有几种方法/软件包可用于使用 LaTeX “编程”图表。也许目前最流行的软件包是 TikZ。使用 TikZ 也有多种方法可以做到这一点,我在下面介绍了一种选项,它会产生以下效果:
代码中有一些注释,但绝不是非常详细。手动的,乍一看可能很大而且令人生畏,但其实是一本非常有用的参考书。它还以一些教程开始,旨在向新用户介绍如何使用 TikZ 制作图表。
arrows.meta, % supplies the Stealth arrow tip
distribution/.pic={ % define a small "picture" that can be used multiple times
\draw [thick] (0,1) -- (0,-1);
\draw [thin,dotted] (0,0) coordinate (-origin) -- (0.7,0);
\draw [blue] (0.05,1) .. controls (0.08,0.2) and (0.6,0.3) ..
coordinate[pos=0.5] (-left)
(0.6,0) .. controls (0.6,-0.3) and (0.08,-0.2) ..
coordinate[pos=0.5] (-right);
% draw the axis with labels
\draw [Stealth-Stealth] (0,4) node[left]{$y$} |- (6,0) node[below] {$x$};
% draw the straight line plot
\draw [orange] plot[domain=0:6,samples=2](\x,1+\x*0.5);
% a loop to add the small distribution graphs and ticklabels on x-axis at three x-values
\foreach [count=\i] \x in {1.5,3,4.5} {
\draw (\x,1+\x*0.5) pic (p\i) {distribution}; % pic{distribution} draws the small picture defined above
\draw (\x,3pt) -- (\x,0) node[below] {$x_\i$}; % draw the tick and ticklabel
% draw arrows with annotations
\draw [-Stealth] (p3-right) to[out=-45,in=180] ++(0.8,-0.5) node[right] {Distribution of $\epsilon_3$};
\draw [Stealth-,shorten <=3pt] (p1-origin) -- ++(-1.7,0.2) node[left] {$E(Y_1) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X$};
我会使用 PSTricks。以下是示例代码:
\rput[l]{0}(4,3){\ovalnode[shadow=true,blur=true]{dis}{Distribution of $\epsilon_3$}}