使用 tikz 为饼图添加标题

使用 tikz 为饼图添加标题

我在用 tikz 制作的饼图中添加标题时遇到问题。您知道错误在哪里吗?




        dc tag/.style={align=center},
        dc legend/.style={align=left,anchor=west},
        dc sector/.style={fill=\Cj,line join=round}

        % liste of \Name/Value
        value list/.store in=\Value@list,
        % circular : 360 - semi circular 180
        angle max/.store in=\Angle@max,
        angle max=360,
        % radius of the diagram
        radius/.store in=\R@dius,
        % composition of the legend
        % \V value
        % \N name
        % \P percent
        % \A angle
        % \Cj color
        legend/.store in=\L@gend,
        % location of the legend
        legend location/.store in=\Legend@Loc,
        legend location={($(\R@dius,\R@dius)+(.5,-.5)$)},   
        % poisition of the node in the sector
        % 0 center, 1 on the edge, 1.++ external
        factor/.store in=\F@ctor,
        % composition of the node in the sector
        tags/.store in=\T@gs,
        % correction of round errors in percents
        percent corr/.store in=\C@rrP,
        percent corr=,
        % correction of round errors in angles
        angle corr/.store in=\C@rrA,
        angle corr=,
        % individual shift
        shift sector/.store in=\Shift@j,
        shift sector=,
        % more nodes in the sectors, or new legeng
        sup loop/.store in=\Sup@Loop,
        sup loop=,
        % code of the diagram
        % Calculation of the sum
        \foreach \i/\y in \Value@list {\xdef\S@m{\S@m+\i}}  

        % beginning of the first sector

        % main loop
        \foreach \V/\N [count=\j from 0] in \Value@list {%

        % calculation of the current angle

        % superior limit of the sector
        \pgfmathsetmacro\@ngleB{\@ngleA+\A} ;

        % mean angle
        \pgfmathsetmacro\MedA{(\@ngleA+\@ngleB)/2} ;        

        % color

        % individual shift

        % drawing of the sector
        \draw[dc sector,shift={(\MedA:\Sh@ft)}] (0,0)
            -- (\@ngleA:\R@dius) arc (\@ngleA:\@ngleB:\R@dius)
                node[midway] (DC\j) {} -- cycle ;

        % low limit of the next sector
        \xdef\@ngleA{\@ngleB} ;

        % current percent correction

        % current angle and corection

        % the sector node
        \DiagNode[dc tag]{\F@ctor} {\T@gs} ;

        % the legend
        \draw[fill=\Cj] (0,-.5*\j)
                rectangle ++(.25,.25) ++(0,-.15)
                node[dc legend] {\strut\L@gend} ;

        % some more stuff
        \Sup@Loop ;

        } % end of diagram code

% Node on the \j sector
\newcommand{\DiagNode}[2][]{\node[#1] at ($(0,0)!#2!(DC\j)$)}



    % style options
    dc tag/.append style={font=\bfseries\small},
    % diagram options
    value list={13.8/Motor vehicles,16.6/Aerospace,19.9/Industrial\slash business,13.1/Consumer products\slash electronics, 12.2/Medical\slash dental, 10.5/Academic institutions,5.9/Government\slash military, 3.1/Architectural, 4.9/Other},
    angle max=360,             % circular
    tags=\N\\\P,                   % custom sector nodes
    diagram] ;




text width首先,在样式中指定dc tag,例如

dc tag/.style={align=center,text width=5cm},


tags=\hfill\N\hfill{} \newline\PP

使用\newline代替 可以\\消除错误,但当text width未设置时,它不会执行任何操作,这就是我添加text width如上所述的原因。但是,出于某种原因,即使使用 ,节点中的第一行也不会居中align=center,这就是 s 的原因\hfill。(我报告了这个问题https://sourceforge.net/p/pgf/bugs/403/

