Tikz 组织结构图

Tikz 组织结构图

我如何对齐以下 tikz 组织结构图的节点?

\usepackage[margin=0.5cm, hmargin=0.5cm,vmargin=0.5cm]{geometry}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 1cm, thick,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font = \sffamily, white,  
top color = blue!90!black, bottom color = blue!60!black,
text width = 3.5cm, align = center, minimum height = 1cm}]
\node (MAN) {\textbf{Adam Smith}\\CEO};
\node (PROD) [below left = 5cm of MAN] {\textbf{John Doe}};
\node (FIN)     [below = 3cm of MAN]  {\textbf{Steve Sanders}};
\node (RRHH) [below right = 5cm of MAN] {\textbf{Mike Donovan}};
\draw [blue,thick]
 (MAN) -- (FIN)
 (MAN) -| (PROD)
 (MAN) -| (RRHH);





我特别喜欢 Forest,Ti基于 Z 的绘制树的包,但您也可以使用标准trees库或tikz-qtree其他任何库来执行此操作。


\usepackage[edges]{forest}% load the edges library so we can use forked edges for the tree
  for tree={% apply to entire tree
    edge={thick, draw=blue},% lines blue and thick
    % TikZ keys will be passed through so we can use all the usual styling stuff
    font=\sffamily\bfseries,% default is bold
    text=white,% white text
    top color=blue!90!black,
    bottom color=blue!60!black,
    text width=35mm,
    text centered,
    minimum height=10mm,
    l sep'=20mm,% spread out the levels a bit
    s sep'=10mm,% spread out the siblings a bit
  forked edges,% lines should be squared off: down-acroos-down rather than the default which is as-the-eagle-flies
  % tree specification - notice how concisely the tree can be specified ...
  [Adam Smith\\\textmd{CEO}% override bold default for second line
    [John Doe]
    [Steve Sanders]
    [Mike Donovan]



Emma 的稍微简化的解决方案:

  • 节点之间的距离由通用选项控制node distance(选择node distance = 1cm and 1.5cm
  • 选项auto被删除
  • 文本颜色使用正确的语法(text=white
  • 粗体文本是全局定义的,对于“CEO”的正常文本的例外是由本地决定的\normalfont

完整的 MWE 是:

\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}

    node distance = 1cm and 1.5cm,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font=\sffamily\bfseries, text=white,
                     top color=blue!90!black, bottom color=blue!60!black,
                     text width=3.5cm, align = center, minimum height = 1cm}
\node (MAN)     {Adam Smith\\  \normalfont CEO};
\node (PROD) [below left = of MAN] {John Doe};
\node (FIN)  [below      = of MAN] {Steve Sanders};
\node (RRHH) [below right= of MAN] {Mike Donovan};
\draw [blue,thick]  (MAN) -- (FIN)
                    (MAN) -| (PROD)
                    (MAN) -| (RRHH);




您可以使用below left等中的两个坐标来为below和指定单独的偏移量left

\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 1cm, thick,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font = \sffamily, white,
top color = blue!90!black, bottom color = blue!60!black,
text width = 3.5cm, align = center, minimum height = 1cm}]
\node (MAN) {\textbf{Adam Smith}\\CEO};
\node (PROD) [below left = 1cm and 2cm of MAN] {\textbf{John Doe}};
\node (FIN)  [below = 1cm of MAN]  {\textbf{Steve Sanders}};
\node (RRHH) [below right = 1cm and 2cm of MAN] {\textbf{Mike Donovan}};
\draw [blue,thick]
 (MAN) -- (FIN)
 (MAN) -| (PROD)
 (MAN) -| (RRHH);


还值得注意的是,默认情况下below left等指定节点边界之间的空间。如果您希望在具有不同大小节点的大图片中进行更好的对齐,您可能需要使用选项on grid,这使得距离指定节点中心之间的空间。
