Authors Year Title Journal Vol. No. Page No. Note
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To achieve incentive compatibility, the auction winner has to pay the second highest price \cite{Vickrey1961}.
A good introduction to graph algorithms can be found in \cite{Golumbic2004}.
AUTHOR = {W. Vickrey},
TITLE = {Counterspeculation, auctions and sealed tenders},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Finance},
YEAR = {1961},
volume = {16},
pages = {8--37},
AUTHOR = {M. C. Golumbic},
TITLE = {Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science},
YEAR = {2004},
edition = {2nd Edition},
和之外的 bib 条目类型article
我使用 将列标题放在参考书目每一页上\AddThispageHook
AUTHOR = {W. Vickrey},
TITLE = {Counterspeculation, auctions and sealed tenders},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Finance},
YEAR = {1961},
volume = {16},
pages = {8--37},
note = {a1b2c3}
AUTHOR = {M. C. Golumbic},
TITLE = {Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science},
YEAR = {2004},
edition = {2nd Edition},
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To achieve incentive compatibility, the auction winner has to pay the second highest price \cite{Vickrey1961}.
A good introduction to graph algorithms can be found in \cite{Golumbic2004}.
Only for test purpose: \cite{knuth:ct} \cite{angenendt} \cite{aristotle:rhetoric}
在评论中,OP 要求垂直和水平标尺的第一列为序列号。
AUTHOR = {W. Vickrey},
TITLE = {Counterspeculation, auctions and sealed tenders},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Finance},
YEAR = {1961},
volume = {16},
pages = {8--37},
note = {a1b2c3}
AUTHOR = {M. C. Golumbic},
TITLE = {Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science},
YEAR = {2004},
edition = {2nd Edition},
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To achieve incentive compatibility, the auction winner has to pay the second highest price \cite{Vickrey1961}.
A good introduction to graph algorithms can be found in \cite{Golumbic2004}.
Only for test purpose: \cite{knuth:ct} \cite{angenendt} \cite{aristotle:rhetoric}