\caroltitle{Deck the Halls}
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
'Tis the season to be jolly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Don we now our gay apparel, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, \eol
\Falala! \eol
\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
\LoadClass{article} % or a different class, or process options, etc.
% ...
。如果您不知道这首歌,副歌应该是“Fa la la la la, la la la la”。
- 使用 LaTeX 字体目录中的草书、黑体或大写字母字体(或更多!)
- 使用颜色!
- 也许:将 设置
- 也许:将 设置
- 想想你可以用什么不同的方式定义
或完全不同的东西 - 使用 Tikz 或其他 LaTeX 工具绘制插图
- 使用 MusiXTeX 记谱音乐作为插图
- 动画片
- 类别选项可以彻底改变布局、颜色、字体等。
\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
% creating the title page
%remove navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% Note: very bad idea to use frame in a custom environment
% will break for fragile frames ... but for the spirit of X-Mas
% not really a duck, but close enough
% Jumps from line to line
% and helps the singer along the refrain
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}{%
\Longstack{{\duck} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{la}}\hskip-7pt%
% refrain
\Longstack[l]{{\duck} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{Fa}}\hskip-7.5pt%
% from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/286126/36296
% modified from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/165087/36296
\pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} % seed for random generator
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{}
\frametitle{HoHoHo! Merry X-MAS!}
% \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight);
\foreach \i in {1,...,100} {
\pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{\x\paperwidth}{\y\paperheight}, left, base]{\textcolor{red!\i!black}{\Large\PHdove}}
% snow in the background
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
\useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight);
\foreach \i in {1,...,100} {
% Titlepage
\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%
\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
% creating the title page
%remove navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% Note: very bad idea to use frame in a custom environment
% will break for fragile frames ... but for the spirit of X-Mas
% really a duck :)
% Jumps from line to line
% and helps the singer along the refrain
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}{%
\Longstack{{\santa} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{la}}\hskip-7pt%
% refrain
\Longstack[l]{{\santa} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{Fa}}\hskip-7.5pt%
% from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/286126/36296
% modified from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/165087/36296
\pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} % seed for random generator
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{}
\frametitle{HoHoHo! Merry X-MAS!}
(0.430,1.803) .. controls (0.590,2.174) and (0.837,2.065) ..
(1.118,1.954) .. controls (1.679,1.731) and (1.328,1.193) ..
(1.647,1.057) .. controls (1.638,1.255) and (1.745,2.104) ..
(1.168,2.270) .. controls (0.867,2.356) and (0.536,2.280) ..
(0.430,1.803) -- cycle;
(0.44,1.733) .. controls (0.211,2.299) and (1.082,2.188) ..
(1.456,1.759) .. controls (1.534,1.637) and (1.480,1.545) ..
(1.400,1.566) .. controls (1.265,1.714) and (0.577,2.267) ..
(0.44,1.733) -- cycle;
\fill[white!80!brown] (1.6,1.0) circle (0.17);
% snow in the background
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
\useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight);
\foreach \i in {1,...,100} {
% Titlepage
\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%
当然,我的作品并不那么令人印象深刻,但它是一个有用的练习(我的第一堂 LaTeX 课!)。
\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
\LoadClass{article} % or a different class, or process options, etc.
\newcommand{\caroltitle}[1]{\centering {\Large \textcolor{red}{#1}} \vspace{5mm}}
\newcommand{\Falala}{Fa la la la la, la la la la}
\newcommand{\illustration}{\vspace{5mm} \centering \colorbox{blue}{{\color{white}\staveLXII \staveLXII \staveLXII}}}
。根据 OP 的要求,已编辑,将“falalalala”后面的标点符号变为彩色,我通过采用\Falala
\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
\LoadClass{article} % or a different class, or process options, etc.
\textcolor{red}{\itshape\bfseries Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la%
\caroltitle{Deck the Halls}
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
'Tis the season to be jolly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Don we now our gay apparel, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, \eol
\Falala! \eol
Deck The Halls.jpg
下载的 文件名来自http://www.guitarnoise.com/images/features/christmas-tree-decorations-1024x585.jpg
这个答案有点复杂。历史断言是基于维基百科。 我有 不是 已核实原始资料。因此,历史声明按原样提供,不保证或保证真实性。如果需要更正历史记录,请发表评论。
买者自负 ...
问题中发布的颂歌版本是 19 世纪的美国化版本。因此,它毫不奇怪地遭到了清教徒对酒精的怀疑。因此,原版中所有关于欢乐液体的提及均被删除。
美国版本是托马斯·奥利芬特 15 年前提供的文字的清教版本。除了取消欢乐的饮料外,一个大厅显然对大西洋彼岸的人们来说也不够,所以他们从 1892 年开始更改了名称,并增加了要装饰的房间数量。
Oliphant 的文字是 1862 年的英国英语版本,与 Talhaiarn 的文字一起出版诺斯加兰,威尔士颂歌的原版。爱德华·琼斯的早期版本于 1794 年出版,但诺斯加兰年纪大了。
让事情更加复杂的是,这Fa la la ...
句话原来是威尔士人重复的一句歌词的变形版Fal lal lal ...
。谁知道会发生什么呢?那是……的混乱。此外,威尔士语版本用器乐叠句代替了第三个Fal lal lal ...
