我正在处理的 LyX 文档的序言中存在以下内容。一切都很好,但是当我使用titlesec
包时,如果我有一个编号的方程式,它不会编译。给出一个错误I can't use \eqno in math mode
。如果我将方程式模式更改为内联,也不会出现问题。我使用带有 Times New Roman 字体的 Report 类。
这是包含编号方程的 ex 文件的输出。
% Preview source code
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\geometry{textheight=245mm, textwidth=160mm, footskip=10mm}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{15mm}{\LARGE}
\chapter{\noindent \fontsize{18}{22}\selectfont Introduction}
\noindent leading to the rich variety of vivid and beautiful colors.
It took
\paragraph*{\noindent \textmd{
Here }$m_{i}$ \textmd{is the mass of the $ith$ atom} \textmd{whose
position at time $t$ is} $x_{i}$. }
这是具有内联方程的 ex2 文件的文档。
%% LyX 2.1.4 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\geometry{textheight=245mm, textwidth=160mm, footskip=10mm}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{15mm}{\LARGE}
\chapter{\noindent \fontsize{18}{22}\selectfont Introduction}
\paragraph*{\noindent \textmd{the type of interatomic potential $V$ used to
simulate the material properties.$m_{i}\frac{d^{2}x_{i}}{dt^{2}}=-\bigtriangledown_{i}V\left(x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},.....,x_{N}\right),\,\left(i\:=1...N\right)$Here
}$m_{i}$ \textmd{is the mass of the $ith$ atom} \textmd{whose position
at time $t$ is} $x_{i}$.}