我自己关于所需颜色表的 tex 代码如下:
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{ \hspace{3mm}\fcolorbox{black}{BlueViolet} { \strut{\textcolor{white}{\textbf{Key Points}}} } } \\ \hline
& The verb is a word that expresses either an action (\zx{travailler, marcher}) or a state (\zx{être, paraître}).\\
& The verb is the core of the sentence, around which the other elements of the sentence (the subject, object, etc.) are arranged.\\
& All clauses must contain a verb.\\
& The past participle form of the verb (\zx{parlé, vendu,} etc.) can function as an adjective.\\
& The infinitive form (\zx{parler, vendre}) can function as a noun.\\
以下是我自己编译 tex 代码后的 pdf 快照:
colback=blue!5!white, colframe=blue!75!black,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-3mm,xshift=3mm},
\begin{mybox}{Key Points}
\item The verb is a word that expresses either an action
(\zx{travailler, marcher}) or a state
(\zx{être, paraître}).
\item The verb is the core of the sentence, around which
the other elements of the sentence (the subject,
object, etc.) are arranged.
\item All clauses must contain a verb.
\item The past participle form of the verb
(\zx{parlé, vendu,} etc.) can function as an adjective.
\item The infinitive form (\zx{parler, vendre})
can function as a noun.
包并在您的表格中制作逐项列表。此外,最好将所有带有彩色框的复杂内容替换为简单的表格单元格,颜色如下\cellcolor{<color}{<cell content>}
\usepackage{enumitem}% <-- added
\usepackage[colorlinks,linkcolor=red]{hyperref}% had to be last in preamble!
\cellcolor{BlueViolet}{\textcolor{white}{\quad\textbf{Key Points}\quad}} & \\
\begin{itemize}[label =\textcolor{BlueViolet}{\textbullet},
topsep = 0pt,
partopsep = 0pt,
leftmargin = *,
before = \vspace{-1ex},
after = \vspace{-1ex}
\item The verb is a word that expresses either an action (\zx{travailler, marcher}) or a state (\zx{être, paraître}).
\item The verb is the core of the sentence, around which the other elements of the sentence (the subject, object, etc.) are arranged.
\item All clauses must contain a verb.
\item The past participle form of the verb (\zx{parlé, vendu,} etc.) can function as an adjective.
\item The infinitive form (\zx{parler, vendre}) can function as a noun.
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{Key Points}}} } \\
& The verb is a word that expresses either an action (\zx{travailler, marcher}) or a state (\zx{être, paraître}).\\
& The verb is the core of the sentence, around which the other elements of the sentence (the subject, object, etc.) are arranged.\\
& All clauses must contain a verb.\\
& The past participle form of the verb (\zx{parlé, vendu,} etc.) can function as an adjective.\\
& The infinitive form (\zx{parler, vendre}) can function as a noun.\\