


使用 TikZ 可以简单地实现这一点吗?

菱形中的对角文字 菱形中的分项文本

编辑:似乎第二个带有 itemize 的图无法使用 shapeparnode 完成,而第一个图的最佳方法是 shapeparnode。对于第二个图,我最终使用了节点内的 minipage。





    \draw (0,0) rectangle (7.778174593,7.778174593)
        node[rotate=45,pos=.5, text width=7cm] {
            Praktisk information:
                \item Husk kød til fredag aften
                \item Husk sengelinned, dyne og pude eller sovepose
                \item Mountainbikecampens adresse er Slettestrandvej 26, 9690 Fjerritslev
                \item Ønskeseddel kan findes på ???



根据 Bobyandbob 的要求,我在下面发布了我的解决方案。如上面的评论所述,它基于这个答案,但解决方案仍然需要对空格进行一些手动调整。



  % 6 parameters:
  % style for node (default:empty),
  % h margin, v margin, left path, right path, text (just one paragraph!)

  % name left and right paths and compute there bounding boxes
  \begin{scope}[local bounding box=leftbb]
    \path[name path global=left,xshift=#2] #4;
  \node[inner ysep=-#3,inner xsep=0pt,fit=(leftbb)](leftbb){};
  \begin{scope}[local bounding box=rightbb]
    \path[name path global=right,xshift=-#2] #5;
  \node[inner ysep=-#3,inner xsep=0pt,fit=(rightbb)](rightbb){};

  % global bounding box
  \path let
  \p1=(leftbb.north west), \p2=(leftbb.south west),
  \p3=(rightbb.north east), \p4=(rightbb.south east)
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\ymin}{(\y1 < \y3) ? \y1 : \y3}
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\ymax}{(\y2 > \y4) ? \y2 : \y4}
    \typeout{ymin \ymin}
    \typeout{ymax \ymax}
  } node[inner sep=0,fit={(\x1,\ymin pt)(\x3,\ymax pt)}](mybb){};

  % compute nb steps
  \path let \p1=(mybb.north), \p2=(mybb.south) in
    \typeout{nb steps \nbsteps}

  % horizontal references
  \path (mybb.north) -- (mybb.south)
  \foreach \cnt in {0,1,...,\nbsteps}{
    coordinate[pos=\pos] (ref \cnt)

  % left and right boundaries coordinates
  \foreach \cnt in {0,1,...,\nbsteps}{
    % an horizontal line from left to right
    \path[name path=ltor]
    (mybb.west |- ref \cnt) --  (mybb.east |- ref \cnt);
    % same line from right to left
    \path[name path=rtol]
    (mybb.east |- ref \cnt) -- (mybb.west |- ref \cnt);
    % left boundary
    \path[name intersections={of=rtol and left,by={l \cnt},sort by=rtol}];
    % right boundary
    \path[name intersections={of=ltor and right,by={r \cnt},sort by=ltor}];
  % start point (and initial value of boundshape)
  \path let \p1=(l 0) in 

  % top and bottom
  \path let \p1=(l 0), \p2=(l \nbsteps) in
  % incremental definition of boundshape
  \foreach \cnt in {0,1,...,\nbsteps}{
    \path let \p1=(l \cnt), \p2=(r \cnt) in
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\ypos}{\cnt/\nbsteps*(\ystart - \yending)}
      {\let\\=\relax \xdef\boundshape{\boundshape\\{\ypos}t{\start}{\len}}}
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\xmin}{(\xmin < \start) ? \xmin : \start}
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\xmax}{(\xmax > \start + \len) ? \xmax : \start + \len}
  % draw the node with text in a shapepar
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\ymax}{\ystart - \yending}
  {\let\\=\relax \xdef\boundshape{\boundshape\\{\ymax}e{0}}}
  \node[#1,text width=\xmax pt - \xmin pt,align=flush left,
  anchor=north west,inner sep=0]
  at (mybb.north west -| \xmin pt,0)


  \def\pathone{(5.5,0) to (0,-5.5) to (5.5,-11)}
  \def\pathtwo{(5.5,-11) to (11,-5.5) to (5.5,0)}
    Dear Frej
    \\ \textcolor{white}{white space} \\
    Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee
    \\ \textcolor{white}{white space} \\
    \hspace*{2cm} d. ??.-??. april 1001.
    \\ \textcolor{white}{white space} \\
    Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee Wokedee wokedee.
  \draw \pathone -- \pathtwo -- cycle;

