我是 TeX 图表绘制新手。我有两个主要问题:1. 假设我想写$L(s,\chi)$
“Dirichlet L-function”,则会出错。问题似乎出在“,”上,因为如果我写的话,$L(s \chi)$
- 由于某种原因,我无法用 来
% Hierarchical diagram
% Author: cfr
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, shapes.geometric, calc, shadows}
rect/.append style = {rectangle, rounded corners = 2pt,
inner color = col6in, outer color = col6out},
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text width = 325pt, text centered,
minimum height = 10pt, outer color = col7out,
inner color=col7in},
oellip/.append style = {ellip, inner color = col8in, outer color = col8out,
font = \sffamily\bfseries\large, text centered}}
for tree={
line width=1pt,
child anchor=north,
parent anchor=south,
drop shadow,
l sep+=12.5pt,
edge path={
\noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->, \forestoption{edge}]
(!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -|
(.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
where level={3}{tier=tier3}{},
where level={0}{l sep-=15pt}{},
where level={1}{
if n={1}{
edge path={
\noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
(!u.west) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
edge path={
\noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
(!u.east) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
[Dirichlet L-functions, inner color=col1in, outer color=col1out
[Functional equation of\\ Dirichlet L-functions, inner color=col2in, outer color=col2out
[Counting the zeros of\\ Dirichlet L-functions, inner color=col3in, outer color=col3out
[Trivial zeros, inner color=col7in, outer color=col7out
[$-2n$ $\in N$ \\(even characters), inner color=red, outer color=red
[$-2n+1 \in N$ \\ (odd characters), inner color=red, outer color=red
[Non-trivial zeros, inner color=col7in, outer color=col7out
[Approximation $\#$ zeros $\rho \in C$ \\ with $0 \leq \Re(\rho) \leq 1$ \\ $|\Im(\rho)|\leq T$, inner color=red, outer color=red
[Link between zeros of\\ $\zeta(s)$ and behavior of $\pi(x)$, inner color=magenta, outer color=magenta
% [Fonctional equation of\\ $L(s \chi)$, inner color=col3in, outer color=col3out
% [, phantom, calign with current
% [A\\B, phantom
% [Our Work, orect, name=us
% ]
% ]
% ]
% ]
\begin{scope}[color = linecol, rounded corners = 5pt]
% Hierarchical diagram
% Author: cfr
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, shapes.geometric, calc, shadows}
rect/.append style = {rectangle, rounded corners = 2pt,
inner color = col6in, outer color = col6out},
ellip/.append style = {ellipse, inner color = col5in,
outer color = col5out},
orect/.append style = {rect, font = \sffamily\bfseries\LARGE,
text width = 325pt, text centered,
minimum height = 10pt, outer color = col7out,
inner color=col7in},
oellip/.append style = {ellip, inner color = col8in, outer color = col8out,
font = \sffamily\bfseries\large, text centered}}
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line width=1pt,
child anchor=north,
parent anchor=south,
drop shadow,
l sep+=12.5pt,
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>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->, \forestoption{edge}]
(!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -|
(.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
where level={3}{tier=tier3}{},
where level={0}{l sep-=15pt}{},
where level={1}{
if n={1}{
edge path={
\noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
(!u.west) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
edge path={
\noexpand\path[color=linecol, rounded corners=5pt,
>={Stealth[length=10pt]}, line width=1pt, ->,
(!u.east) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
[{Dirichlet L-functions}, inner color=col1in, outer color=col1out
[{Functional equation of\\ Dirichlet L-functions}, inner color=col2in, outer color=col2out
[{Counting the zeros of\\ Dirichlet L-functions}, inner color=col3in, outer color=col3out
[{Trivial zeros}, inner color=col7in, outer color=col7out
[{$-2n$ $\in N$ \\(even characters)}, inner color=red, outer color=red
[{$-2n+1 \in N$ \\ (odd characters)}, inner color=red, outer color=red
[{Non-trivial zeros}, inner color=col7in, outer color=col7out
[{Approximation $\#$ zeros $\rho \in C$ \\ with $0 \leq \Re(\rho) \leq 1$ \\ $|\Im(\rho)|\leq T$}, inner color=red, outer color=red
[{Link between zeros of\\ $\zeta(s)$ and behavior of $\pi(x)$}, inner color=magenta, outer color=magenta
[{Functional equation of\\ $L(s,\chi)$}, inner color=col3in, outer color=col3out
[, phantom, calign with current
[{A\\B}, phantom
[{Our Work}, orect, name=us
\begin{scope}[color = linecol, rounded corners = 5pt]