简单标记语言和 TeX 的最新进展如何

简单标记语言和 TeX 的最新进展如何

有许多简化的文本标记语言,包括 wikipedia 中使用的语言、stackoverflow 中使用的语言以及 github 中使用的语言。

我对所谓的 github 语言特别感兴趣,[markdown][1]它的语法看起来就像我刚刚制作的这个备忘单一样简单:

# This is like \section
## This is like \subsection
### This is like \subsubsection
#### This is like \paragraph (say)

**bold** text is written like `*bold*` or `__bold__`
**italic** text is written like `*italic*` or `_italic_`

This are list:
- which can be bulleted
- or unbulleted, i.e., numbered
- or checklist.
To be numbered, write numbers, e.g., 1
1. first item
2. second item
1. third item



ConTeXt 有一个 Markdown 解析器。来自m-markdown.mkiv

This module deals with markdown which is a document encoding that
some \CONTEXT\ like much. It reminds me of the kind of minimal coding
we used before we ran into \TEX\ and were using a somewhat simple
rendering (pagination, etc) of documents. As I'm no user myself, it
is up to others to provide documentation and examples.

ConTeXt 中的事情不断变化,根据上述通知,Markdown 模块不是主要优先事项。因此,上面给出的示例排版不符合预期。然而,下面这个更简单的示例排版符合预期。如果您遇到任何问题,只需在 ConTeXt 邮件列表中询问[email protected]


**bold** text is written like `**bold**` or `__bold__`

*italic* text is written like `*italic*` or `_italic_`

This are list:

- which can be bulleted
- or unbulleted, i.e., numbered
- or checklist.

To be numbered, write numbers, e.g., 1

1. first item
2. second item
1. third item

然后用 运行它context

$ context --extra=markdown test.md


