Beamer 书目缩进错误

Beamer 书目缩进错误

在我的 Beamer 演示文稿中,参考书目项直到第 9 项都正确缩进。但从第 10 项开始的幻灯片看起来很奇怪。有趣的是,此后一切都很好。附有最少的代码和屏幕截图。

\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{[\theenumiv]}

\bibitem{} This is the first line of item 1\\ and this is the second ine. \\ Both of them have the same indentation.
\bibitem{} The second item \\ also has the same pattern
\bibitem{} Everything is fine until item 9

\bibitem{} This is item 10, line one\\ and this is the second line.\\ As you can see, the indentations are not the same.
\bibitem{} The same is the case for all the \\remaining items in this page

\bibitem{} But everything comes fine after that\\ All the remaining pages are fine.


直到第 9 项

包含第 10 项的幻灯片





您可以将标签放在固定宽度的盒子中,让 beamer 相信所有标签都具有相同的宽度:

\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\makebox[1.5em]{[\theenumiv]\hfill}}

\bibitem{} This is the first line of item 1\\ and this is the second ine. \\ Both of them have the same indentation.
\bibitem{} The second item \\ also has the same pattern
\bibitem{} Everything is fine until item 9
\bibitem{} This is item 10, line one\\ and this is the second line.\\ As you can see, the indentations are not the same.
\bibitem{} The same is the case for all the \\remaining items in this page
\bibitem{} But everything comes fine after that\\ All the remaining pages are fine.
\bibitem{} This is the first line of item 1\\ and this is the second ine. \\ Both of them have the same indentation.
\bibitem{} The second item \\ also has the same pattern
\bibitem{} Everything is fine until item 9
\bibitem{} This is item 10, line one\\ and this is the second line.\\ As you can see, the indentations are not the same.
\bibitem{} The same is the case for all the \\remaining items in this page
\bibitem{} But everything comes fine after that\\ All the remaining pages are fine.



或者,为了使项目和文本之间的间距恒定,可以将标签右对齐。这样做可以防止文本对齐在 [9] 和 [10] 之间跳跃。

\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\makebox[1.5em]{\hfill[\theenumiv]}}

\bibitem{} This is the first line of item 1\\ and this is the second ine. \\ Both of them have the same indentation.
\bibitem{} The second item \\ also has the same pattern
\bibitem{} Everything is fine until item 9
\bibitem{} This is item 10, line one\\ and this is the second line.\\ As you can see, the indentations are not the same.
\bibitem{} The same is the case for all the \\remaining items in this page
\bibitem{} But everything comes fine after that\\ All the remaining pages are fine.
\bibitem{} This is the first line of item 1\\ and this is the second ine. \\ Both of them have the same indentation.
\bibitem{} The second item \\ also has the same pattern
\bibitem{} Everything is fine until item 9
\bibitem{} This is item 10, line one\\ and this is the second line.\\ As you can see, the indentations are not the same.
\bibitem{} The same is the case for all the \\remaining items in this page
\bibitem{} But everything comes fine after that\\ All the remaining pages are fine.





%\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{[\theenumiv]} % D'oh!!!
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]




%\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{[\theenumiv]} % D'oh!!!
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\hfill\insertbiblabel}

向此框架添加项目 9,结果是:


在这种情况下,这与将 bib 项目定义为完全相同 \hfill[\theenumiv],但是使用书目样式,最好将标签保留为该样式的定义。
