PGFPlots 和子图以及示例

PGFPlots 和子图以及示例


\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,openany,draft]{book} %draft faz aparecer uns quadrados pretos no fim de alguns mathmode e imagens, então não esquenta se aparecer

\usepackage[a4paper,includemp,includefoot, twoside=true inner=1.25in, outer=0.75in]{geometry} %top=2.5cm,bottom=3cm,left=2.5cm,right=3.5cm %ver as margens e coisa  -
\usepackage{marginnote} % tem que rodar duas vezes para ficar direito. A contagem de páginas é diferente da do próprio LaTeX. TEM QUE VER A GEOMETRIA PARA USAR AS MARGIN NOTES.
\usepackage[table, xcdraw]{xcolor}
\usepackage[super, square]{natbib}

\theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem*{df}{Definição}

\newenvironment{exemplo}{\begin{framed}\noindent \refstepcounter{examplecounter} {\textbf{Exemplo \arabic{examplecounter}.}} }{\end{framed}}

\newenvironment{note}{\par \vspace{10pt} \textsc{Versão Humana}\\ \begin{small}}{\\ \noindent\hrule \vspace{10pt} \end{small}}

%%%%%%      TRIGONOMETRICAS - as que precisam e as que não precisam também      %%%%%%
\providecommand{\sin}{} \renewcommand{\sin}{\hspace{2pt}\mathrm{sen}}
\providecommand{\cos}{} \renewcommand{\cos}{\hspace{2pt}\mathrm{cos}}
\providecommand{\tan}{} \renewcommand{\tan}{\hspace{2pt}\mathrm{tg}}
\providecommand{\sec}{} \renewcommand{\sec}{\hspace{2pt}\mathrm{sec}}
\providecommand{\csc}{} \renewcommand{\csc}{\hspace{2pt}\mathrm{csc}}
\providecommand{\cot}{} \renewcommand{\cot}{\hspace{2pt}\mathrm{cotg}}




        unit vector ratio* = 1 1 1,
        axis lines = middle,
        xtick = {-2,2},
        ytick = {-2,2},
        xmin = -3,
        xmax = 3,
        ymin = -3,
        ymax = 3, 
        xlabel = $x$,
        ylabel = $y$
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:2, dashed, name path=A] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:2, dashed, name path=B] {-sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \path[name path=xaxis] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin}, -3) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},3);
      \addplot[gray, color=lime!60!white] fill between[of=A and B, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
        unit vector ratio* = 1 1 1,
        axis lines = middle,
        xtick = {-2},
        ytick = {2},
        xmin = -3,
        xmax = 3,
        ymin = -3,
        ymax = 3, 
        xlabel = $x$,
        ylabel = $y$
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-3:2, name path=A] {x+2}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-3:1, color=olive!60!white,  name path=B] {3}; 
      \path[name path=xaxis] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin}, -3) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},3);
      \addplot[gray, color=olive!60!white] fill between[of=A and B, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
    \caption{$x+2 \le y$}
        unit vector ratio* = 1 1 1,
        axis lines = middle,
        xtick = {-2,2},
        ytick = {-2,2},
        xmin = -3,
        xmax = 3,
        ymin = -3,
        ymax = 3, 
        xlabel = $x$,
        ylabel = $y$
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:2, color=olive!60!white, name path=A] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:2, color=lime, name path=B] {-sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
       \addplot[samples=100, domain=-3:-2,  name path=C] {x+2}; 
       \addplot[samples=100, domain=0:5,  name path=C_1] {x+2}; 
        \addplot[samples=100, domain=-3:1, color=white, name path=D] {3};
        \addplot[samples=100, domain=0:3, dashed, name path=E] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-3:3, dashed, name path=F] {-sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \path[name path=xaxis] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin}, -3) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},3);
      \addplot[gray, color=lime!60!white] fill between[of=A and B, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
   \addplot[gray, color=olive!60!white] fill between[of=C and D, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
    \caption{$R \cup S$}
        unit vector ratio* = 1 1 1,
        axis lines = middle,
        xtick = {-2,2},
        ytick = {-2,2},
        xmin = -3,
        xmax = 3,
        ymin = -3,
        ymax = 3, 
        xlabel = $x$,
        ylabel = $y$
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:0, dashed, name path=A] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
       \addplot[samples=100, domain=-3:4, thin, dashed, name path=E] {x+2};
       \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:0, name path=B] {x+2}; 
         \addplot[samples=100, domain=0:2, dashed, name path=C] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:2, dashed, name path=D] {-sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \path[name path=xaxis] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin}, -3) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},3);
      \addplot[gray, color=lime!60!white] fill between[of=A and B, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
    \caption{$R \cap S$}
        unit vector ratio* = 1 1 1,
        axis lines = middle,
        xtick = {-2,2},
        ytick = {-2,2},
        xmin = -3,
        xmax = 3,
        ymin = -3,
        ymax = 3, 
        xlabel = $x$,
        ylabel = $y$
      \addplot[samples=100, domain= -5:0, white, name path=A] {sqrt(-x^2+4)};
       \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:0, dashed, name path=B] {x+2}; 
         \addplot[samples=100, domain=-5:5, dashed, name path=C] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-5:5, dashed, name path=D] {-sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \path[name path=xaxis] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin}, -3) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},3);
      \addplot[gray, color=lime!60!white] fill between[of=C and D, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
       \addplot[gray, color=white] fill between[of=B and A, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
    \caption{$R - S$}
        unit vector ratio* = 1 1 1,
        axis lines = middle,
        xtick = {-2,2},
        ytick = {-2,2},
        xmin = -3,
        xmax = 3,
        ymin = -3,
        ymax = 3, 
        xlabel = $x$,
        ylabel = $y$
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-2:0,  name path=A] {sqrt(-x^2+4)};
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-5:5, dashed, name path=A] {sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-5:5, dashed, name path=B] {-sqrt(-x^2+4)}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-5:5, dashed, name path=C] {x+2}; 
      \addplot[samples=100, domain=-5:1, color=lime!60!white,  name path=D] {3}; 
      \path[name path=xaxis] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin}, -3) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},3);
      \addplot[gray, color=olive!60!white] fill between[of=C and D, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
   \addplot[gray, white] fill between[of=A and B, soft clip={domain=-3:3}];
    \caption{$S - R$}




这是一个“真正的” MWE:

            {\textbf{Exemplo \arabic{examplecounter}.}}
