

我是 LaTex 新手,所以如果这是一个新手问题,请多多包涵。我使用的模板\listoftables定义如下:

  \fi\chapter*{List of Tables\@mkboth
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}\@starttoc{lot}\if@restonecol





如何在表格列表的每一列顶部添加标题行? 提前感谢您的回答和建议!






\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftdot}{}} % Remove the dots
\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\contentsline{table}{\numberline{\textbf{\tablename}~}\textbf{Title}}{\textbf{Page}}} % Write the header line
\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftdot}{\origcftdot}}% Can be written 'expanded' and enable the dots again
\addtocontents{lot}{\vskip0.5\baselineskip\par}% Some vertical spacing 




\chapter{A chapter}

\caption{Foo stuff table}







\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftdot}{}} % Remove the dots
\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\contentsline{table}{\numberline{\textbf{\tablename}~}\textbf{Title}}{\textbf{Page}}} % Write the header line
\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftdot}{\origcftdot}}% Can be written 'expanded' and enable the dots again
\addtocontents{lot}{\vskip0.5\baselineskip\par}% Some vertical spacing 




\chapter{A chapter}

\caption{Foo stuff table}





您说,您必须使用您部门创建的 LaTeX 样式(您将其命名为“模板”)。所呈现的代码是否取自该模板?







\caption[Common challenges that high school students face]{Common challenges, that high school students face, which we collected from student participatory design workgroup}



感谢 Christian 的回答和上述评论,我已经非常接近工作,如下面的代码和图片所示,但我注意到

%%%% This is in the main tex file %%%%

%\linespread{1}  % Use 1.2 for final version

% Add bibliograph to TOC

% Allow \includegraphics[scale=•]{•}

%\usepackage[font={small, it}]{caption}

% Change spacing for chapter headings 
    {\normalfont\large\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{5pt}{\LARGE}

% Add numbers/TOC entries for subsubparagraphs


% my hack

\usepackage[toc,page]{appendix} % for appendix
\def\bsq#1{%both single quotes
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % to strike the underline in journal titles
\usepackage{float} % for forcing figure placement
\DeclareRobustCommand{\rchi}{{\mathpalette\irchi\relax}} % to raise chi symbol above the line
\newcommand{\irchi}[2]{\raisebox{\depth}{$#1\chi$}} % inner command, used by \rchi
\usepackage{array}  % to align left inside table http://texblog.org/2008/05/07/fwd-equal-cell-width-right-and-centre-aligned-content/


\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftdot}{}} % Remove the dots
\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\contentsline{table}{\numberline{\textbf{\tablename}~}\textbf{Title}}{\textbf{Page}}} % Write the header line
\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftdot}{\origcftdot}}% Can be written 'expanded' and enable the dots again


\title{Thesis title}
\author{Author Name}%$^\ast$}
\thesissupervisor{Professor X^\ast$ and Professor Y$^\dagger$}



%%%% End of the main tex file %%%%

%%%% This is in a separate file called 'introduction.tex' %%%%
Hello World!
%%%% End of 'introduction.tex'%%%%%

%%%% This is in a separate file called 'urcs-thesis.sty' %%%%
\typeout{Document Style `urcsthesis' <14 April 1993> (modified).}
% margin settings
\textwidth 6.00in
\textheight 8.5in
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=1.25in]{geometry}
\headheight 12pt
\headsep 30pt
\footskip 30pt
% paragraph settings
\parskip 4pt plus 1.5pt minus 1.5pt
\clubpenalty 500
\widowpenalty 500
% more spacing between text and footnote
\def\footnoterule{\kern 2pt% extra space
\kern-3\p@\hrule width .4\columnwidth\kern 2.6\p@}
\footnotesep 10pt % more space between footnotes

