在 documentclass{exam} 中显示问题

在 documentclass{exam} 中显示问题

我需要以论文风格在文件的第二页上写问题。我使用documentclass{exam}这个。但第二页的底部有一个高点,我不知道为什么。一开始我已经配置了\usepackage[top=.4in, bottom=.1in, left=1in, right=.4in]{geometry}- 它在第一页上起作用,但在其他页面上没有。问题不必要地出现在几页上。


\usepackage[top=.4in, bottom=.1in, left=1in, right=.4in]{geometry} 


    \textbf{\Large OMR answer sheet for Test}

    \Large Date: 
    \begin{tabular}{|c|c||c|c||c|c|c|c|} \hline 
        & & & & & & & & \hline 
    \end{tabular} \\
    \Large Number of ID: 
    \foreach \c in {1,2,3} {
        \begin{scope}[xshift=\c*4 cm] 
                \foreach \digit in {0,2,4,6,8} { 
                    \begin{scope}[yshift=-.6*\digit cm]   
                        \foreach \count/\desc in {1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0} { 
                            \node[green,draw,circle,inner sep=1pt] at ({\count * 0.33},-.05) {\digit};

                            \foreach \digit in {1,3,5,7,9} { 
                    \begin{scope}[yshift=-.6*\digit cm]   
                        \foreach \count/\desc in {1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0} { 
                            \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt] at ({\count * 0.33},-.05) {\digit};
            \draw (.15,-.25) rectangle(1.95,-6.15); 

1.  Use HB pencil only this sheet.  \\
2.  Darken the ovals fully.  \\
3.  Erase completely to change responses.  \\
4.  Do not make any stray marks on this sheet.  \\ 

    \foreach \col in {0,1,...,4} {
        \begin{scope}[xshift=\col*3.2 cm]
            \foreach \line in {1,2,...,20} { 
                \begin{scope}[yshift=-.7*\line cm]
                    \draw [fill=\filler] (-.22,-.35) rectangle(2.8cm,.7em);
                    \node at (0,-.05) {\normalsize{\q}}; 
                        \foreach \count/\desc in {1/A, 2/B, 3/C, 4/D, 5/E} { 
                            \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt] at ({\count * 0.5},-.05) {\desc}; 



\Large \textbf{Essay questions}

\pointformat{\slshape (\themarginpoints)}

\question[20] What is the Cost-benefit analysis?
\question[10] Describe the communication mechanisms.
\question[10] Describe the definition of project work.
\question[10] Describe the communication mechanisms.
\question[10] What is most important in the planning of communication?
\question[10] What are the inputs and outputs in the assessment process?
\question[10] Describe COCOMO II.
\question[10] Describe Inductive planning.
\question[5] Describe degree of delegation.
\question[5] What is the difference between leadership and management?



如果您更改论述题前的底部边距,则问题将非常适合页面。(它们都适合 2 页)

代码(从 之后开始\pagenumbering{gobble}):

\newgeometry{bottom=0.1cm}  %NEW
\Large \textbf{Essay questions}

\pointformat{\slshape (\themarginpoints)}

\question[20] What is the Cost-benefit analysis?
\question[10] Describe the communication mechanisms.
\question[10] Describe the definition of project work.
\question[10] Describe the communication mechanisms.
\question[10] What is most important in the planning of communication?
\question[10] What are the inputs and outputs in the assessment process?
\question[10] Describe COCOMO II.
\question[10] Describe Inductive planning.
\question[5] Describe degree of delegation.
\question[5] What is the difference between leadership and management?

