

我创建了一个命令,可以制作一个不断减小的正方形文本,以产生无限减小的效果。但是,如果我增加起始宽度或更改比例因子,TeX 就会发生算术溢出或内存溢出。我希望我有数学技能来理解为什么会这样。





  \begin{tabular}{@{}l @{}r @{}}
    \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{#1} & \rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{#1}\\


  \outerboxwidth=18\scalefactor % any bigger results in arithmetic overflow
    \advance\outerboxwidth by -2\scalefactor
    \advance\scalefactor by -.1\scalefactor % any different results in TeX capacity exceeded
    \ifdim\outerboxwidth > \scalefactor


\def\knuth{This is \TeX, a document compiler intended to produce typesetting of high quality.} % texdoc tex, line 1
\def\ezekiel{And the altar shall be twelve cubits long, twelve broad, square in the four squares thereof.} % Ezekiel 43:15, KJV






更新缩小的问题graphicx已在下一个版本(可能是 2017 年 1 月)的开发源中得到修复,并且评论中讨论的 xetex 驱动程序的问题已得到修复并已在 CTAN 上发布。



然后,您就避免了算术溢出,尽管如果推得太远,您就会耗尽主内存,除非您开始摆弄 texmf.cnf 或使用 luatex 和动态内存分配。



  \begin{tabular}{@{}l @{}r @{}}
    \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{#1} & \rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{#1}\\


  \outerboxwidth=20\scalefactor % any bigger results in arithmetic overflow                                                                                                                                                        
    \advance\outerboxwidth by -2\scalefactor
    \advance\scalefactor by -.1\scalefactor % any different results in TeX capacity exceeded                                                                                                                                       
    \ifdim\outerboxwidth > \scalefactor

\cs_set:cpn { Gscale@div } #1 #2 #3
  \cs_set:Npx #1
      \dim_to_decimal_in_sp:n { #2 } / \dim_to_decimal_in_sp:n { #3 }


\def\knuth{This is \TeX, a document compiler intended to produce typesetting of high quality.} % texdoc tex, line 1                                                                                                                
\def\ezekiel{And the altar shall be twelve cubits long, twelve broad, square in the four squares thereof.} % Ezekiel 43:15, KJV                                                                                                    





您的代码中也存在一个真正的数学问题。我们将S您的scalefactorT您的称为outerboxwidth,并且l您用于迭代的小值S称为S->S-l S。因此在我复制的代码中l是。此外,最初假设您设置了。为了使您的循环不无限,可以得出以下结论应该为真:0.1T=NS

N < 2/l

因此,对于l=0.1,条件是N < 20。对于l=0.2,条件是N < 10。对于 ,l=0.5条件将是N < 4。实际上,它似乎对l=0.1和都有效N=20,但我猜舍入误差会合谋帮助循环终止。(请参阅本文结尾。)

数学是几何级数。我们把 写成m=1-l,那么经过 n 次迭代后,可以得到

S_n = m^n S_0
T_n = T_0 - 2S_0 (1+m+..+m^{n-1})


T_0 - 2S_0 1/(1-m) = (N - 2/l) S_0

因此,如果N - 2/l >= 1,则所有的T总是> S_0,并且循环是无限的。

n实际上,如果对于某个,,则循环终止T_n <= S_n,我们将其转化为

N - 2(1-m^n)/l <= m^n 
N - 2/l + (2/l -1) m^n <= 0        (*)

由于0<l<1,我们有2/l - 1 > 1。因此,上述不等式只有 才能实现N < 2/l。并且如果N < 2/l,那么对于足够大的n, (*) 成立是正确的。

因此,终止的数学条件是 。然而,有人观察到它对和N < 2/l都有效:我没有详细研究过,但某种舍入效应应该是有助于循环终止的解释。对于我得到的代码要用 来完成,但它会 引发。N=20l=0.1l=0.1N=20.05TeX capacity exceededN=20.06

TeX capacity exceeded与类似N=4.01l=0.5但它可以用 进行编译N=4



大卫·卡莱尔 (David Carlisle) 的诊断表明,罪魁祸首是graphics\Gscale@div。确实,请注意所采用的算法可能会产生溢出,一个典型的例子是除以8192(0.75理论上,应该允许将其除以尽可能小的0.5+epsilon,以遵守 的<16384结果约束\maxdimen=16384pt-1sp,前提是最终结果本身是通过\the应用于 dimen 寄存器产生的)


  • 答:原始答案定义了一个单行替换,用于\Gscale@div除以两个长度,使用 e-TeX(并跳过原始所做的一些检查\Gscale@div)。我知道这个网站上的其他地方有类似的表达,我最近遇到了它,我记得它是在 2011 年或 2012 年的一些帖子中。