现在诺斯加兰与圣诞节毫无关系。这是威尔士的一个更古老的传统,至少在东南部,它与 Y Fari Lwyd(灰色母马)有关。这包括在 Nos Galan(新年前夕)来回竞争地唱诗。一组人走在街上,抬着一个装饰好的母马的头骨,头骨固定在一根杆子上,并固定好,以便下巴可以张开和闭合。这组人在门口唱歌以示进入,里面的人通过关闭的门用歌声回答。如果该组在比赛中获胜,门就会打开,流浪者们会得到饮料。当然,到现在为止,这已经是仪式化了,各组之间来回唱着标准的诗句,流浪者唱完最后一首诗以确保胜利。
不用说,门通常是酒吧的门。因此,即使英式英语版本已经将其含义改得面目全非,美式英语版本中去掉酒精一词也几乎不能被视为偶然。也就是说,1862 年的英语单词绝不是与之并列的威尔士语单词的翻译。相反,它们是旨在与同一种音乐一起演唱的英语单词,这种音乐比威尔士语和英语诗歌都更古老。
恐怕所有这些都需要对 MWE 进行一些修改。但是,原始 MWE 仍会产生输出。只是不太有趣。此外,MWE 包含虚假空格,我在下面的屏幕截图中已将其删除,但在左侧创建了一个白色边距。这是因为行尾未正确注释。
这是没有虚假空格并使用该类的当前版本的替代 MWE happyholidays
\begin{carol}[lang=welsh, title=Nos Galan, year=1794, author=Edward Jones, dist=5mm, tikz={xshift=-15mm}]
O mor gynnes mynwes meinwen, \eol
\fallalla: \eol
O mor fwyn yw llwyn meillionen, \eol
\fallalla: \eol
O mor felus yw'r cusanau, \eol
\instrumentalflourish \eol
Gyda serch a mwynion eiriau \eol
\fallalla: \eol
\begin{carol}[lang=welsh, title=Nos Galan, year=1862, author=Talhaiarn (John Jones), dist=5mm, tikz={xshift=-15mm}]
Goreu pleser ar nos galan, \eol
\fallalla: \eol
Tŷ{} a thân a theulu diddan, \eol
\fallalla: \eol
Calon lân a chwrw melyn, \eol
\instrumentalflourish \eol
Pennill mwyn a llais y delyn, \eol
\fallalla: \eol
\begin{carol}[title=Deck the Hall, year=1862, author=Thomas Oliphant, tikz={xshift=-18.5mm}]
Deck the hall with boughs of holly, \eol
\Falala! \eol
'Tis the season to be jolly, \eol
\Falala! \eol
Fill the meadcup, drain the barrel, \eol
\Falala \eol
Troul the ancient Christmas carol, \eol
\Falala! \eol
\begin{carol}[lang=american, title=Deck the Hall, year=1877, author=Puritanical Version, tikz={xshift=18.5mm}]
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
'Tis the season to be jolly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Don we now our gay apparel, \eol
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, \eol
\Falala! \eol
\begin{carol}[lang=american, author=Expansive Puritanical Version, dist=5mm, tikz={xshift=18.5mm}]
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
'Tis the season to be jolly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Don we now our gay apparel, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, \eol
\Falala! \eol
请注意,上述 MWE 将不是如果类中的字体包或默认输出编码发生更改,则编译。如果字符由字母和单独的重音组成,而不是使用预组合的字形,则代码无法容忍在此上下文中使用威尔士重音字符之一。据我所知,berenis
是标准发行版中唯一使用 pdfTeX 预组合字形的字体包。但是,如果使用 LuaTeX 或 XeTeX(未经测试)进行编译,它可能适用于其他字体。
继续回答的其他部分...(超出 SE 的大小限制)。
通过应用以下补丁将该答案中的类版本转换为包含 s 的版本,如上所示:
--- happyholidays.cls 2016-12-26 04:46:36.782370097 +0000
+++ happyholidays.cls 2016-12-31 03:06:56.889200144 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
% \NewDocumentCommand{\Cymraeg}{}{\selectlanguage{welsh}}
% \NewDocumentCommand{\Amercian}{}{\selectlanguage{american}}
@@ -147,13 +147,61 @@
% adapted from tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarybackgrounds.code.tex
on canfas layer/.style={%
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- \tikz@options%
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- execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
+ execute at begin scope={%
+ \pgfonlayer{canfas}%
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+ \tikzset{every on canfas layer/.try,#1}%
+ \tikz@options%
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+ execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
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+ math y celyn=10mm,
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+ troi=0,
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+ troi ail/.store in=\troiyrail,
+ troi cyntaf=-25,
+ troi ail=-65,
+ celyn/.pic={
+ \tikzset{
+ #1,
+ }%
+ \coordinate (o) at (0,0);
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+ \shade [draw=ForestGreen, postaction={fill=ForestGreen, blend mode=hard light}, left color=ForestGreen, right color=ForestGreen, middle color=white, shading angle={\troiycelyn-90}] (.05*\mathycelyn,0) coordinate (g2)
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+ [bend left] to cycle
+ ;
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+ \end{scope}
+ },
+ dau gelyn/.pic={
+ \tikzset{
+ #1,
+ }%
+ \pic {celyn={troi=\troiygyntaf}};
+ \pic {celyn={troi=\troiyrail}};
+ \shade [ball color=Crimson] (80:.15*\mathycelyn) circle (.1*\mathycelyn);
+ \shade [ball color=Crimson] (0,0) circle (.1*\mathycelyn);
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@@ -199,7 +247,17 @@
\scoped [on canfas layer] {
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+% \draw [white] (0,0) grid (1,1);
+ \end{scope}
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