


虽然有点长,但是 MWE 如下:

\documentclass[10pt, onecolumn, final]{book}


%%% Code to add multiple authors to a chapter and to the TOC

%% Create variables to save author and institution information
    \protect\expandafter\def\csname chapterauthorsname\thechapterauthornum\endcsname{\protect{#1}}
    \protect\expandafter\def\csname chapterinstsname\thechapterauthornum\endcsname{\protect{#2}}

%% Command to print author and institution list below the chapter heading and generate the author list for the TOC
%%% Print author list with institutions
    \getauthorchapterlist % List bleow chatper heading
%%% Add authors to Table of Contents
    \printauthortoclist % Prints list for testing
    \makeauthortoclist % Adds list of authors to Table of Contents
    \setcounter{chapterauthornum}{0} % Resets everything for next chapter

%% Generates the list that goes below the chapter headng

      \ifnum\value{authorlstnum}>0 %
         \csname chapterauthorsname\theauthorcounter\endcsname
         \csname chapterinstsname\theauthorcounter\endcsname

%% Generate the list of authors that will go into the Table of Contents
%    \protect
    \forloop{authorcounter}{1}{\value{authorcounter} < \value{chapterauthornum}}
    {\expandafter\csname chapterauthorsname\theauthorcounter\endcsname, \relax}
    {and \expandafter\csname chapterauthorsname\thechapterauthornum\endcsname}

%% use the list of authors generated and adds them to the Table of Contents
%    \vskip-5mm
    % \hskip1.3em\mdseries\itshape\protect\scriptsize

\title{Models and Reality}
\author{John Dobleman}


\chapter{A Probabilistic Analysis}
\chapterauthors{Gilna Samuel}{Department of Finance, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute}
\chapterauthors{Cornelius Longbottom}{Department of Magic and Tchnology, MIT}
\chapterauthors{Nat Granger}{Department of Muggle Integration, Ministry of Magic}

\section{Magic and what it means}



我怀疑这与我使用 csname 的方式有关。如能得到任何帮助,我将不胜感激。





%% Generate the list of authors that will go into the Table of Contents
    \forloop{authorcounter}{1}{\value{authorcounter} < \value{chapterauthornum}}
    {\addto\authortoclist{\expandafter\csname chapterauthorsname\theauthorcounter\endcsname, }}
    \addto\authortoclist{and \expandafter\csname chapterauthorsname\thechapterauthornum\endcsname}
%% To print the list of authors, just use \makeauthortoclist \authortoclist

%% use the list of authors generated and adds them to the Table of Contents
    {\hskip1.3em\mdseries\scshape\protect\scriptsize \authortoclist}{}{}\vskip2mm}


这是另一个使用令牌寄存器而不是宏的解决方案。使用宏的解决方案仍然不够稳健,因为宏\edef\addto存在。如果作者和机构仅包含 ASCII 字符,则它可以工作,但如果有重音字符,则它会失败。要制作一个稳健的解决方案需要做更多工作,但这里是:


%% Generate the list of authors that will go into the Table of Contents

    \forloop{authorcounter}{1}{\value{authorcounter} < \value{chapterauthornum}}
    {\expandafter\addto\expandafter\authortoclist\expandafter{\csname chapterauthorsname\theauthorcounter\endcsname, }}
    \addto\authortoclist{and }
    \expandafter\addto\expandafter\authortoclist\expandafter{\csname chapterauthorsname\thechapterauthornum\endcsname}

%% To print the list of authors, just use \makeauthortoclist \the\authortoclist

%% use the list of authors generated and adds them to the Table of Contents
    {\hskip1.3em\mdseries\scshape\protect\scriptsize \the\authortoclist}{}{}\vskip 2mm}
