),并且我想在数字前面用星号标记我的一些定理、引理、示例等,如 *4.5。定理以表明读者无需知道它们。有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点?
This is an easy theorem.
The zeros of the zeta function have real part equal to $1/2$.
Theorem~\ref{easy} is an easy consequence of theorem~\ref{hard}
a proof of which is too long for this short note.
\newtheoremstyle{swapped}% <name>
{\topsep}% <space above>
{\topsep}% <space below>
{\itshape}% <body font>
{}% <indent amount>
{\bfseries}% <theorem head font>
{.}% <punctuation after theorem head>
{.5em}% <space after theorem head>
{\thmnumber{\textnormal{#2} }\thmname{#1}\thmnote{ (#3)}}% <theorem head spec>
\newtheoremstyle{starred}% <name>
{\topsep}% <space above>
{\topsep}% <space below>
{\itshape}% <body font>
{}% <indent amount>
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{.}% <punctuation after theorem head>
{.5em}% <space after theorem head>
{\thmnumber{\textnormal{\makebox[0pt][r]{*}#2} }\thmname{#1}\thmnote{ (#3)}}% <theorem head spec>
This is an easy theorem.
The zeros of the zeta function have real part equal to $1/2$.
Theorem~\ref{easy} is an easy consequence of theorem~\ref{hard}
a proof of which is too long for this short note.
This is an easy theorem.
The zeros of the zeta function have real part equal to $1/2$.
Theorem~\ref{easy} is an easy consequence of theorem~\ref{hard}
a proof of which is too long for this short note.