  • B:\Gscale@div不使用 e-TeX 工具,而是使用 LaTeX 常用的暂存宏和寄存器编写的替代方法。如果(舍入)结果最多为,则保证计算不会产生溢出。16384 - 2/65536如下所述,当除数最多为0.5pt截断,但当它至少是0.5pt一个四舍五入精确比率的整数倍数为sp单位 (= 1/65536)。对于希望在所有情况下都进行四舍五入以保持一致性的人,请参阅 D 部分。

  • C:这里最上面是一个\divdef用于划分两个 TeX 维度的宏,对结果的大小没有任何限制。最初,我从 B 开始编写它,并考虑了除法计数,但由于结果是一个固定小数点,标记后最多有五位数字,而将其用作 TeX 输入的唯一方法(本机,没有额外的代码行)是将其视为维度(通常以 pt 为单位),最后我再次假设输入是维度寄存器或规范(部分\setlength被删除 --- 以及calc 使用包时的开销 --- 因为这是为了在 Plain 中也可用而编写的。)这可以直接在 Plain TeX 中使用。宏\divdef\Gscale@div或部分 B 的一个非常小的变体,它利用了后者将整数部分与小数部分分开的事实(但代码的某些部分使用计数操作,而\Gscale@div部分 B 使用维度)。我犹豫是否再次使用\the维度进行最终转换为十进制写作,因为它可以用其他方式处理,但人们不得不担心恢复与 TeX 通过完全相同的舍入\the。该比率R计算为最接近的整数倍1/65536(平局为偶数;但请参阅下一项以获得更精确的描述),然后(其小数部分)通过 TeX 的 转换为十进制数\the

  • D:实际上 C 和 B 中的代码有两个分支;上述关于舍入的描述适用于除数为 的情况>0.5pt。对于除数,最多0.5pt分数为截断,不舍入,到最接近的倍数1/65536,然后通过转换为十进制扩展\the。因此在部分 D 中,代码被修改为始终进行舍入,平分到偶数。我对此犹豫不决,因为TeX\divide截断而不是舍入。另一方面,e-TeX/运算符(顺便说一下,它只允许整数除数)舍入(这有时会引起烦恼),但它从零开始舍入,不遵守“平分到偶数”规则。

注 1:当整数部分很大时,4 或 5 位小数自然是虚幻的精度,因为我们划分的维度可能已经包含了精度低得多的舍入。但它是评估整数比率的数学精确结果,在内部将两个维度编码为 sp 单位的整数倍。

注 2:由于结果可能(很大程度上!)超过单位\maxdimen的倍数pt,C 和 D 中的代码应该设置一个标志来告知何时出现这种情况,以便后续例程可以根据此做出决策。

C+D 部分。“划分两个维度并输出一个定点数(标记后最多有 4 或 5 个小数)”宏,对大小没有任何条件(不使用 e-TeX,为 Plain 编写)


\dimen@ 3pt
\divide\dimen@ by 10

TeX 会打印0.29999pt,这与下面观察到的结果一致,例如,当 除以 时\maxdimen10这是因为当除数较小(最多小于0.5pt)时,下面的代码会截断精确的比率。


但是,当使用在所有情况下都进行四舍五入的 D 部分代码时,现在的情况是相同的:(观察差异)


在这两种情况下, 都说明了一个有趣的问题1073741823/37。如果我们直接进行十进制扩展(没有中间的四舍五入/截断为 的整数倍1/65536),则正确的小数部分是.27027...(并且略大)。但由于中间步骤(如 C 部分或 D 部分代码中所示),我们最终得到的是.27026小数部分。

C 部分代码:

% plain TeX, mais j'ai besoin de \loop à la LaTeX 

\catcode`\@ 11


% LaTeX loop or any loop allowing \else\repeat:

\long\def\loop #1\repeat{%
     \def \iterate {#1\relax \expandafter \iterate \fi}\iterate
     \let \iterate \relax }

