使用 chemformula 在化学式中换行

使用 chemformula 在化学式中换行

我在化学式 NH 4 15 NO 3的中间不断出现换行符。如果 NH 4 15 NO 3位于行末,有时 NH 415 NO 3会分成不同的行,并且 15 会位于 4 之前。





\usepackage[iso,british]{isodate} %ISO formatted dates e.g. 2016-09-30


    \sisetup{qualifier-mode = brackets}





  \maps[datatype=bibtex]{   % see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/150710/ignore-a-bibliography-field-e-g-urldate-for-eliminating-of-biblatex-biber-w
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    draft, % change to final to remove pdfcomments
    author={Eric Ireland},
    color={1.0 1.0 0.0}
]{pdfcomment} % For comments in pdf.

\title{Methods used in \textsuperscript{15}N tracer experiments for measuring DNRA in soils}

\author{Eric Ireland}


\newcommand{\fan}{{\ch{^{15}NH4NO3}}\xspace} % \fan = 15NH4NO3 in mbox
\newcommand{\afn}{{\ch{NH4^{15}NO3}}\xspace} % \afn = NH415NO3 in mbox
\newcommand{\an}{{\ch{NH4NO3}}\xspace} % \an = NH4No3 in mbox
\newcommand{\fnto}{{\ch{^{15}N2O}}\xspace} % \fnto = 15N2O in mbox


%abstract goes here

For the \ch{^{15}N} field experiment, \SI{100}{\g} oven dried equivalent of fresh, homogenised, sieved soil (\SI{2}{\mm})  was placed in cylindrical vials with sealed bottoms. The bulk density was kept the same as the surround soil at each site. Soils were pre-incubated for \SI{24}{\hour} at the ambient temperature at the site, before \ch{^{15}N} tracer was added. Treatments were \fan or \afn with \ch{^{15}N} at \SI{99.2}{atom\percent} excess. They were added at a rate of \SI{2}{\ug\of{\ch{NO3^{-}-N}}\per\g\of{soil}} or \SI{2}{\ug\of{\ch{NH4^{+}-N}}\per\g\of{soil}} using the 5-needle injection technique, also used by \citet{wang_soil_2016}. Soils were incubated in the field for \SI{139}{\hour}. Soil water varied from \SIrange{50}{55}{\percent} WHC during the incubation. Triplicate samples were collected randomly from each treatment at \SIlist{0.5;40;88;139}{\hour} after \ch{^{15}N} labelling to determine the concentrations and isotopic compositions of \ch{NH4+} and \ch{NO3-}.

For the \ch{^{15}N} laboratory incubations, either \fan or \afn with \ch{^{15}N} at \SI{20}{atom\percent} excess was added. Each treatment had three replicates. \SI{30}{\g} of fresh, sieved soil was incubated in \SI{250}{\ml} conical flasks, and \SI{2}{\ml} of \fan or \afn solution was added to each flask at a rate of \SI{7.14}{\micro\mole\of{\ch{^{15}N}}\per\gram\of{soil}}, i.e. \SI{50}{\ug\of{\ch{NH4^{+}-N}}\per\g\of{soil}} and \SI{50}{\ug\of{\ch{NO3^{-}-N}}\per\g\of{soil}}. Soils were adjusted to \SI{60}{\percent} WHC (does not say whether water was added subsequently to keep them at \SI{60}{\percent} as they dried out). Conical flasks were sealed with rubber stoppers and aired every \SI{48}{\hour} for \SI{1}{\hour}. They were incubated at \SI{25}{\celsius}. Soils were extracted at \SIlist{0.5;24;72;144}{\hour} after \ch{^{15}N} labelling to determine the concentrations and isotopic compositions of \ch{NH4+} and \ch{NO3-}.



使用最新版本chemformula(目前为 2016/08/21 v4.15c)时,问题不再出现:


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[…] NH4 和 15NO3 被分成不同的线,并且 15 位于 4 之前。



\ch{NH 4^{15}NO3}




