使用 acro 包自定义缩写词(例如:PoE、LoL 等)

使用 acro 包自定义缩写词(例如:PoE、LoL 等)

我正在尝试将我的首字母缩略词简写为大小写混合,例如以太网供电 (PoE)与当前默认的操作相比聚烯烃

到目前为止我已经尝试过\lowercase \MakeLowercase包括标签和自定义 acro 又名:

{poe}[PoE]{Power over Ethernet}


编辑添加了下面的词汇表页面的 MWE,完整模板借用自(https://github.com/briandealwis/ubcdiss):

%% The following is a directive for TeXShop to indicate the main file
%%!TEX root = diss.tex


%This glossary uses the handy \latexpackage{acroynym} package to    automaticallymaintain the glossary.  It uses the package's    \texttt{printonlyused}option to include only those acronyms explicitly  referenced in the\LaTeX\ source.

% use \acrodef to define an acronym, but no listing
\acrodef{UI}{user interface}

% The acronym environment will typeset only those acronyms that were
% *actually used* in the course of the document
%Begin template acronyms that were not removed

\acro{PoE}[PoE]{application programming interface}
\acro{DOI}{Document Object Identifier\acroextra{ (see\url{http://doi.org})}}


我怀疑你得到的是小写字母而不是大写字母。这里diss.tex 有一行(带注释)。

%% The ubcdiss.cls loads the `textcase' package which provides commands
%% for upper-casing and lower-casing text.  The following causes
%% the acronym package to typeset acronyms in small-caps
%% as recommended by Bringhurst.
\renewcommand{\acsfont}[1]{{\scshape \MakeTextLowercase{#1}}}