% These changes to the defaults set in urcsmargin.sty are necessary to
% make the page number come out as requred by the thesis manual.
%\topmargin -.5in
%\headheight 12pt
%\headsep 42pt
% get UR macros
% Space and a half.  Required because the committee designing the
% standards was confused.  Cannot be changed because it is a rule.
% (NGM)
% year date format.  Required by new manual 1992
% thesisby
\def\@thesisby{\vskip 1ex by\vskip 1ex}
% thesissubmit
\def\@thesissubmit{\vskip 5ex Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the\\~\\
Requirements for the Degree\vskip 1ex}
% thesisproposal
\def\thesisproposal{\thesissubmit{\vskip 5ex
Thesis\\~\\for the Degree\vskip 1ex}}
% thesisdegree
\def\@thesisdegree{{Degree name here}}
% thesissupervisor.  Changed 1992
% thesissupervise
\def\@thesissupervise{\vskip 5ex Supervised by\\~\\
  \@thesissupervisor\vskip 1ex}
% thesisdepartment  Changed 1992
\def\@thesisdepartmentone{$^\ast$ Department Name\\
School of Engineering \& Applied Sciences}

\def\@thesisdepartmenttwo{$^\dagger$ Department Name\\School Name}

% thesisuniversity  Changed 1992 (NGM)
\\University Name\\City, State\\}

% redefine maketitle to use the empty page style
   to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
   \global\@topnum\z@        % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
% redefine @maketitle to box the information appropriately
%   added parbox and hskip before it
%   added techrepdept and techrepnum
%   changed vertical space after date
  % Turn off space and a half for title page (NGM)
  \thispagestyle{empty}        % So we get no page number on the title page
  \vspace{0.25in}              % Vertical space above title.
    {\huge \@title \par}        % Title set in \huge size.
    {\large \@thesisby          % Author set in \large size
      \@author \par}
    {\large \@thesissubmit \@thesisdegree}
    {\large \@thesissupervise}
    {\large \@thesisdepartmentone \vskip 0.5em}
    {\large \@thesisdepartmenttwo \vskip 1.5em}
    {\large \@thesisuniversity \vskip 1.5em \@date}
% curriculumvitaehead
\chapter*{Biographical Sketch\@mkboth{BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH}{BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Biographical Sketch}}
% curriculumvitae
% acknowledgmentshead
% acknowledgments
% abstracthead
% use narrow text width for abstract to center under window
% vfil before abstract
% contributorsandfundinghead
\chapter*{Contributors and Funding Sources\@mkboth{CONTRIBUTORS AND FUNDING
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Contributors and Funding Sources}}
% contributors and funding
% count chapters and sections two levels deep
% enter only chapters and top sections are in the table of contents
% redefine plain page to put page numbers towards outside.
% chapter redefinitions
\def\firstchapter{0} % for starting page numbers in arabic
% \@makechapterhead {TEXT} : Makes the heading for the \chapter command.
\def\@makechapterhead#1{     % Heading for \chapter command
    \def\firstchapter{1} % do not do this again
  \vspace*{50pt}             % Space at top of text page.
  { \parindent 0pt \raggedright
    % Print chapter number and title.
  \nobreak                   % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
  \vskip 40pt                % Space between title and text.
% \tableofcontents gets the title changed
  \fi\chapter*{Table of Contents\@mkboth{TABLE OF CONTENTS}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}
% \listoffigures gets table of contents entry
  \fi\chapter*{List of Figures\@mkboth
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}\@starttoc{lof}\if@restonecol
% \listoffigures gets table of contents entry
  \fi\chapter*{List of Tables\@mkboth
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}\@starttoc{lot}\if@restonecol
% \@makeschapterhead {TEXT} : Makes the heading for the \chapter* command.
\def\@makeschapterhead#1{    % Heading for \chapter* command
  \vspace*{50pt}             % Space at top of page.
  {\huge #1} % Print title.
  \nobreak                   % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
  \vskip 40pt                % Space between title and text.
% place bibliography in table of contents
    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
% \clearpage added to start of appendicies
%%%% End of 'urcs-thesis.sty' %%%%

