Biblatex footcite:自定义 biblatex 和参考书目样式

Biblatex footcite:自定义 biblatex 和参考书目样式

为了建立我想要的引用风格(Biblatex:脚注引用独立于脚注、引用样式) 使用 biblatex 和 backend=biber,我遵循 moewes 的建议并寻找类似的方法。

Biblatex 仅引用一次脚注,并使用括号完成了大部分工作,我使用附加的 MWE 获得了标准页面的以下输出,其中包含几个脚注和脚注,该 MWE 基于 Audreys 使用 Joseph Wrights 代码的回答。

不过,我想改变输出样式以匹配 Angewandte Chemie 的样式:作者,期刊名称(这应该是使用 URL 的超链接)体积,第一页 - 最后一页。此外,我希望在脚注引用中有一个简短的版本(有 1 或 2 位作者,否则) 以及最后的参考书目中的完整引用。我该如何实现这一点?

由于这个问题仅涉及文章类别,并且我想针对所有其他类别进行更改:是否可以将显示的方法与 biblatex-chem 包相结合,后者实际上提供了 Angewandte Chemie 风格?




   andothers = {\textit{et~al\adddot}}            

% Citation footnotes: use \footnoteA

% Vanilla footnotes: use \footnoteB

% Number of each bibliography entry in brackets



% Citation number superscript in brackets
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont[\@thefnmark]}\enspace #1}
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}\enspace #1}%

% Citation number superscript in brackets (for babel french)
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont[\@thefnmark]}\enspace #1}
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}\enspace #1}%

% Mostly verbatim from Joseph Wright

     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}}





  author  = {Frank, F. C.},
  title   = {On spontaneous asymmetric synthesis},
  journal = {Biochim. Biophys. Acta},
  year    = {1953},
  volume  = {11},
  pages   = {459-463},
  doi     = {},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Puchot, C. and Samuel, O. and Dunach, E. and Zhao, S. and Agami, C. and Kagan, H. B.},
  title   = {Nonlinear effects in asymmetric synthesis. Examples in asymmetric oxidations and aldolization reactions},
  journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
  year    = {1986},
  volume  = {108},
  number  = {9},
  pages   = {2353-2357},
  doi     = {10.1021/ja00269a036},
  url     = {},

   author = {Soai, Kenso and Shibata, Takanori and Morioka, Hiroshi and Choji, Kaori},
   title = {Asymmetric autocatalysis and amplification of enantiomeric excess of a chiral molecule},
   journal = {Nature},
   year = {1995},
   volume = {378},
   number = {6559},
   pages = {767-768},
   url = {}

  author  = {Blackmond, Donna G. and McMillan, Christopher R. and Ramdeehul, Shailesh and Schorm, Andrea and Brown, John M.},
  title   = {Origins of Asymmetric Amplification in Autocatalytic Alkylzinc Additions},
  journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
  year    = {2001},
  volume  = {123},
  number  = {41},
  pages   = {10103-10104},
  doi     = {10.1021/ja0165133},
  url     = {},


Vanilla footnote.\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
First citation.\sfcite{Frank1953}
First citation.\sfcite{Kagan1986}
Vanilla footnote.\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
First ``multi'' citation.\sfcite{Frank1953,Kagan1986,Soai1995}
Second citation.\sfcite{Frank1953}
Vanilla footnote.\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
Second citation.\sfcite{Soai1995}
Second citation.\sfcite{Kagan1986}\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
First citation.\sfcite{Brown2001}



此外,你还需要看看biblatex:使标题超链接到 DOI、URL 或 ISBN并修改代码如下






   andothers = {\textit{et~al\adddot}}            

% Citation footnotes: use \footnoteA

% Vanilla footnotes: use \footnoteB

% Number of each bibliography entry in brackets



% Citation number superscript in brackets
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont[\@thefnmark]}\enspace #1}
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}\enspace #1}%

% Citation number superscript in brackets (for babel french)
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont[\@thefnmark]}\enspace #1}
    {\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}\enspace #1}%

% Mostly verbatim from Joseph Wright

     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}}





  author  = {Frank, F. C.},
  title   = {On spontaneous asymmetric synthesis},
  journal = {Biochim. Biophys. Acta},
  year    = {1953},
  volume  = {11},
  pages   = {459-463},
  doi     = {},
  url     = {},

  author  = {Puchot, C. and Samuel, O. and Dunach, E. and Zhao, S. and Agami, C. and Kagan, H. B.},
  title   = {Nonlinear effects in asymmetric synthesis. Examples in asymmetric oxidations and aldolization reactions},
  journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
  year    = {1986},
  volume  = {108},
  number  = {9},
  pages   = {2353-2357},
  doi     = {10.1021/ja00269a036},
  url     = {},

   author = {Soai, Kenso and Shibata, Takanori and Morioka, Hiroshi and Choji, Kaori},
   title = {Asymmetric autocatalysis and amplification of enantiomeric excess of a chiral molecule},
   journal = {Nature},
   year = {1995},
   volume = {378},
   number = {6559},
   pages = {767-768},
   url = {}

  author  = {Blackmond, Donna G. and McMillan, Christopher R. and Ramdeehul, Shailesh and Schorm, Andrea and Brown, John M.},
  title   = {Origins of Asymmetric Amplification in Autocatalytic Alkylzinc Additions},
  journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
  year    = {2001},
  volume  = {123},
  number  = {41},
  pages   = {10103-10104},
  doi     = {10.1021/ja0165133},
  url     = {},




Vanilla footnote.\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
First citation.\sfcite{Frank1953}
First citation.\sfcite{Kagan1986}
Vanilla footnote.\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
First ``multi'' citation.\sfcite{Frank1953,Kagan1986,Soai1995}
Second citation.\sfcite{Frank1953}
Vanilla footnote.\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
Second citation.\sfcite{Soai1995}
Second citation.\sfcite{Kagan1986}\footnoteB{Vanilla footnote text.}
First citation.\sfcite{Brown2001}


MWE 第一页,带脚注
