


这里唯一的问题是,上一页的标题显示得比较混乱,如下所示: 在此处输入图片描述






        {\\Appendix: Accasddy of SSSS accuracy vs. efdsf mFDsfd vooo (3 digit format)} \label{appendix:AppendixA}   
            \begin{tabular}{ c S[table-format=2.0] 
                    S[table-format=1.4] c c c }
                &   {\thead{Number\\ of Sfghes}} 
                &   {\thead{Efffffff 748\\ Accuracy}}
                &   {\thead{Syyy 448\\ Accuracy}}
                &  \thead{Difference}
                &   \thead{P-value}
                &   \thead{Tssssss  \\ Ssss }                 \\ 
                Ppppp & 32  & 0.632 & 0.592 & -0.04  &  \textless0.001 & 100000  \\ 
                Ppppp & 64  & 0.594 & 0.566 & -0.028 &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\ 
                Ppppp & 128 & 0.537 & 0.533 & -0.003 &  0.051 & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 256  & 0.499 & 0.521 & 0.022  &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 512  & 0.499 & 0.525 & 0.026  &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 1024 & 0.499 & 0.484 & -0.014 &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\
                SSSS & 32   & 0.543 & 0.788 & 0.245   &  \textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 64   & 0.543 & 0.786 & 0.242   &  \textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 128  & 0.543 & 0.783 & 0.239   &  \textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS &  256 & 0.543 & 0.778 & 0.234  &  \textless0.001 & 500000 \\
                SSSS &  512 & 0.543 & 0.772 & 0.228  &  \textless0.001 & 500000 \\
                SSSS &  1024& 0.781 & 0.767 & -0.013 &  \textless0.001 & 500000 \\
                RRRR &  32  & 0.781 & 0.767 & -2E-05 &  0.281    & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  64  & 0.999 & 0.999 & -5E-05 &  0.137    & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  128 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -6E-05 &  0.144    & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  256 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -4E-05  &  0.327 & 50000  \\
                RRRR &  512 & 1     & 1     &    0    &  -     & 10000  \\
                RRRR &  1024& 1     & 0.999 & -0.0002 &  0.078 & 10000  \\
                KKK CCC &   32  & 0.998 & 0.993 & -0.005  &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   64  & 0.997 & 0.997 & -0.0007 &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   128 & 0.996 & 0.995 & -0.001  &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   256 & 0.995 & 0.993 & -0.002 &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   512 & 0.988 & 0.987 & -0.001 &  0.036   & 50000  \\
                KKK CCC &   1024& 0.984 & 0.984 & 1E-04  &  0.477   & 10000  \\

            \begin{tabular}{ c S[table-format=2.0] 
                    S[table-format=1.4] c c c}
                &   {\thead{Number\\ of Ssssss}} 
                &   {\thead{Eeeeeeee CCCC\\ Aaaaaaaa}}
                &   {\thead{Ssss CCCC\\ Aaaaaaaa}}
                &  \thead{Difference}
                &   \thead{P-value}
                &   \thead{Ttttttt  \\ Ssss }                  \\ 
                Ppppp & 32  & 0.563 & 0.549 & -0.014 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\ 
                Ppppp & 64  & 0.550 & 0.542 & -0.007 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\ 
                Ppppp & 128 & 0.536 & 0.533 & -0.003 & 0.096    & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 256  & 0.521 & 0.504 & -0.016 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 512  & 0.499 & 0.486 & -0.013 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 1024 & 0.499 & 0.471 & -0.027 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\
                SSSS & 32   & 0.791 & 0.784 & -0.006 &\textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 64   & 0.787 & 0.779 & -0.008 &\textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 128  & 0.781 & 0.769 & -0.012 &\textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS &  256 & 0.781 & 0.765 & -0.016 &\textless0.001& 500000 \\
                SSSS &  512 & 0.781 & 0.756 & -0.025 &\textless0.001& 500000 \\
                SSSS &  1024& 0.781 & 0.751 & -0.03  &\textless0.001& 500000 \\
                RRRR &  32  & 0.999 & 0.999 & -1E-05 & 0.44  & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  64  & 0.999 & 0.999 & -1E-05 & 0.44  & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  128 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -5E-05 & 0.222 & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  256 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -0.0007 &\textless0.001& 50000  \\
                RRRR &  512 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -1E-04  & 0.352    & 10000  \\
                RRRR &  1024& 0.999 & 0.999 & 0.0003  & 0.182    & 10000  \\
                KKK CCC &   32  & 0.992 & 0.990 & -0.002 &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   64  & 0.987 & 0.987 & 0      & 0.5      & 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   128 & 0.987 & 0.987 & -8E-05 & 0.455    & 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   256 & 0.987 & 0.987 & 2E-05  & 0.488 & 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   512 & 0.984 & 0.984 & 0.0003 & 0.431 & 50000  \\
                KKK CCC &   1024& 0.984 & 0.998 & 0.0139 &\textless0.001& 10000  \\


我修改了代码,将表格分成两页。我添加了 [htbp],并仅将第二个表格更改为 {table*}。 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 以下是代码:





