表格和 \flushleft

表格和 \flushleft




\newcommand\Tstrut{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}}       % top strut
\newcommand\Bstrut{\rule[-1.1ex]{0pt}{0pt}} % bottom strut

    \caption[Steps in a hypothetical monopolist test]{Steps in a hypothetical monopolist test.}
    \begin{tabular}{ p{3em} p{11em}  p{11em}  p{12em} }    
    \bf  &    
    \bf Step 1 & 
    \bf Step 2 & 
    \bf Step 3 \Tstrut\Bstrut \\ \hline
    PMD\tnote{*} & (1) & (1, 2) & (1, 2, 3) \Tstrut\Bstrut \\
    Q & Does monopolization of product 1 give pricing power? & Does a hypothetical monopolist of products 1 and 2 have pricing power? & Does a hypothetical monopolist of products 1, 2 and 3 have pricing power? \Tstrut\Bstrut \\ 
    A & No, because there are two perfect substitutes omitted from the proposed market. No ability to raise price of good 1. & No, because there is still a perfect substitute omitted from the proposed market (product 3) that constrains the ability of the hypothetical monopolist of goods 1 and 2 to raise their prices. & Yes, if products 4 and 5 are not good enough substitutes. If so, then the market definition of (1, 2, 3) is accepted. No, if either product 4 or 5 is a good enough substitute to constrain profitability of a price increase. In that case, continue the test. \Tstrut\Bstrut \\                     
    \item[*] Proposed market definition.

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我对原始资料做了一些更改,我个人认为这些更改更吸引人,但我的主要目标实际上是\flushleft消除所有Underfull \hbox错误。




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