我正在使用以下代码创建基于 longtable 的自定义环境:
%for some reason the ifood conditional is working backwards
\ifodd\thepage\textit{\small Continued next page}\fi\endfoot
\ifnewspread\antiphon\else\textit{\small Repeat Antiphon}\fi\endlastfoot
\begin{sungpsalm}{Antiphon test}{tone test}
\side{2} O \Lord, my God, I take refuge in you.\pause
Save and rescue me from all my pursuers,
\side{3} lest they tear me apart like a lion,\pause
and drag me off with no one to rescue me.
\side{4} If I have done this, O \Lord, my God,
\side{5} if I have paid back evil for good,\pause
I who saved my unjust oppressor:
\side{6} then let my foe pursue my soul and seize me;\pause
let him trample my life to the ground,\pause
and lay my honor in the dust.
\side{7} O \Lord, rise up in your anger;\pause
be exalted against the fury of my foes.\pause
Awake, my God, to enact \pause
the justice you ordered.
\side{8} Let the company of peoples gather round you,\pause
as you take your seat above them on high.
\side{9} The \Lord\ is judge of the peoples.\pause
Give judgment for me, O \Lord,\pause
for I am just and blameless of heart.
\side{10} Put an end to the evil of the wicked!\pause
Make the just man stand firm;\pause
it is you who test mind and heart,\pause
O God of justice!
\side{11} God is a shield before me,\pause
who saves the upright of heart.
\side{12} God is a judge, just and powerful and patient,\pause
not exercising anger every day.
\side{13} Against someone who does not repent,\pause
God will sharpen his sword;\pause
he bends his bow and makes ready.
\side{14} For such a one he prepares deadly weapons;\pause
he barbs his arrows with fire.
\side{15} Here is one who conceives iniquity;\pause
pregnant with malice, he gives birth to lies.
\side{16} He digs a pit and bores it deep;\pause
and in the trap he has made he falls.
\side{17} His malice recoils on his head;\pause
on his own skull his violence falls.
\side{18} I thank the \Lord\ for his justice,\pause
singing to the name of the \Lord, the Most High.\pause
而且,一旦设置为 true,它就永远不会再变为 false。这是你想要的吗?也许\newspreadfalse