我在 lstinline 中双引号后的空格方面遇到了问题。我已经识别了morestring={[b]"}
,它们的行为方式都让我无法理解。有人能告诉我,这是列表中的错误还是我对如何使用它的理解有误?例如,latex 代码,
\noindent Here is an example of gobbling spaces after quotes in lstinline. I am testing the combinations of with and without '[b]"' and ttfamily fonts:
\item[No arguments: 2nd space is removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[{[b]"}: 1st space is removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[ttfamily: more than 1 space removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[{[b]"} and ttfamily - first 2 spaces are removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
Which is different when using begin-end-lstlisting, no arguments:
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
给出所有不同的输出,其中最后的 begin-end-lstlisting 是我所期望的:
keepspaces=true 告诉包不要删除空格来修复列对齐,并始终将制表符转换为空格。
\lstset{keepspaces=true} % add this line
\noindent Here is an example of gobbling spaces after quotes in lstinline. I am testing the combinations of with and without '[b]"' and ttfamily fonts:
\item[No arguments: 2nd space is removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[{[b]"}: 1st space is removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"}] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[ttfamily: more than 1 space removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline[basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[{[b]"} and ttfamily - first 2 spaces are removed]~\\
\item[0:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!
\item[1:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[2:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
\item[3:] \lstinline[morestring={[b]"},basicstyle=\ttfamily] !printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!
Which is different when using begin-end-lstlisting, no arguments:
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
包。这是一个非常强大的高亮包,利用了 Pygments 和fancyvrb
。这里是 MWE:
\noindent Here is an example of gobbling spaces after quotes in lstinline. I am testing the combinations of with and without '[b]"' and ttfamily fonts:
\item[No arguments: 2nd space is removed]~\\
\item[0:] \mint{fsharp}{!printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3!}
\item[1:] \mint{fsharp}{!printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!}
\item[2:] \mint{fsharp}{!printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!}
\item[3:] \mint{fsharp}{!printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3!}
Which is different when using begin-end-lstlisting, no arguments:
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d"3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
printfn "Test 1 2 \%d" 3
必须与 Python 一起运行-shell-escape
,我不太确定,但也许需要安装 Python。不过,我还是强烈推荐它,因为有很多预定义的样式,您只需在序言中预先选择它即可更改。