%%%% This is in a separate file called 'urcsmacros.tex' %%%%
% urcsmacros
% author: Lawrence A. Crowl
% last updated: 28 April 1990
% BibTeX
\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{B\kern-.0833em{\sc ib}\kern-.1667em%
% SLiTeX
\newcommand{\SliTeX}{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em
T\kern -.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
\newcommand{\UNIX}{{\sc Unix}}
% trademark
\newcommand{\trademark}{$^{\rm TM}$}
% singlespacing (for use in doublespaced documents)
\newenvironment{singlespace}{\baselineskip #2\baselineskip}%
{\par \baselineskip #1\baselineskip}%
\par \baselineskip #1\baselineskip}
% various latin abbreviations
\def\adhoc{{\em ad hoc}}
\def\aposteriori{{\em a posteriori}}
\def\apriori{{\em a priori}}
\def\Cf{{\em Cf.}}
\def\cf{{\em cf.}}
\def\Eg{{\em E.g.}}
\def\eg{{\em e.g.}}
\def\etal{{et al.}}
\def\etc{{etc.\ }}
\def\Ibid{{\em Ibid.}}
\def\ibid{{\em ibid.}}
\def\Id{{\em Id.}}
\def\id{{\em id.}}
\def\Ie{{\em I.e.}}
\def\ie{{\em i.e.}}
\def\Loccit{{\em Loc.\ cit.}}
\def\loccit{{\em loc.\ cit.}}
\def\Opcit{{\em Op.\ cit.}}
\def\opcit{{\em op.\ cit.}}
\def\qv{{\em q.v.}}
\def\Qv{{\em Q.v.}}
\def\viz{{\em viz.}}
% andbreak  (for breaking author lists)
\def\andbreak{%% \begin{tabular}
\end{tabular}\\\begin{tabular}[t]{c}%% \end{tabular}
% titlequote
\parbox{4in}{\begin{flushright}{\small\it #1}\end{flushright}}}
% weekdaystring
% Dump the day of the week in string form.
% This macro is only valid from 1901 A.D. through 2099 A.D.
\def\weekdaystring#1#2#3{{% extra brace saves enclosing register state
% days through the end of the year
% days := current year * 365
\multiply\count10 by 365%
% leap years := year / 4
\divide\count11 by 4%
% days := days + leap years
\advance\count10 by \count11
% find out if the current year is a leap year
% last leap year := leap years * 4
\multiply\count12 by 4
% years since last leap year := current year - last leap year
\advance\count13 by -\count12%
% years since last leap year equals zero when current year is a leap year
% subtract off those days in this month and the following months
% days = days - following days [ is leap ] [ current month ]
\or\ifcase\count13\advance\count10 by -366% leap January
\else\advance\count10 by -365% normal January
\or\ifcase\count13\advance\count10 by -335% leap February
\else\advance\count10 by -334% normal February
\or\advance\count10 by -306% March
\or\advance\count10 by -275% April
\or\advance\count10 by -245% May
\or\advance\count10 by -214% June
\or\advance\count10 by -184% July
\or\advance\count10 by -153% August
\or\advance\count10 by -122% September
\or\advance\count10 by -92% October
\or\advance\count10 by -61% November
\or\advance\count10 by -31% December
% update days by day of month
% days := days + current day
\advance\count10 by #1%
% find weekday number
% offset for initial day of the week
\advance\count10 by 5
% last monday := (current day / 7) * 7
\divide\count14 by 7%
\multiply\count14 by 7
% weekday number := current day - last monday
\advance\count15 by -\count14
% now dump out appropriate string
\ifcase\count15 Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday%
\or Thursday\or Friday\or Saturday\or Sunday\fi%
% monthstring
% Dump the month in string form.
\def\monthstring#1{\ifcase#1\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May%
\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}
% dateWDMY
% Redefine \today as "weekdaystring daynumber monthstring yearnumber" format.
% dateDMY
% Redefine \today as "daynumber monthstring yearnumber" format.
% dateWMDY
% Redefine \today as "weekdaystring monthstring daynumber, yearnumber" format.
% dateMDY
% Redefine \today as "monthstring daynumber, yearnumber" format.
% dateMY
% Redefine \today as "monthstring yearnumber" format.
% dateY
% Redefine \today as "yearnumber" format.
%%%% End of 'urcsmacros.tex' %%%%


2)我无法在表格行中再次打开“点”(可能我不明白 Christian 的评论“可以写入‘扩展’并再次启用点”是什么意思

任何人(包括 Christian)都可以提出答案,如果其他用户尝试完成我在这里尝试做的事情,我会根据需要更新此帖子。非常感谢!

