1. Introduction
Theorem 1.1 theorem 1.1
Theorem 1.2 theorem 1.2
Lemma 1.3 lemma 1.3
Remark 1.4 remark 1.4
In theorem [1.1], lemma [1.3], and remark [1.3], we obtained...
2. Implementation
Corollary 2.1 corollary 2.1
Corollary 2.2 corollary 2.2
Definition 2.3 definition 2.3
Conjecture 2.4 conjecture 2.4
In corollary [2.1], definition23 [2.3], and conjecture [2.4], we obtained...
非常感谢你的帮助 - Mike
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\author[A. Author]{Author AUTHOR}
\date{Version of \today}
\subjclass[2000]{11M26, 11M50, 11N64 }
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%\tableofcontents % Table of Contents
theorem 1.1
theorem 1.2
lemma 1.3
remark 1.4
In \cref{theorem11}, \cref{lemma13}, and \cref{remark14}, we obtained...
corollary 2.1
corollary 2.2
definition 2.3
conjecture 2.4
In \cref{corollary21}, \cref{definition23}, and \cref{conjecture24}, we obtained...
更新我按照@Eric 的回答修改了 tex 文件。数字现在看起来没问题了。但在引用部分,命名不正确。我本以为会看到“在定理 1.1 中”,但它显示“在定义 1.1 中”。请参见下面的图 2。
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%\def\baselinestretch{2}%.espacement des lignes
\author[A. Author]{Author AUTHOR}
\date{Version of \today}
\subjclass[2000]{11M26, 11M50, 11N64 }
%\mathtoolsset{showonlyrefs,mathic = true}
%\tableofcontents % Table of Contents
theorem 1.1
theorem 1.2
lemma 1.3
remark 1.4
In \cref{theorem11}, \cref{lemma13}, and \cref{remark14}, we obtained...
corollary 2.1
corollary 2.2
definition 2.3
conjecture 2.4
In \cref{corollary21}, \cref{definition23}, and \cref{conjecture24}, we obtained...