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\title[\color{white}]{High Density data transfer through optical Free-Space communication}
\author[Vanya Mishra]
\includegraphics[width = 20mm]{gsmonoN}\\ %**DONT CHANGE
Major Project Phase-1 Presentation by\\
{\bf Vanya Mishra}\\
(M.Tech., Optoelectronics) \\
\vskip 2mm
Guided by\\
{\color{blue} Dr. J. T. Andrews}\\
Department of Applied Physics, \\ %**DONT CHANGE
Shri G S Institute of Technology \& Science Indore\\ %**DONT CHANGE
\vskip 1mm
%{\color{red} Appl. Photonics Laboratory, Dept. Appl. Physics}
\vskip 2mm
%\color{blue} Name of the Event Here\\
{\color{blue} December 20, 2016}
\date[{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{Dec. 20, 2016}}}]{}
\vskip 5mm
\institute[SGSITS, Indore]{}