如何在 Latex 中正常创建新页面?

如何在 Latex 中正常创建新页面?
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\hfill \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{cvphoto}
\hfill Ender Ayhan Rencüzoğulları                               

\hfillÇağdaşkent, Birlik Evleri no:4

\hfill 33230, Mersin/Turkey

\hfill 90 505 8980764

\hfill [email protected]

\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
\section*{\normalfont EDUCATION}  
09.2009 - 01.2016&B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Concentration: Design solution for machinery elements, manufacturing. Graduation Thesis: Gear tooth geometry and modeling via MATLAB. Voluntary Project: Tooth stiffness calculation of spur gear via C++. Compulsory projects: Non-contact digital tachometer system; bearing, gear, spring, shaft and welding design. Provided teaching assistance to junior classes for engineering drawing. Lab-works: Hydraulic systems; turning, milling and welding; techniques of measurement of heating value, temperature, force, speed, power, pressure and flow. GPA: 73/100 or 2.30/4.00 \\[5pt]
09.2005 - 06.2009&Science, Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Anatolian High School, Mersin/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Physics: Good; Mathematics: Good; Chemistry: Good; Geometry: Good, German: Good. Final Grade: Good\\[5pt]

\section*{\normalfont EXPERIENCE}  
09.2015 - 01.2016&Intern Engineer, Ermaksan Machine Gear Spare Parts Industry, Ankara/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Wrote functional software to model 2D gear geometry with pinpoint accuracy (graduation thesis). Incorporated new algorithm into the software and achieved 20\% increase in speed. Provided ease of 3D modeling of spur and helical gears in SolidWorks. Practiced various manufacturing techniques such as hobbing, grinding, CNC drilling, CNC turning and assembly in production of reducer and hydraulic coupling.\\[5pt]
08.2014 - 09.2014&Intern Engineer, Turkish Aerospace Industry, Ankara/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Expanded undergraduate engineering knowledges through continuing industrial practices and assignments about manufacturing, assembly, chemical process, heat treatment, non-destructive testing, foreign object damage, occupational health and safety. Led coordination of an intern engineer group.\\[5pt]
08.2013 - 09.2013&Intern Engineer, Orpaş Laser, Ankara/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Practiced direct machine shop skills: CNC turning, bending and extrusion. Improved interpersonal and communication skills.\\[5pt]
09.2013&Intern Engineer, Her-İş Casting Shop, Mersin/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Practiced sand casting in manufacturing of spare parts.\\[5pt]
08.2012 - 09.2012&Intern Engineer, Gaziantep University Laboratories, Gaziantep/Turkey\\[5pt]
&Assembled internal combustion engines of bus and automobile provided vivid demonstration of concepts in energy conversion and dynamics of machinery classes. Worked with technically advanced, trained and coordinated work-team including Professors and talented technicians to practice theoretical engineering knowledges in manufacturing of prototype of artillery by turning, hand leveling and milling. Practiced different welding technologies provided demonstration for welding design project in Machinery Elements class.\\[5pt]




\documentclass[11pt]{article} %Sets the default text size to 11pt and class to article.

 Ender Ayhan Rencüzoğulları                               \par
Çağdaşkent, Birlik Evleri no:4\par
 33230, Mersin/Turkey\par
 90 505 8980764\par
 [email protected]

\item [09.2009 -- 01.2016] B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep/Turkey

    Concentration: Design solution for machinery elements, manufacturing. Graduation Thesis: Gear tooth geometry and modeling via MATLAB. Voluntary Project: Tooth stiffness calculation of spur gear via C++. Compulsory projects: Non-contact digital tachometer system; bearing, gear, spring, shaft and welding design. Provided teaching assistance to junior classes for engineering drawing. Lab-works: Hydraulic systems; turning, milling and welding; techniques of measurement of heating value, temperature, force, speed, power, pressure and flow. GPA: 73/100 or 2.30/4.00 
\item [09.2005 -- 06.2009] Science, Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Anatolian High School, Mersin/Turkey

    Physics: Good; Mathematics: Good; Chemistry: Good; Geometry: Good, German: Good. Final Grade: Good

    \item[09.2015 -- 01.2016] Intern Engineer, Ermaksan Machine Gear Spare Parts Industry, Ankara/Turkey

    Wrote functional software to model 2D gear geometry with pinpoint accuracy (graduation thesis). Incorporated new algorithm into the software and achieved 20\,\% increase in speed. Provided ease of 3D modeling of spur and helical gears in SolidWorks. Practiced various manufacturing techniques such as hobbing, grinding, CNC drilling, CNC turning and assembly in production of reducer and hydraulic coupling.
\item[08.2014 -- 09.2014] Intern Engineer, Turkish Aerospace Industry, Ankara/Turkey

    Expanded undergraduate engineering knowledges through continuing industrial practices and assignments about manufacturing, assembly, chemical process, heat treatment, non-destructive testing, foreign object damage, occupational health and safety. Led coordination of an intern engineer group.
\item[08.2013 -- 09.2013] Intern Engineer, Orpaş Laser, Ankara/Turkey

    Practiced direct machine shop skills: CNC turning, bending and extrusion. Improved interpersonal and communication skills.
\item[09.2013] Intern Engineer, Her-İş Casting Shop, Mersin/Turkey

    Practiced sand casting in manufacturing of spare parts.
\item[08.2012 -- 09.2012] Intern Engineer, Gaziantep University Laboratories, Gaziantep/Turkey

    Assembled internal combustion engines of bus and automobile provided vivid demonstration of concepts in energy conversion and dynamics of machinery classes. Worked with technically advanced, trained and coordinated work-team including Professors and talented technicians to practice theoretical engineering knowledges in manufacturing of prototype of artillery by turning, hand leveling and milling. Practiced different welding technologies provided demonstration for welding design project in Machinery Elements class.





\documentclass[11pt]{article} %Sets the default text size to 11pt and class to article.
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  \textheight=12in %How tall the text body is allowed to be on each page
  \textheight=3in %How tall the text body is allowed to be on each page

      \hfill \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{example-image-1x1}

  %text, text, text...

  \newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}

2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
2016 & Master of the Universe \\
      %text text text...

      %text text text ...


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