Tikz 中条形图的相同颜色和不同图案

Tikz 中条形图的相同颜色和不同图案





legend columns=-1,
legend entries={{\color{red}{\tiny Random}},{\color{blue}{\tiny ++Cost}},{\color{black}{\tiny ++FTE}},{\color{green}{\tiny ++Resources}},{\color{orange}{\tiny Hold All}}},
legend to name=CombinedLegendBar,
area legend, 
group style={
group size=1 by 1,
xlabels at=edge bottom,
ylabels at=edge left,
xticklabels at=edge bottom}]
\nextgroupplot[bar width=17pt, xticklabels=\empty]
\addplot[ybar, pattern=horizontal lines] coordinates {  (1, 12)};
\addplot[ybar, pattern=vertical lines] coordinates { (2, 3)};
\addplot[ybar, pattern=grid] coordinates {  (3, 3)};
\addplot[ybar, pattern=dots] coordinates {  (4, 2)};
\addplot[ybar, pattern=north east lines] coordinates {  (5, 2)};

\caption{Triage++ Performance}



您也可以为每个条形图使用不同的颜色(我yellow为所有条形图使用了不同的颜色)。我提供了您可以根据需要自定义的通用 MWE:


legend columns=-1,
legend entries={{\color{red}{\tiny Random}},{\color{blue}{\tiny ++Cost}},{\color{black}{\tiny ++FTE}},{\color{green}{\tiny ++Resources}},{\color{orange}{\tiny Hold All}}},
legend to name=CombinedLegendBar,
area legend, 
group style={
group size=1 by 1,
xlabels at=edge bottom,
ylabels at=edge left,
xticklabels at=edge bottom}]
\nextgroupplot[bar width=17pt, xticklabels=\empty]
\addplot[ybar, fill=yellow,  postaction={
        pattern=horizontal lines
    }] coordinates {  (1, 12)};
\addplot[ybar, fill=yellow,  postaction={
         pattern=vertical lines}] coordinates { (2, 3)};
\addplot[ybar, fill=yellow,  postaction={
        pattern=grid}] coordinates {  (3, 3)};
\addplot[ybar, fill=yellow,  postaction={
        pattern=dots}] coordinates {  (4, 2)};
\addplot[ybar, fill=yellow,  postaction={
        pattern=north east lines}] coordinates {  (5, 2)};

\caption{Triage++ Performance}
