TikZ 装饰库未加载

TikZ 装饰库未加载

我有两个文档,它们的前言相同,但出于某种原因,路径修饰在一个文档中有效,而在另一个文档中无效。Lualatex 一直抱怨这一点,! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \pgfdecoratedangle我不知道为什么。无论我使用什么修饰,无论我将其应用于部分路径还是整个路径,它都只会显示该错误。


% vim: ft=tex

%% I use KOMA-script as I find it gives total control over a document structure.
%% Memoir would probably achieve the same results with marginally less pain, but
%% I'm not entirely sure I want to spend the time learning the other major custom
%% page classes.

%% KOMA options
% \KOMAoption{open}{right}


%% e-TeX tools

%% Subfiles for shared preambles


%% Colours - put this before typography so additional named colours can be defined.


% \colorlet{tablelightrow}{gray!0}

%% Typography Settings
% xltxtra is not used with LuaTeX
% \usepackage{xltxtra}

%% Maths typography — re-enable these if we need maths support

%% Use this to set up the headers and footers in the pages later on. 
%% Note that I will need to rework the code for that, as \makeatletter is ugly




% \usepackage{standalone}
% \usepackage{pgfplots}
% \usepackage{pgfplotstable}
% \pgfplotsset{compat=1.13}

% Lua math library seems to clash with tikz decorations


% \tikzexternalize[prefix=tikz/,shell escape=-enable-write18]
\tikzset{external/system call={lualatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"}}
  % Defines a custom style which generates BOTH, .pdf and .png export
  % but prefers the .png on inclusion.
  % This style is not pre-defined, you may need to copy-paste and
  % adjust it.
  png export/.style={%
    external/system call/.add=%
    ; convert -density 300 -transparent white "\image.pdf" "\image.png",
  png images/.style={%
    external/system call/.add=%
    ; convert -density 300 -transparent white "\image.pdf" "\image.png",
    % Don't need this as we're keeping the PDF in the document
    /pgf/images/external info,
    /pgf/images/include external/.code={%

\sisetup{detect-all, per-mode=symbol}


\setlength{\questionbeforeskip}{1.0ex plus -1ex minus -0.25ex}
\setlength{\questionafterskip}{1ex plus 0.25ex}
\setlength{\answerskip}{0.25ex plus -0.125ex minus -0.125ex}

\newcommand{\listofloqname}{List of Questions}


  {\usekomafont{subsection}{\par\vspace\questionbeforeskip Question~#1.}\par}
  {\itshape #2}\par\vspace\questionafterskip



% \setlist{noitemsep}
% \setlist[1]{labelindent=\parindent}
% Inline subquestions
\setlist[subquestions*]{itemjoin*={{, and }}}



% TODO Find this in all documents and remove it
\newcommand{\SetRowStyle}[1]{\rowstyle #1}

% \newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}
\newcolumntype{B}{>{\bfseries}} % Bold
\newcolumntype{K}{>{\scshape}}  % Smallcaps (German Kapitälchen)
\newcolumntype{I}{>{\itshape}}  % Italics
\newcolumntype{w}{<{\hspace{0.75em}}}  % Wide column


%% Penalties

% Metadata goes here
\titlehead{A University}
\subject{The Subject}
\title{Homework 1}
\author{The Author}


  pdfauthor={The Author},
  pdftitle={Homework 1},

%% Define all TikZ styles here
  information text/.style={xshift=0.30\textwidth, every node/.style={right, text width=0.70\textwidth, inner sep=1ex}},
  my axes/.style={node font=\small, every node/.style={fill=white, fill opacity=0.0, text opacity=1}},
  important line/.style={very thick},
  cross section/.style={draw, line width=0.5pt, blue, fill=blue!40!white, every node/.style={node font=\footnotesize, color=black}},
  shape outline/.style={draw, line width=0.5pt, blue, fill=blue!20!white, every node/.style={node font=\footnotesize, color=black}},
  segment boundary/.style={draw, line width=0.5pt, dashed},
  dim edge/.style={densely dashed, line width=0.5pt, shorten >= -2.5mm, color=black!75!white},
  dim length/.style={draw, line width=0.5pt, arrows={Stealth-Stealth}, every node/.style={anchor=mid, midway, fill=white, node font=\footnotesize, inner sep=1pt},
  translucent node/.style={fill opacity=0.5, text opacity=1},
  translucent shape/.style={fill opacity=0.75},
  rough edge/.style={decorate, decoration={random steps, segment length=2mm, amplitude=0.5mm}},
  % rough edge/.style={decorate, decoration={zigzag}},
  label/.style={every node/.style={anchor=mid, midway, inner sep=2pt, circle, fill=white, fill opacity=0.375, text opacity=1}},
  % png export,



\question{6--20}{Locate the centroid $(\bar x, \bar y)$ for the angle's cross-sectional area:}
  % \tikzexternaldisable

    \begin{scope}[my axes]
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- (6, 0) node[right] {$x$} coordinate(x axis);
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- (0, 5) node[above] {$y$} coordinate(y axis);

