访问 gnuplot 变量

访问 gnuplot 变量

是否可以从 LaTeX 访问 gnuplot 变量而无需写入外部文件?

我知道的唯一方法是从 gnuplot 写入文件,然后从 LaTeX 再次读取。但是,这很麻烦,而且需要您跟踪文件名和变量的顺序。有没有更好的方法?


  X Y
  1.000 0.00
  2.000 2.00
  3.000 6


    \addplot[only marks] table {data.csv};

    \addplot+[raw gnuplot, no markers] gnuplot {
      stats 'data.csv'; % Calculate a bunch of statistical values
      plot [x=0:5] STATS_slope*x + STATS_intercept; % plot the linear fit
      set print "parameters.dat"; % Open a file to save the parameters into
      print STATS_slope; % Write the parameters to file
      print STATS_intercept;
      print STATS_correlation;x

    \newread\myread % Open the file again
    \read\myread to \mytmp \pgfmathprintnumberto{\mytmp}{\slope} % Read the values from the file and pprint them to macros
    \read\myread to \mytmp \pgfmathprintnumberto{\mytmp}{\intercept}
    \read\myread to \mytmp \pgfmathpow{\mytmp}{2} \pgfmathprintnumberto[precision=5]{\pgfmathresult}{\Rsq} % Square the r value before pprinting
    \addlegendentry{$y=\slope \cdot x + \intercept$, ${R}^{2}=\Rsq$}





  % Will plot a linear regression from a datafile.
  % Usage: \linregAddplot[<options>]{<file>}
  % where <options> is the same options as for \addplot+ and <file> is a simple
  % datafile gnuplot can read.
  % The macros \linregSlope, \linregIntercept and \linregRsq are available after
  % \linregAddplot has been called. They can be used in
  % \addlegendentry{}.

    \addplot+[raw gnuplot, no markers, #1] gnuplot {
    stats '#2' nooutput; % Calculate a bunch of statistical values
    plot [x=STATS_min_x:STATS_max_x] STATS_slope*x + STATS_intercept;
    set print "#2.linreg";
    print STATS_slope; % Write the parameters to file
    print STATS_intercept;
    print STATS_correlation;
    \expandafter\newread\csname read#2\endcsname % Open the file again
    \expandafter\openin\csname read#2\endcsname=#2.linreg

    % Read the values from the file
    \expandafter\read\csname read#2\endcsname to \mytmp
    % and pprint them to tmp macros

    \expandafter\read\csname read#2\endcsname to \mytmp

    \expandafter\read\csname read#2\endcsname to \mytmp
    % Square the r value before pprinting
    \message{You need to run LaTeX again to get you linear regression labels right.}


  X Y
  1.000 0.00
  -2.000 2.00
  3.000 14

  X Y
  -1.000 0.00
  -2.000 2.00
  3.000 -3

    \addplot[only marks] table {data.csv};

    \addlegendentry{$y=\linregSlope \cdot x + \linregIntercept$, ${R}^{2}=\linregRsq$}

    \addplot[only marks] table {data2.csv};

    \addlegendentry{$y=\linregSlope \cdot x + \linregIntercept$, ${R}^{2}=\linregRsq$}

