, bottle, 18-pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0.147\textsuperscript{***}&0.070\\
Budweiser, bottle, 18-pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&0.120\textsuperscript{**}\\
Budweiser, can, 18-pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&-0.017\\
Budlight, can, 12-pack & Budlight, can, 18-pack &0&0.050\\[2pt]
将第 2 列和第 3 列中的数字与小数点对齐。最后,我建议您通过 (a) 删除所有垂直线和 (b) 使用包的线条绘制宏booktabs
而不是 来创建更“开放”的外观\hline
\documentclass[msom,blindrev]{article}% I don't have the "informs3" class
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\caption{XXX} \label{dztable}
XXX & \mc{Model 3} & \mc{Model 4} \\
Coors, bottle, 16-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & -0.063 \\
Budlight, bottle, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0.106^{**} & 0.114^{**} \\
Miller Lite, can, 18pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0.094 & 0.256^{**} \\
Miller Lite, bottle, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0.147^{***} & 0.070 \\
Budweiser, bottle, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & 0.120^{**} \\
Budweiser, can, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & -0.017 \\
Budlight, can, 12-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & 0.050 \\
$^{***}\ p<0.005$ $^{**}\ p<0.05$ \\
附录,在 OP 指出“真实”表格太长而无法放在一页之后发布:如果表格太高而无法放在一页上,并且如果您不想\scalebox
\documentclass[msom,blindrev]{article}% I don't have the "informs3" class
\newcolumntype{d}[1]{D..{#1}} % to align numbers on decimal markers
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
%% Set table headers and footers
\caption{XXX} \label{dztable} \\
XXX & \mc{Model 3} & \mc{Model 4} \\
\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\emph{(cont'd from previous page)}}\\
XXX & \mc{Model 3} & \mc{Model 4} \\
\multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\emph{(cont'd on the following page)}}\\
%% Body of table
Coors, bottle, 16-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & -0.063 \\
Budlight, bottle, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0.106^{**} & 0.114^{**} \\
Miller Lite, can, 18pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0.094 & 0.256^{**} \\
Miller Lite, bottle, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0.147^{***} & 0.070 \\
Budweiser, bottle, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & 0.120^{**} \\
Budweiser, can, 18-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & -0.017 \\
Budlight, can, 12-pack vs.\ Budlight, can, 18-pack
& 0 & 0.050 \\
$^{***}\ p<0.005$, $^{**}\ p<0.05$ \\