在 Beamer 中将 \cite 和 \footnote 放在一起

在 Beamer 中将 \cite 和 \footnote 放在一起

通常参考文献放在最后一张幻灯片中,并使用\cite命令引用。我觉得这种符号从观众的角度来看有点难以理解。大多数情况下,我使用\footnote命令,因为它在同一张幻灯片的页脚中显示参考文献,这使得更容易理解。但\footnote无法从 bib 文件中打印,因此我总是用 来放置一个完整的参考文献\footnote。见下面的示例-



    This statement requires citation \cite{tobin1964commercial}

    But the way I want is \footnote{Tobin, James. Commercial banks as creators of" money.". Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University, 1964.} %\footnote{tobin1964commercial}


生成的 PDF 如下所示: 在此处输入图片描述





\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

% only for this example, otherwise in .bib file

    title = {Commercial Banks as Creators of 'Money'},
    author = {Tobin, James},
    year = {1963},
    institution = {Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University},
    type = {Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers},
    number = {159},
    url = {http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:159}


    Text text \footcite{RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:159}



