我在使用 sharelatex 尝试使用与主 tex 文件位于不同目录中的 bib 文件列表时遇到问题。我的文件结构是:
- tex_folder
* tex_file
- bib_folder
* bib_file1
* bib_file2
这是 tex_file
\author{ }
\date{October 2016}
testing my bibliography \cite{ref1}
\bibliography{../bib_folder/bib_file1, ../bib_folder/bib_file2}
author = {author_list},
title = {nice_title},
journal = {J. of journal},
year = {2010}
You have cited something which is not included in your bibliography. Make sure that the citation (\cite{...}) has a corresponding key in your bibliography, and that both are spelled the same way.
BibTeX I couldn't open database file ../bib_folder/bib_file1}