由于节点比文本宽,因此text width会产生在中添加一些空格的副作用。为了解决这个问题,您可以添加tikzpicture

\useasboundingbox (0,0) circle[radius=4cm];









        dc tag/.style={align=center,text width=5cm},
        dc legend/.style={align=left,anchor=west},
        dc sector/.style={fill=\Cj,line join=round}

        % liste of \Name/Value
        value list/.store in=\Value@list,
        % circular : 360 - semi circular 180
        angle max/.store in=\Angle@max,
        angle max=360,
        % radius of the diagram
        radius/.store in=\R@dius,
        % composition of the legend
        % \V value
        % \N name
        % \P percent
        % \A angle
        % \Cj color
        legend/.store in=\L@gend,
        % location of the legend
        legend location/.store in=\Legend@Loc,
        legend location={($(\R@dius,\R@dius)+(.5,-.5)$)},   
        % poisition of the node in the sector
        % 0 center, 1 on the edge, 1.++ external
        factor/.store in=\F@ctor,
        % composition of the node in the sector
        tags/.store in=\T@gs,
        % correction of round errors in percents
        percent corr/.store in=\C@rrP,
        percent corr=,
        % correction of round errors in angles
        angle corr/.store in=\C@rrA,
        angle corr=,
        % individual shift
        shift sector/.store in=\Shift@j,
        shift sector=,
        % more nodes in the sectors, or new legeng
        sup loop/.store in=\Sup@Loop,
        sup loop=,
        % code of the diagram
        % Calculation of the sum
        \foreach \i/\y in \Value@list {\xdef\S@m{\S@m+\i}}  

        % beginning of the first sector

        % main loop
        \foreach \V/\N [count=\j from 0] in \Value@list {%

        % calculation of the current angle

        % superior limit of the sector
        \pgfmathsetmacro\@ngleB{\@ngleA+\A} ;

        % mean angle
        \pgfmathsetmacro\MedA{(\@ngleA+\@ngleB)/2} ;        

        % color

        % individual shift

        % drawing of the sector
        \draw[dc sector,shift={(\MedA:\Sh@ft)}] (0,0)
            -- (\@ngleA:\R@dius) arc (\@ngleA:\@ngleB:\R@dius)
                node[midway] (DC\j) {} -- cycle ;

        % low limit of the next sector
        \xdef\@ngleA{\@ngleB} ;

        % current percent correction

        % current angle and corection

        % the sector node
        \DiagNode[dc tag]{\F@ctor} {\T@gs} ;

        % the legend
        \draw[fill=\Cj] (0,-.5*\j)
                rectangle ++(.25,.25) ++(0,-.15)
                node[dc legend] {\strut\L@gend} ;

        % some more stuff
        \Sup@Loop ;

        } % end of diagram code

% Node on the \j sector
\newcommand{\DiagNode}[2][]{\node[#1] at ($(0,0)!#2!(DC\j)$)}



\useasboundingbox (0,0) circle[radius=4cm];
    % style options
    dc tag/.append style={font=\bfseries\small},
    % diagram options
    value list={13.8/Motor vehicles,16.6/Aerospace,19.9/Industrial\slash business,13.1/Consumer products\slash electronics, 12.2/Medical\slash dental, 10.5/Academic institutions,5.9/Government\slash military, 3.1/Architectural, 4.9/Other},
    angle max=360,             % circular
    tags=\hfill\N\hfill{} \newline\PP,                   % custom sector nodes
    diagram] ;


\caption{A type of chart that it is generally recommended not to use}

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
Motor vehicles, 13.8
Aerospace, 16.6
Industrial/business, 19.9
Consumer products/electronics, 13.1
Medical/dental, 12.2
Academic institutions, 10.5
Government/military, 5.9
Architectural, 3.1
Other, 4.9
yticklabels from table={\piedata}{[index]0},
axis lines=left,
enlarge y limits,
nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta\%}
\addplot table[x index=1,y expr=\coordindex] {\piedata};
\caption{Perhaps a bar chart?}
