

对于学校练习,我们需要更改参考书目格式。第一个子任务是将字体更改为 Arial(别评判我的教授,他其实是个好人)对于 类型的条目标题@article。我们必须使用authoryear作为样式和\DeclareFieldFormat作为 ... 命令/方法。很简单,对吧?天哪,我在这个网站和下面的文档里找了五个小时,但还是没找到答案。我现在需要出去透透气。

authoryear.bbx standard.bbx biblatex_.def以及 biblatex 文档(英语和德语版本,英语版本有作者章节,德语版本中没有)等。



好吧,让我告诉你,这不是正确的输出(但任务明确指出了 Arial 部分),因为出版物的标题(“提出新的...”和“威尔金森一年级...”)应该用 Arial 书写。请想象一下它们是用 Arial 书写的。绿色年份和 comic sans 页面是其他子任务的一部分。





% -------------
% Header
% -------------

\usepackage[left=3.00cm, right=3.00cm, top=3.00cm, bottom=3.00cm]{geometry}

\usepackage{xcolor} % gonna need this later


% ------------------------------------
% Task Descriptions
% ------------------------------------

% 1. use the authoryear style
% 2. use \DeclareFieldFormat to produce the following adaptations:
% (a) Titles of journal articles are to be written in the Arial font
{\fontfamily{Arial}} % I obviouly have no idea what I'm doing. See output.
% ...
% ... some other task descriptions ...
% ...



% Having the bibliography split up like this is part of a later task for which I stumbled upon the solution while doing another exercise, so it's here already, it doesn't influence the task at hand.





这是 bibfile 的内容:

    address = {Ann Arbor},
    author = {Bruno, Ana Carla},
    school = {University of Arizona},
    title = {Waimiri Atroari Grammar},
    subtitle = {Some Phonological, Morphological, and Syntactic Aspects},
    year = {2003},

    address = {Caracas},
    author = {Olza, Jesús and de Armellada, Cesáreo},
    publisher = {Universidad Católica Andrés Bello},
    title = {Gramática de la lengua Pemón (morfosintaxis)},
    year = {1994},

    author = {Gildea, Spike},
    journal = {Amerindia},
    pages = {7--32},
    title = {Proposing a new branch for the Cariban language family},
    volume = {28},
    year = {2004},

    title = {Apalai},
    author = {Koehn, Edward and Koehn, Sally},
    booktitle = {Handbook of Amazonian Languages},
    editor = {Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Pullum, Geoffrey K.},
    volume = {1},
    pages = {33--127},
    year = {1986},
    publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
    address = {Berlin/New York},

    address = {Amsterdam},
    author = {Derbyshire, Desmond C.},
    publisher = {North-Holland},
    series = {Lingua Descriptive Studies},
    title = {Hixkaryana},
    number = {1},
    year = {1979},

    author = {Hammarström, Harald and Forkel, Robert and Haspelmath, Martin and Bank, Sebastian},
    year = {2016},
    title = {Glottolog 2.7},
    location = {Jena},
    school = {Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History},
    url = {http://glottolog.org},
    urldate = {2016-06-22},

    author = {Salam, Abdus},
    editor = {Svartholm, Nils},
    title = {Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions},
    date = {1968},
    booktitle = {Elementary particle theory},
    booksubtitle = {Relativistic groups and analyticity},
    booktitleaddon = {Proceedings of the Eighth Nobel Symposium},
    eventdate = {1968-05-19/1968-05-25}, % output: 19.-25. Mai 1968
    venue = {Aspenäsgarden, Lerum},
    publisher = {Almquist \& Wiksell},
    location = {Stockholm},
    pages = {367--377},

    title = {Word},
    subtitle = {A cross-linguistic typology},
    editor = {Dixon, Robert and Aikhenvald, Alexandra},
    year = {2003},
    address = {Cambridge},
    publisher = {Cambridge University Press},

    author = {Yakov Rekhter and Tony Li},
    title = {A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)},
    howpublished = {Internet Requests for Comments},
    type = {RFC},
    number = {1654},
    pages = {1-56},
    year = {1995},
    month = {07},
    issn = {2070-1721},
    publisher = {RFC Editor},
    institution = {RFC Editor},
    url = {http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1654.txt},

    author = {{DIN ISO 8037-1:2003-05}},
    title = {Optik und optische Instrumente - Mikroskope; Objektträger - Teil 1},
    subtitle = {Maße, optische Eigenschaften und Kennzeichnung},
    year = {1986},

    author = {D. N. Spergel and L. Verde and H. V. Peiris and E. Komatsu and M. R. Nolta and C. L. Bennett and M. Halpern and G. Hinshaw and N. Jarosik and A. Kogut and M. Limon and S. S. Meyer and L. Page and G. S. Tucker and J. L. Weiland and E. Wollack and E. L. Wright},
    title = {First-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations},
    subtitle = {Determination of Cosmological Parameters},
    journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series},
    volume = {148},
    number = {1},
    pages = {175--194},
    year = {2003},






其中{#1}是相应字段文本的占位符(在本例中为文章标题)。问题中缺少此内容,因此代码无法正确解析。此外,正如@johannes-b 在一条评论中指出的那样,\fontspec必须使用 而不是\fontfamily来选择所需的字体。