    \fill [fill=green!50!white]
      (0, 0) -- (4, 0) -- (4, 1) -- (1, 1) -- (1, 3) -- (0, 3) -- cycle;
    \path [fill=green!35!white]
      decorate[rough edge]{(0.75, 4)  -- (1.75, 4)} -- (1, 3) -- (0, 3) -- cycle
      decorate[rough edge]{(1.75, 2)  -- (4.75, 2)} -- (4, 1) -- (1, 1) -- cycle;
    \fill [fill=green!65!white]
      decorate[rough edge]{(1.75, 4)  -- (1.75, 2)} -- (1, 1) -- (1, 3) -- cycle;
    \fill [fill=green!65!white]
      decorate[rough edge]{(4.75, 2)  -- (4.75, 1)} -- (4, 0) -- (4, 1) -- cycle;
    \draw [green!10!white, line width=0.5pt]
      (0, 3) -- (1, 3) -- (1, 1) -- (4, 1) -- (4.75, 2)
      (1, 3) -- (1.75, 4)
      (4, 0) -- (4, 1);
    \draw [green, line width=0.5pt]
      (0.75, 4) -- (0, 3) -- (0, 0) -- (4, 0) -- (4.75, 1)
      (1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (1.75, 2);

    \begin{scope}[my axes]
      \draw[->] (1.5, 1.9) -- (6, 1.9) node[right] {$x'$};
      \draw[->] (1.5, 1.9) -- (1.5, 5) node[above] {$y'$};
      \fill (1.5, 1.9) circle [radius=0.5mm];
      \node at (1.75, 2.15) {$C$};

    \path[label] (0, 0) -- (1, 3) node {1};
    \path[label] (1, 0) -- (4, 1) node {2};

    \draw[dim edge] (0, 0) -- (-0.5, 0);
    \draw[dim edge] (0, 3) -- (-0.5, 3);
    \draw[dim length] (-0.5, 0) -- (-0.5, 3) node {150};

    \draw[dim edge] (0, 0) -- (0, -0.5);
    \draw[dim edge] (1, 0) -- (1, -0.5);
    \draw[dim edge] (4, 0) -- (4, -0.5);
    \draw[dim length] (0, -0.5) -- (1, -0.5) node {50};
    \draw[dim length] (1, -0.5) -- (4, -0.5) node {150};

    \draw[dim edge] (4, 1) -- (5, 1);
    \draw[dim length] (5, 0) -- (5, 1) node {50};

    \draw[dim length] (5.5, 0) -- (5.5, 1.9) node {$\bar y$};
    \draw[dim length] (0, 4.5) -- (1.5, 4.5) node {$\bar x$};

    \node[above right, text width=3cm, node font=\itshape\small] at (2.5, 2.5) {All dimensions in \si{\mm}};

Divide the area into its composite shapes.
  \begin{array}{l l l l l l}
    \text{Segment} & \text{Area} & \tilde x & \tilde y & \tilde x A & \tilde y A \\
    & 50 × 150 & \tfrac{1}{2} × 50 
    & \tfrac{1}{2} × 150 
    & 7500 × 25 
    & 7500 × 75 \\

    & =\SI{7500}{\square\mm} 
    & =\SI{25}{\mm} 
    & =\SI{75}{\mm} 
    & =\SI{187500}{\cubic\mm} 
    & =\SI{562500}{\cubic\mm} \\[0.75\parskip]

    & 50 × 150 
    & \tfrac{1}{2} × 150 + 50
    & \tfrac{1}{2} × 50 
    & 7500 × 125 
    & 7500 × 25 \\

    & =\SI{7500}{\square\mm} 
    & =\SI{125}{\mm} 
    & =\SI{25}{\mm} 
    & =\SI{937500}{\cubic\mm} 
    & =\SI{187500}{\cubic\mm}\\

    \sum & = \SI{15000}{\square\mm} &&& = \SI{1125000}{\mm\cubed} & = \SI{750000}{\mm\cubed} \\
  \bar x &= \frac{\sum \tilde x A}{\sum A} = \frac{\SI{1125000}{\mm\cubed}}{\SI{15000}{\mm\squared}} = \SI{75}{\mm} \\[\parskip]
  \bar y &= \frac{\sum \tilde y A}{\sum A} = \frac{\SI{750000}{\mm\cubed}}{\SI{15000}{\mm\squared}} = \SI{50}{\mm} 


文档开始之前的命令tikzset用于配置我在多个单独的绘图中使用的全局 TikZ 样式。


编辑以下是完整文档的截断部分的链接: https://gist.github.com/zoqaeski/df78b4eadbb4f351db49750b2451df25


% emacs: ft=tex


% Lua math library seems to clash with tikz decorations


%% Define all TikZ styles here
  rough edge/.style={decorate, decoration={random steps, segment length=2mm, amplitude=0.5mm}},


    \path [fill=green!35!white]
      decorate[rough edge]{(0.75, 4)  -- (1.75, 4)} -- (1, 3) -- (0, 3) -- cycle;




    \edef\pgf@marshall{\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgfmathatan2@\endcsname{\expandafter\Pgf@geT\the\pgf@y}{\expandafter\Pgf@geT\the\pgf@x}}%
    \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt<0pt\relax% <-- All I added is this this \relax

看来,如果没有\relax,TeX 将尝试读取下一个标记\pgfmathparse,然后在一些奇怪的扩展之后,与之对应的标记\fi从未\ifdim被读取过。

然后 TeX 回到上一个宏扩展,即\pgf@decorate@processnextinputsegmentobject。由于有很多\fi,TeX 将采用其中一个,到目前为止不会报告任何错误。

过了一会儿,TeX 想要使用 的值\pgfdecoratedangle,而该值应该由 定义\let\pgfdecoratedangle\pgfmathparse。但是 TeX 在找到 时忽略了该定义\fi,因此出现了未定义的控制序列错误。
