这是我在这里的第一个问题。我彻底搜索了,使用了诸如“latex 表格数据超出边界”之类的搜索词及其许多排列组合,但没有成功。我有一张\multicolumn
\title{SOP X}
\caption{Title of Table} \label{t:title_of_table}
\multicolumn{4}{c} {{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- Continued from Previous Page }} \\ \hline
\hline \multicolumn{4}{|r|}{Continued on Next Page} \\ \hline
\hline \hline
\hline \fancyhead{}
\multirow{7}{\linewidth}{This Floats Outside the Table; Shd Be the 1st Column} & \multirow{7}{\linewidth}{J} & 1 & This is in the 4th column; it shows up in the last row of the previous page, but the "This Floats Outside the Table" cell and the "{J}" cell make a second row, floating outside the page underneath the table \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 2 & This is OK, it shows up in the next page in the right column, where it should \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 3 & This is OK too \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 4 & This is OK too \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 5 & This is OK too \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 6 & This is OK too \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 7 & etc. \\ \hline
。 的星号形式\\
\caption{Title of Table} \label{t:title_of_table}
\multicolumn{4}{c} {{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- Continued from Previous Page }} \\ \hline
\hline \multicolumn{4}{|r|}{Continued on Next Page} \\* \hline
\hline \hline
\multirow{7}{\linewidth}{This Floats Outside the Table; Shd Be the 1st Column} & \multirow{7}{\linewidth}{J} & 1 & This is in the 4th column; it shows up in the last row of the previous page, but the "This Floats Outside the Table" cell and the "{J}" cell make a second row, floating outside the page underneath the table \\* \cline{3-4}
& & 2 & This is OK, it shows up in the next page in the right column, where it should \\ \cline{3-4}
& & 3 & This is OK too \\* \cline{3-4}
& & 4 & This is OK too \\* \cline{3-4}
& & 5 & This is OK too \\* \cline{3-4}
& & 6 & This is OK too \\* \cline{3-4}
& & 7 & etc. \\ \hline
当然,大量的表格行或较大的行会使 TeX 很难找到好的断点。