        {\\Appendix: Accasddy of SSSS accuracy vs. efdsf mFDsfd vooo (3 digit format)} \label{appendix:AppendixA}   
            \begin{tabular}{ c S\[table-format=2.0\] 
                    S\[table-format=1.4\] c c c }
                &   {\thead{Number\\ of Sfghes}} 
                &   {\thead{Efffffff 748\\ Accuracy}}
                &   {\thead{Syyy 448\\ Accuracy}}
                &  \thead{Difference}
                &   \thead{P-value}
                &   \thead{Tssssss  \\ Ssss }                 \\ 
                Ppppp & 32  & 0.632 & 0.592 & -0.04  &  \textless0.001 & 100000  \\ 
                Ppppp & 64  & 0.594 & 0.566 & -0.028 &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\ 
                Ppppp & 128 & 0.537 & 0.533 & -0.003 &  0.051 & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 256  & 0.499 & 0.521 & 0.022  &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 512  & 0.499 & 0.525 & 0.026  &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 1024 & 0.499 & 0.484 & -0.014 &  \textless0.001 & 100000 \\
                SSSS & 32   & 0.543 & 0.788 & 0.245   &  \textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 64   & 0.543 & 0.786 & 0.242   &  \textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 128  & 0.543 & 0.783 & 0.239   &  \textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS &  256 & 0.543 & 0.778 & 0.234  &  \textless0.001 & 500000 \\
                SSSS &  512 & 0.543 & 0.772 & 0.228  &  \textless0.001 & 500000 \\
                SSSS &  1024& 0.781 & 0.767 & -0.013 &  \textless0.001 & 500000 \\
                RRRR &  32  & 0.781 & 0.767 & -2E-05 &  0.281    & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  64  & 0.999 & 0.999 & -5E-05 &  0.137    & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  128 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -6E-05 &  0.144    & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  256 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -4E-05  &  0.327 & 50000  \\
                RRRR &  512 & 1     & 1     &    0    &  -     & 10000  \\
                RRRR &  1024& 1     & 0.999 & -0.0002 &  0.078 & 10000  \\
                KKK CCC &   32  & 0.998 & 0.993 & -0.005  &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   64  & 0.997 & 0.997 & -0.0007 &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   128 & 0.996 & 0.995 & -0.001  &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   256 & 0.995 & 0.993 & -0.002 &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   512 & 0.988 & 0.987 & -0.001 &  0.036   & 50000  \\
                KKK CCC &   1024& 0.984 & 0.984 & 1E-04  &  0.477   & 10000  \\

            \begin{tabular}{ c S\[table-format=2.0\] 
                    S\[table-format=1.4\] c c c}
                &   {\thead{Number\\ of Ssssss}} 
                &   {\thead{Eeeeeeee CCCC\\ Aaaaaaaa}}
                &   {\thead{Ssss CCCC\\ Aaaaaaaa}}
                &  \thead{Difference}
                &   \thead{P-value}
                &   \thead{Ttttttt  \\ Ssss }                  \\ 
                Ppppp & 32  & 0.563 & 0.549 & -0.014 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\ 
                Ppppp & 64  & 0.550 & 0.542 & -0.007 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\ 
                Ppppp & 128 & 0.536 & 0.533 & -0.003 & 0.096    & 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 256  & 0.521 & 0.504 & -0.016 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 512  & 0.499 & 0.486 & -0.013 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\
                Ppppp & 1024 & 0.499 & 0.471 & -0.027 &\textless0.001& 100000 \\
                SSSS & 32   & 0.791 & 0.784 & -0.006 &\textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 64   & 0.787 & 0.779 & -0.008 &\textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS & 128  & 0.781 & 0.769 & -0.012 &\textless0.001& 500000   \\
                SSSS &  256 & 0.781 & 0.765 & -0.016 &\textless0.001& 500000 \\
                SSSS &  512 & 0.781 & 0.756 & -0.025 &\textless0.001& 500000 \\
                SSSS &  1024& 0.781 & 0.751 & -0.03  &\textless0.001& 500000 \\
                RRRR &  32  & 0.999 & 0.999 & -1E-05 & 0.44  & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  64  & 0.999 & 0.999 & -1E-05 & 0.44  & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  128 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -5E-05 & 0.222 & 100000 \\
                RRRR &  256 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -0.0007 &\textless0.001& 50000  \\
                RRRR &  512 & 0.999 & 0.999 & -1E-04  & 0.352    & 10000  \\
                RRRR &  1024& 0.999 & 0.999 & 0.0003  & 0.182    & 10000  \\
                KKK CCC &   32  & 0.992 & 0.990 & -0.002 &\textless0.001& 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   64  & 0.987 & 0.987 & 0      & 0.5      & 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   128 & 0.987 & 0.987 & -8E-05 & 0.455    & 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   256 & 0.987 & 0.987 & 2E-05  & 0.488 & 150000 \\
                KKK CCC &   512 & 0.984 & 0.984 & 0.0003 & 0.431 & 50000  \\
                KKK CCC &   1024& 0.984 & 0.998 & 0.0139 &\textless0.001& 10000  \\