\def\divdef #1#2#3{%
  % description:
  % computes R = #2/#3 as nearest multiple of 1/65536 (ties go to even)
  % then define the macro #1 to be the decimal expansion of this up to five digits
  % after decimal mark the last job being made by TeX's \the.
  % the computation is guaranteed overflow free (it is not
  % checked if #3 = 0). But there is not much one can do with the 
  % raw output if it exceeds `\maxdimen`. Notice that trailing zeroes
  % of the fractional part are suppressed, and if nothing remains, 
  % the result put into #1 has no decimal mark  either.
  % note: if #3<32768sp=0.5pt, the ratio R is not rounded, but truncated
  % to nearest integer multiple of 1/65536 (before decimal conversion).
  \dimen@ #3\relax   % denominator
  \dimen@ii #2\relax % numerator
    \let\ddf@sgn\empty % no \@empty in Plain !
  \ddf@cnta\dimen@   % non negative denominator (we hope non zero...)
  \ddf@cntb\dimen@ii % non negative numerator
  \divide\ddf@cntb\ddf@cnta % integer part of ratio, will be stored in \ddf@cntd
  \multiply\ddf@cntb-\ddf@cnta % no overflow possible because TeX's division truncates
  \advance\ddf@cntb\dimen@ii   % now numerator in \ddf@cntb is < denom
  \count@\z@ % will store fractional part as a multiple of sp's
      \ddf@cntc\dimen@ % denominator
          \ddf@cnta\z@ % abort the loop here
          \advance\count@\ddf@cnta % not same order as in previous branch!
    \ifnum\ddf@cnta=\z@\else % signed quantity: can not do if foo>\z@ ...
    % it is possible here that \count@ is 65536
    % here denom <= 2^15=32768 (=0.5pt), hence 65536num < 2^31
    \count@\ddf@cntb % at most 65535 because division truncates
  \dimen@\count@ sp\relax
  \expandafter\divdef@end\the\dimen@ #1%
\catcode`P 12
\catcode`T 12    
\lowercase{\gdef\divdef@end #1.#2PT}#3{%
  \advance\ddf@cntd #1\relax % almost always #1=0

\input xinttools.sty


\tabskip 20pt

\halign {#\hfil &#\hfil \cr
\xintFor* #1 in {\xintSeq {1}{50}}\do
{\divdef\x \maxdimen{#1sp}\number\maxdimen/#1=\x
 \ifodd #1 \TAB\else\expandafter\CR\fi

% test
% \dimen@ 3pt

% \divide\dimen@ by 10

% \the\dimen@

D 部分的代码(仅在分支中的行有所不同denom <= 2^15=32768):

\catcode`\@ 11


% LaTeX loop or any loop allowing \else\repeat:

\long\def\loop #1\repeat{%
     \def \iterate {#1\relax \expandafter \iterate \fi}\iterate
     \let \iterate \relax }

\def\divdef #1#2#3{%
  % description:
  % computes R = #2/#3 as nearest multiple of 1/65536 (ties go to even)
  % then define the macro #1 to be the decimal expansion of this up to five digits
  % after decimal mark the last job being made by TeX's \the.
  \dimen@ #3\relax   % denominator
  \dimen@ii #2\relax % numerator
    \let\ddf@sgn\empty % no \@empty in Plain !
  \ddf@cnta\dimen@   % non negative denominator (we hope non zero...)
  \ddf@cntb\dimen@ii % non negative numerator
  \divide\ddf@cntb\ddf@cnta % integer part of ratio, will be stored in \ddf@cntd
  \multiply\ddf@cntb-\ddf@cnta % no overflow possible because TeX's division truncates
  \advance\ddf@cntb\dimen@ii   % now numerator in \ddf@cntb is < denom
  \count@\z@ % will store fractional part as a multiple of sp's
      \ddf@cntc\dimen@ % denominator
          \ddf@cnta\z@ % abort the loop here
          \advance\count@\ddf@cnta % not same order as in previous branch!
    \ifnum\ddf@cnta=\z@\else % signed quantity: can not do if foo>\z@ ...
    % it is possible here that \count@ is 65536
    % in case of a tie at the last unit the rounding was to even!
    % here denom <= 2^15=32768 (=0.5pt), hence 65536num <= 2^31 - 65536
    % extra steps to do rounding
    \advance\ddf@cntb\ddf@cntc % no overflow possible
    \ddf@cntc\ddf@cntb % need to keep copy for later branch
      % odd denom, no tie possible
        % implement "ties go to even", the rounding was "up"
    % to get \count@ 65536 we would need to have N/D >= 65535.5/65536 
    % i.e. N/D >= 1 - 1/131072, but N/D<= 1 - 1/D, D<=32768, hence  
    % despite the rounding this branch always produces \count@ < 65536.
  \dimen@\count@ sp\relax
  % (\the\count@) % debug check
  \expandafter\divdef@end\the\dimen@ #1%
\catcode`P 12
\catcode`T 12
\lowercase{\gdef\divdef@end #1.#2PT}#3{%
  \advance\ddf@cntd #1\relax % almost always #1=0

\input xinttools.sty


\tabskip 20pt

\halign {#\hfil &#\hfil \cr
\xintFor* #1 in {\xintSeq {1}{50}}\do
{\divdef\x \maxdimen{#1sp}\number\maxdimen/#1=\x
 \ifodd #1 \TAB\else\expandafter\CR\fi

