Latex Tikz 中的条件迭代箭头

Latex Tikz 中的条件迭代箭头



% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{big} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, 
text width=30em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{small} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, 
text width=14em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]

  \begin{tikzpicture}[align = center, node distance = 2.5cm, auto, >=latex, %Make the arrow tips latex
    myline/.style={ultra thick,black!50},
    shorter/.style={shorten <=1mm,shorten >=0.5mm}]

    % nodes
    \node [big] (A) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = A] (B) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = B] (C) {Blabla};
     \node[small, below=2.5cm of C.west, anchor=west] (Da) {Blabla};
     \node[small, below=3.7cm of C.east, anchor=east] (Ea) {Blabla};
     \node[small, below of = Da] (Db) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below = 2.5cm of Db.west, anchor=west] (F) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = F] (G) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = G] (H) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = H] (I) {Blabla};

     % Edges
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (A) -- (B);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (B) -- (C);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=2.6cm]C.south west) -- (Da);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (Da) -- (Db);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=8.2cm]C.south west) -- (Ea);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=2.6cm]Db.south west) ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-0.5) -| (F);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=2.6cm]Ea.south west) ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-1.8) -| (F);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (F) -- (G);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (G) -- (H);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (H) -- (I);






\draw[myline,->, shorter] (I) --++(-90:15mm)-|([xshift=10mm]G.east) node[pos=.25,above]{some text}--(G);

意思是,从(但从相应的边界开始)绘制到低于(方向度)(的一点,并将笔移动到该点( )。然后从该点到另一个点绘制一个角( ) ,最后结束于(尊重相应的边界)。15mm-90++-|([xshift=10mm]G.east)(

文本以 位于水平线上pos=0.25,因为使用或pos=0.5时总是与角相对应。|--|


% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{big} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, 
text width=30em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{small} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, 
text width=14em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]

%  \centering
%  \quad
  \begin{tikzpicture}[align = center, node distance = 2.5cm, auto, >=latex, %Make the arrow tips latex
    myline/.style={ultra thick,black!50},
    shorter/.style={shorten <=1mm,shorten >=0.5mm}]

    % nodes
    \node [big] (A) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = A] (B) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = B] (C) {Blabla};
     \node[small, below=2.5cm of C.west, anchor=west] (Da) {Blabla};
     \node[small, below=3.7cm of C.east, anchor=east] (Ea) {Blabla};
     \node[small, below of = Da] (Db) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below = 2.5cm of Db.west, anchor=west] (F) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = F] (G) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = G] (H) {Blabla};
     \node[big, below of = H] (I) {Blabla};

     % Edges
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (A) -- (B);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (B) -- (C);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=2.6cm]C.south west) -- (Da);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (Da) -- (Db);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=8.2cm]C.south west) -- (Ea);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=2.6cm]Db.south west) ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-0.5) -| (F);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] ([xshift=2.6cm]Ea.south west) ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-1.8) -| (F);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (F) -- (G);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (G) -- (H);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (H) -- (I);
     \draw[myline,->, shorter] (I) --++(-90:15mm)-|([xshift=10mm]G.east) node[pos=.25,above]{some text}--(G);









\node[draw] (node1) at (0,0){node 1};

\node[draw] (node2) at (0,-5){node 2};

\draw[-latex] (node2.south) |-
    node[pos=0.75,above]{text 1}
    ($(node2.south east)+(2,-1)$) |- 
    node[pos=0.25,right]{text 2}
     node[pos=0.75,below]{text 3}





  • 常见节点特征以样式形式收集base
  • 较大的节点在链上并通过宏连接join
  • 较小的节点通过库的帮助进行定位positioning
  • 增加了新的命令suppress join,用于断开第一部分和第二部分大节点之间的连接

完成 MWE:

\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, chains, positioning}

\tikzset{suppress join/.code={\def\tikz@after@path{}}}

    node distance = 11mm and 0mm,
      start chain = going below,
every path/.style = {draw=black!50, ultra thick,
                     shorten <=1mm,shorten >=0.5mm,
      base/.style = {rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, rounded corners, 
                     minimum height=4em, align=center},
       big/.style = {base, text width=30em, on chain, join}, 
     small/.style = {base, text width=14em},
% nodes
\node[big] (A) {Blabla};
\node[big] (B) {Blabla};
\node[big] (C) {Blabla};
\node[small, below right=of C.south west] (Da) {Blabla};
\node[small, below=of Da]                 (Db) {Blabla};
\node[small, right=2em of $(Da.east)!0.5!(Db.east)$]   (E) {Blabla};
\node[big, suppress join,
                below = of Db.south -| C]    (F)  {Blabla Blabla};
\node[big] (G) {Blabla};
\node[big] (H) {Blabla};
\node[big] (I) {Blabla};
% Edges
\draw (C.south -| Da) edge (Da) (Da) edge (Db)
      (C.south -| E)  edge (E)  (F)   --  (G);
\draw (Db) |- ([yshift=7mm] F.north) coordinate (Fa) -- (F); 
\draw (E)  |- (Fa) -- (F);
\draw[red] (I.south) -- ++(0,-11mm) 
                -| ($(I.east)+(11mm,0)$) node[pos=0.25,above] {add text here}
                |- (F);

