biblatex,biber,如何逐年 \printbibliography 从 xxxx 到 yyyy?

biblatex,biber,如何逐年 \printbibliography 从 xxxx 到 yyyy?

使用 biblatex 和 Biber,如何创建年份循环,以以下方式逐年打印参考书目:

        \printbibliography of all articles published in 2017
        \printbibliography of all papers in proceedings published in 2017
    \subsection{in Misc}
        \printbibliography of all misc published in 2017

    etc. for all bib entries and all years.



  • 起始年份自动设置为 bib 文件中较早的输入年份,
  • 结束年份自动设置为 bib 文件中最近的输入年份,
  • 如果没有发表与给定(子)部分相对应的论文,则该(子)部分就不会出现,(即)没有(子)部分显示为空。

解决了两年之间打印书目的问题这里。 谢谢。

已编辑。以下是借用并修改自的 MWE这里回答@samcarter。


  date =     2001,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2003,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2004,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}
  date =     2007,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2009,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2011,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2013,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2015,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  year =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Patent 1},
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title 1},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  year =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Patent 1},
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  year =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Patent 2},
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}



            \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,}, append]
            \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue=own, append]

\defbibcheck{2016}{%There must be a better way to code "different from" 2016

\defbibcheck{2015}{%There must be a better way to code "different from" 2015

    \printbibliography[check=2016, keyword=own, resetnumbers=true, type=article, heading=subbibliography, title={Articles}]
    \printbibliography[check=2016, keyword=own, resetnumbers=true, type=inproceedings, heading=subbibliography, title={Inproceedings}]
    \printbibliography[check=2016, keyword=own, resetnumbers=true, type=patent, heading=subbibliography, title={Patent}]
    \printbibliography[check=2015, keyword=own, resetnumbers=true, type=article, heading=subbibliography, title={Articles}]
    \printbibliography[check=2015, keyword=own, resetnumbers=true, type=inproceedings, heading=subbibliography, title={Inproceedings}]
    \printbibliography[check=2015, keyword=own, resetnumbers=true, type=patent, heading=subbibliography, title={Patent}]


但是,我得到了带有标题的不想要的输出Inproceedings,并且Patent在 2015 年打印了空内容。如果内容为空,我希望没有任何标题。

回到我的请求。如何创建一个从 2016 年到 2001 年的循环,根据类型(文章、会议录、专利、杂项等)逐年打印参考书目?


  • 创建一个内部循环,循环遍历每年的不同类型(文章、诉讼、专利、杂项......)。


下面是一个 MWE,其中包含建议的解决方案,但它指出了使用 htlatex/biber/htlatex 时的编译 pb。请参阅下面于 2020 年 2 月 22 日发布的评论。

2020 年 3 月 12 日重新编辑:添加了杂项参考:


  date =     2003,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2003,
  author =   {misc, LLL},
  title =    {MISC},
  journaltitle = {Journal-misc},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2003,
  author =   {Author, BBB},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2003,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  year =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Patent 1},
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title 1},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  year =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Patent 1},
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  year =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Patent 2},
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}

  date =     2016,
  author =   {Author, Amy},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {Journal},
  volume =   10,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {100-141}}






    { \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}
        {\subsection*{\hspace*{-\leftmargin}Journal Articles}}
        { \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{inproceedings}
            {\subsection*{\hspace*{-\leftmargin}Conference Papers}

        \printbibliography[title={Publication list by year}]









这里的技巧是\item从最后一个元素(bib 项上的迭代)中删除。这委托给单个条目。




    { \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}
        {\subsection*{\hspace*{-\leftmargin}Journal Articles}}
        { \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{inproceedings}
            {\subsection*{\hspace*{-\leftmargin}Conference Papers}





\printbibliography[title={Publication list by year}]

使用 MWE 中给出的参考书目,将产生以下输出(双列格式)






经过扩展的 MWE 的输出为:

