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\title{The Lxxx Convolution and Convolution Probability Function}

\author{By Jay A. Lxxx, PhD}

\institute{Jay A. Lxxx, PhD \
 Bter \\
 1870 Pista Drive \\
 Myville, NC 29991 \\
 Tel.: (899) 698-0033\\
 \email{[email protected]} %  \\
 %             \emph{Present address:} of F. Author  %  if needed

\date{Received: date / Accepted: date}

 % The correct dates will be entered by the editor

This article has two parts and an addendum. In the first part, two
indicators along with an associated probability function are introduced
to enhance the arsenal of traders' tools. The Hull Moving Average
as described by its creator, Alan Hull, is the fastest of all moving
averages. Its construction is build from weighted moving averages.
The new indicators, although not moving averages, behave similarly,
and are not only faster than the Hull, but forecast market behavior
a few bars. The probability function sharply identifies turns in the
\keywords{Hull Moving Average, Linear Regression, Probability, Extrapolation,
Stock Options} \PACS{G17 \and C51 \and C52, C53}

\section{Definition of the Lxxx Convolution Tools}

\subsection{Linear Regression and the Hull Moving Average}

\paragraph{The Hull Moving Average {[}HMA{]} was introduced in 2005. According
to Hull, `The Hull Moving Average solves the age old dilemma of making
a moving average more responsive to current price activity whilst
maintaining curve smoothness. In fact the HMA almost eliminates lag
altogether and manages to improve smoothing at the same time.' (\protect\protect\protect\protect\href{http://alanhull.com/hull-moving-average/}{How to reduce lag in a moving average})}

\paragraph{Since its introduction the Hull has found popularity with stock,
stock option and currency traders. Effectively, the Hull Moving Average
is faster than all other moving averages. In addition, it is smoother
than them. Because of this many accept that a bull trend is determined}

\protect\includegraphics[clip]{\string"Fig 1\string".jpg} 
\protect\caption{Details 31 bars of daily SPY data, its moving linear regression, Hull
interpolation and Hull Moving Average.}

\paragraph{when only 2 consecutive points indicate a rising market; bear when
falling. Its speed is the square root of its length. The speed of
a simple moving average is a much larger half its length. }



重新安装 Miktex 和 Springer 宏。现在可识别宏。
