无法在我的文档中获取 ACM 参考文献

无法在我的文档中获取 ACM 参考文献

我使用 ACM 参考文献格式,但在参考文献部分我没有得到参考文献列表。此外,在文本中,我在引用中看到问号。我下载了以下文件用于参考文献格式:

ACM 参考格式期刊


这是我的.tex 最小脚本,其中包含一个引用:

% TEMPLATE for Usenix papers, specifically to meet requirements of
%  USENIX '05
% originally a template for producing IEEE-format articles using LaTeX.
%   written by Matthew Ward, CS Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
% adapted by David Beazley for his excellent SWIG paper in Proceedings,
%   Tcl 96
% turned into a smartass generic template by De Clarke, with thanks to
%   both the above pioneers
% use at your own risk.  Complaints to /dev/null.
% make it two column with no page numbering, default is 10 point

% Munged by Fred Douglis <[email protected]> 10/97 to separate
% the .sty file from the LaTeX source template, so that people can
% more easily include the .sty file into an existing document.  Also
% changed to more closely follow the style guidelines as represented
% by the Word sample file. 

% Note that since 2010, USENIX does not require endnotes. If you want
% foot of page notes, don't include the endnotes package in the 
% usepackage command, below.

% This version uses the latex2e styles, not the very ancient 2.09 stuff.


%don't want date printed

%make title bold and 14 pt font (Latex default is non-bold, 16 pt)
\title{\Large \bf Test}

%for single author (just remove % characters)
{\rm Your N.\ Here}\\
Your Institution
{\rm Second Name}\\
Second Institution
% copy the following lines to add more authors
% \and
% {\rm Name}\\
%Name Institution
} % end author


% Use the following at camera-ready time to suppress page numbers.
% Comment it out when you first submit the paper for review.


testing\endnote{ss} abstract \cite{spielberger2010test}

{\footnotesize \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format-Journals}


另外,这是 ref.bib 文件:

%% WinShell
%% http://www.winshell.org/

% Strings

% Preamble

% BibTeX Entries
  title={Test anxiety inventory},
  author={Spielberger, Charles D},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library}

