Tabularx,缺少 \cr

Tabularx,缺少 \cr

我正在尝试使用 Latex 打印我在 Stata 中制作的表格。

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

\begin{tabularx}{14cm} {@{} l Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y@{}}
    Patient died                                
    To died or exp. end No  No  No  Yes Yes Yes Total   Total   Total
    No. Col \%  Cum \%  No. Col \%  Cum \%  No. Col \%  Cum \%
    10 or less months   4   23.5    23.5    15  48.4    48.4    19  39.6    39.6
    11 to 20 months 6   35.3    58.8    8   25.8    74.2    14  29.2    68.8
    21 to 30 months 2   11.8    70.6    7   22.6    96.8    9   18.8    87.5
    31 or more months   5   29.4    100.0   1   3.2 100.0   6   12.5    100.0
    Total   17  100.0       31  100.0       48  100.0       
\scriptsize{\emph{Source: }cancer.dta}






\usepackage{siunitx}% <-- new

\begin{tabularx}{14cm}{X *{9}{S[table-format=3.1]}}
%    Patient died
{To died or exp. end}
                    & {No}  & {No}  & {No}  & {Yes} & {Yes} & {Yes} &{Total}&{Total} & {Total} \\
No. Col \%          & {\makecell{Cum\\ \%}} 
                            & {\makecell{No. Col\\ \%}} 
                                    & {\makecell{Cum\\ \%}}
                                            & {\makecell{No. Col\\ \%}} 
                                                    & {\makecell{Cum\\ \%}} 
                                                            &       &       &         &         \\ 
10 or less months   & 4     & 23.5  & 23.5  & 15    & 48.4  & 48.4  & 19    & 39.6    & 39.6    \\
11 to 20 months 6   & 35.3  & 58.8  & 8     & 25.8  & 74.2  & 14    & 29.2  & 68.8    &         \\
21 to 30 months 2   & 11.8  & 70.6  & 7     & 22.6  & 96.8  & 9     & 18.8  & 87.5    &         \\
31 or more months   & 5     & 29.4  & 100.0 & 1     & 3.2   & 100.0 & 6     & 12.5    & 100.0   \\
Total               & 17    & 100.0 & 31    & 100.0 & 48    & 100.0 &       &         &         \\ 
\footnotesize{\emph{Source: }cancer.dta}

在上面的 MWE 中,我删除了所有未使用的包。为了使带数字的列更美观,我建议使用S包中的列类型siunitx
