- 定理下方的文字写着类似“请在附录中找到该定理的证明”的内容。
- 将此文本中的链接添加到证明中
- 添加从证明标题到定理的另一个链接
- 如果可能的话,回想一下证明上面的定理
Theorem 1.1
1 = 1
Please find the \hyperlink{th1.1}{proof of this theorem} in appendix.
[... lot's of stuff ...]
Theorem 1.1
1 = 1
Proof of \autoref{th1.1}
我试图自己改变上述答案的代码,但是我不太熟悉 tex 语法,并且我被卡在第 3 点,而链接指向无处可去(我怀疑有错误expandafter
感谢您的帮助 !
我找到了第一个解决方案,它似乎对点 1、2、3 有效,但不适用于点 4:我不知道如何改变定理的环境(\begin{theorem}
% We define an addition for the theorem-like environments; when
% \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} is declared, the macro \thm expands
% to {...}{...}{...}{Theorem} and with \@fourthoffour we access
% to it; then we make available \@currentlabel (the theorem number)
% also outside the environment.
\newcommand\fixstatement[2][\proofname\space of]{%
\ifcsname thmt@original@#2\endcsname
% the theorem has been declared with \declaretheorem
\@fourthoffour\csname thmt@original@#2\endcsname\space\@currentlabel}%
% the theorem has been declared with \newtheorem
\@fourthoffour\csname #1\endcsname\space\@currentlabel}%
% We allocate a block of 1000 token registers; in this way \prooftoks
% is 1000 and we can access the following registers of the block by
% \prooftoks+n (0<n<1000); we'll use a dedicated counter for it
% that is stepped at every proof
% We gather the contents of the proof as argument to \proofatend
% and then we store
% "\begin{proof}[Proof of <theoremname> <theoremnumber>]#1\end{proof}"
% in the next token register of the allocated block
You can find \hyperlink{proofatend:\pat@uniqlabel}{the proof} at the end of the paper.
% [\textbf{thm_fix:\pat@uniqlabel}]\hyperlink{thm_fix:\pat@uniqlabel}{Ahah}\\
% \noexpand\begin{proof}[\pat@proofof\space\pat@label]%
% \printproofs simply loops over the used token registers of the
% block, freeing their contents
% Here starts the example, with two theorem declarations
\fixstatement[Demonstration of]{lem}
It's quite clear. \Blindtext
Obvious from lemma. \Blindtext