




    \begin{tabular}[b]{l l l l l l l l}

    &   2011 &  2012 &  2013 &  2014 &  2015 &  2016 &  2017        \\ \hline
Networking &    0.15 &  0.23 &  0.42 &  0.65 &  0.85 &  1.01 &  1.15        \\
NoSQL &     0.07 &  0.13 &  0.29 &  0.5 &   0.8 &   1 &     1.2     \\
Infrastructure Software  &  0.14 &  0.44 &  0.83 &  1.08 &  1.25 &  1.6 &   1.9     \\
SQL &   0.62 &  0.88 &  1.31 &  1.75 &  2.25 &  2.45 &  2.7     \\
Cloud  &    0.36 &  0.62 &  1.19 &  1.82 &  2.52 &  3.05 &  3.65        \\
Storage &   1.1 &   1.75 &  3.09 &  4.2 &   5.5 &   6.4 &   6.95        \\
Computation &   1.53 &  2.29 &  3.65 &  4.92 &  6.4 &   7.1 &   7.6     \\
Apps \& Analytics       &   0.52 &  0.99 &  1.69 &  3.45 &  5.29 &  6.65 &  7.75        \\
Professional Services         &     2.8 &   4.42 &  6.15 &  10.1 &  13.5 &  16 &    17.2        \\

    \caption{This is the caption for complicated table}




\usepackage{lipsum, array, booktabs, caption}


  \begin{tabular}[b]{l l l l l l l l}
    & 2011 & 2012 & 2013 & 2014 & 2015 & 2016 & 2017 \\ %
    Networking & 0.15 & 0.23 & 0.42 & 0.65 & 0.85 & 1.01 & 1.15 \\
    NoSQL & 0.07 & 0.13 & 0.29 & 0.5 & 0.8 & 1 & 1.2 \\
    Infrastructure Software & 0.14 & 0.44 & 0.83 & 1.08 & 1.25 & 1.6 & 1.9 \\
    SQL & 0.62 & 0.88 & 1.31 & 1.75 & 2.25 & 2.45 & 2.7 \\
    Cloud & 0.36 & 0.62 & 1.19 & 1.82 & 2.52 & 3.05 & 3.65 \\
    Storage & 1.1 & 1.75 & 3.09 & 4.2 & 5.5 & 6.4 & 6.95 \\
    Computation & 1.53 & 2.29 & 3.65 & 4.92 & 6.4 & 7.1 & 7.6 \\
    Apps \& Analytics & 0.52 & 0.99 & 1.69 & 3.45 & 5.29 & 6.65 & 7.75 \\
    Professional Services & 2.8 & 4.42 & 6.15 & 10.1 & 13.5 & 16 & 17.2 \\
  \captionof{table}{This is the caption for complicated table}