B 部分:非 eTeX\Gscale@div嵌入式替代品


\Gscale@div\x {8192pt}{.75pt}

./betterdiv.tex:138: Arithmetic overflow.
<recently read> \dimen@ii 

l.138 \Gscale@div\x {8192pt}{.75pt}

这里采用纯 Knuth TeX (*) 方法制作一个宏来执行精确计算并保证不溢出(如果舍入的理论精确值最多为16384-2/65536)。我尝试遵循 LaTeX 和 graphics.sty 的风格来使用宏和临时寄存器。

(*)\loop必须像 LaTeX 那样允许\else\repeat构造。




% new definition of \Gscale@div avoiding arithmetic overflows,
% (does NOT use e-TeX !... hence some sweat and efforts ...)

    \PackageError{graphics}{Division by 0}\@eha
  % Attention! \@tempa, \@tempb, \@tempc in use in graphics.sty across calls
  \@tempcnta\dimen@   % denominator
  \@tempcntb\dimen@ii % numerator
  \@tempdimb\@tempcntb\p@ % integer part of ratio. Naturally, may overflow!
  \dimen@ii\@tempcntb sp\relax % now num<denom. No \@sp like \p@ ?
  \count@\z@ % will store fractional part as a multiple of sp's
      \@tempdima\dimen@ % denominator
          \@tempcnta\z@ % abort the loop here
          \advance\count@\@tempcnta % not same order as in previous branch!
    \ifnum\@tempcnta=\z@\else % signed quantity: can not do if foo>\z@ ...
    % here denom <= 2^15=32768 (=0.5pt), hence 65536num < 2^31
  \dimen@\count@ sp\relax



% test


% \xintFor* #1 in {\xintSeq {1}{100}}\do {
% \Gscale@div\x{1pt}{#1pt}
% % \Gscale@div\y{1pt}{-#1pt}
% % \Gscale@div\z{-1pt}{#1pt}
% % \Gscale@div\t{-1pt}{-#1pt}

% #1, \x, %\y, \z, \t

% }
% \xintFor* #1 in {\xintSeq {2}{100}}\do {
% \Gscale@div\x{32767sp}{#1sp}
% % \Gscale@div\y{1pt}{-#1pt}
% % \Gscale@div\z{-1pt}{#1pt}
% % \Gscale@div\t{-1pt}{-#1pt}

% #1, \x, %\y, \z, \t

% }

% \Gscale@div\x {1pt}{65536sp}

% 1pt/65536sp = \x

\Gscale@div\x {8192pt}{65535sp}

8192pt/65535sp = \x

\Gscale@div\x {8192pt}{.75pt}

8192pt/.75pt = \x




A 部分:原始答案

作为没有包的替代方案,您可以定义\Gscale@div使用 e-TeX 设施。

\def\Gscale@div #1#2#3{% defines #1 to be the ratio #2/#3, where #2 and #3 
    % are lengths (registers or expressions).
    % The ratio #2/#3 should evaluate to less than 16384 in absolute value to 
    % avoid arithmetic overflow. It will be computed as fixed point
    % number with about 4 or 5 digits after decimal mark.
    \edef #1%
         \numexpr\dimexpr#2\relax*65536/\dimexpr#3\relax\relax sp\relax}%


完整代码(我留下了原始评论,因为在 David 的回答中它们现在可能已经过时了):


  \begin{tabular}{@{}l @{}r @{}}
    \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{#1} & \rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{#1}\\


  \outerboxwidth=20\scalefactor % any bigger results in arithmetic overflow                                                                                                                                                        
    \advance\outerboxwidth by -2\scalefactor
    \advance\scalefactor by -.1\scalefactor % any different results in TeX capacity exceeded                                                                                                                                       
    \ifdim\outerboxwidth > \scalefactor

\def\Gscale@div #1#2#3{% defines #1 to be the ratio #2/#3, where #2 and #3 
    % are lengths (registers or expressions).
    % The ratio #2/#3 should evaluate to less than 16384 in absolute value to 
    % avoid arithmetic overflow. It will be computed as fixed point
    % number with about 4 or 5 digits after decimal mark.
    \edef #1%
         \numexpr\dimexpr#2\relax*65536/\dimexpr#3\relax\relax sp\relax}%


\def\knuth{This is \TeX, a document compiler intended to produce typesetting of high quality.} % texdoc tex, line 1                                                                                                                
\def\ezekiel{And the altar shall be twelve cubits long, twelve broad, square in the four squares thereof.} % Ezekiel 43:15, KJV                                                                                                    



