一个框架内有两个不同尺寸的 Beamer 迷你框架吗?

一个框架内有两个不同尺寸的 Beamer 迷你框架吗?


亲爱的 TeX 用户,我有一段时间没用过 LaTeX 了,但需要准备一个 Beamer 演示文稿,每个框架显示两个“迷你框架”:第一个比第二个小。我试过使用迷你页面,但没有成功——我生疏了!我附上了一份演示文稿的示意图。你能告诉我需要添加什么,以及在哪里显示一个框架中的两个框架,同时让一个框架比另一个框架小吗?见上面的草图。提前谢谢您。Filippo


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
 % this default might be overridden by plain title style
 % (ERT) argument for the TOC

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\setbeamerfont{section in head/foot}{family=\tt}
\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{family=\tt}
\setbeamerfont{normal text}{family=\tt}
\setbeamercolor{page number in head/foot}{bg=White,fg=Green}






\AtBeginSection[]{ \frame<beamer>{ \frametitle{Outline} \tableofcontents[currentsection,subsections] } } \begin{frame}{Outline} \pdfbookmark[0]{Contents}{toc} \tableofcontents{} \end{frame}

\section{Disgust 101}

\item \texttt{Basic emotion}
\item \texttt{Universal disgust}
\item \texttt{Charles Darwin. The expression of emotions in man and animals. 1872/1892}
\item \texttt{Paul Ekman }\texttt{\emph{et al.}}\texttt{ Emotion in the
human face. 1972}


\item \texttt{Feral children}
\item \texttt{Lucien Malson and Jean Itard. Wolf children and the problem
of human nature. 1972}
\item \texttt{Non-universality of the disgusting}
\item \texttt{Language}
\item \texttt{Unique to humans (?)}
\item \texttt{Late onset}



    \begin{block}{Small block}
      \item One
      \item Two
    \begin{block}{Large block}
      \item \texttt{Basic emotion}
      \item \texttt{Universal disgust}
      \item \texttt{Charles Darwin. The expression of emotions in man and animals. 1872/1892}
      \item \texttt{Paul Ekman }\texttt{\emph{et al.}}\texttt{ Emotion in the
          human face. 1972}

    \item One
    \item Two
    \item \texttt{Basic emotion}
    \item \texttt{Universal disgust}
    \item \texttt{Charles Darwin. The expression of emotions in man and animals. 1872/1892}
    \item \texttt{Paul Ekman }\texttt{\emph{et al.}}\texttt{ Emotion in the
        human face. 1972}



      \begin{block}{Small block}
        \item One
        \item Two
      \begin{block}{Large block}
        \item \texttt{Basic emotion}
        \item \texttt{Universal disgust}
        \item \texttt{Charles Darwin. The expression of emotions in man and animals. 1872/1892}
        \item \texttt{Paul Ekman }\texttt{\emph{et al.}}\texttt{ Emotion in the
            human face. 1972}




\usepackage{tikz, graphicx, environ}

\NewEnviron{subframe}[3][base west]{\node[anchor=#1, draw=black, inner sep=5pt] at (#2) {\begin{minipage}{#3}\BODY\end{minipage}};}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{A frame with two subframes}



Some text here, as well as an itemized list:
\item one
\item two 
\item three



Some graphics here:

\includegraphics[scale=0.8,clip,trim=0 0 1.525in 0]{/data/graphics/fun/asterix/switzerland-red-cross}





环境的第一个强制参数subframe是 中的坐标tikzpicture,可选参数指定相对于该位置的对齐方式(默认为base west= 左下角)。第二个强制参数给出包裹内容的小页面的宽度。

