\caption{My caption}
\textbf{Article Info} & \textbf{Study Size} & \textbf{RV EDV} & \textbf{RV ESV} & \textbf{LV EDV} & \textbf{LV ESV} \\ \hline
ASO Guidelines: Cardiac Chamber Quantification. Citation: "Age-, Body Size-, and Sex-Specific Reference Values for Right Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction by Three-Dimensional Echocardiography" & 540 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: 35-87 mL/m2\\ Women: 32-74 mL/m2\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: 10-44 mL/m2\\ Women: 8-36 mL/m2\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: 34-74 mL/m2\\ Women: 29-61 mL/m2\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: 11-31 mL/m2\\ Women: 8-24 mL/m2\end{tabular} \\ \hline
Reference right ventricular systolic and diastolic function normalized to age, gender and body surface area from steady-state free precession cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Table 2 and 3. Stratified by age. & 120 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: a) 20-29 y/o: 91 b) 30 - 39 y/o: 88 c) 40 - 49 y/o: 85 d) 50 - 59 y/o : 82 e) 60 - 69 y/o: 79 f) 70 - 79 y/o: 75\\ \\ Women: a) 20-29 y/o: 84 b) 30 - 39 y/o: 80 c) 40 - 49 y/o: 76 d) 50 - 59 y/o : 72 e) 60 - 69 y/o: 68 f) 70 - 79 y/o: 64\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: a) 20-29 y/o: 35 b) 30 - 39 y/o: 33 c) 40 - 49 y/o: 30 d) 50 - 59 y/o : 28 e) 60 - 69 y/o: 25 f) 70 - 79 y/o: 23\\ \\ Women: a) 20-29 y/o: 32 b) 30 - 39 y/o: 30 c) 40 - 49 y/o: 27 d) 50 - 59 y/o : 24 e) 60 - 69 y/o: 21 f) 70 - 79 y/o: 19\end{tabular} & Not measured in this study & Not measured in this study \\ \hline
Reference Values for Real Time Three-Dimensional Echocardiography–Derived Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction: Review and Meta-Analysis of Currently Available Studies. Table 2 & 2806 & Not measured in this study & Not measured in this study & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: 54.3 mL/m2\\ \\ Women: 49.0 mL/m2\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Men: 20.8 mL/m2\\ \\ Women: 17.3 mL/m2\end{tabular} \\ \hline
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\caption{My caption}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} M{4.8cm} M{0.7cm} *{4}{L} @{}}
\multicolumn{1}{@{}T}{Article Info}
& \multicolumn{1}{T}{\rotatebox{90}{Study Size}}
& \multicolumn{1}{T}{RV EDV}
& \multicolumn{1}{T}{RV ESV}
& \multicolumn{1}{T}{LV EDV}
& \multicolumn{1}{T@{}}{LV ESV} \\
ASO Guidelines: Cardiac Chamber Quantification. Citation: ``Age-,
Body Size-, and Sex-Specific Reference Values for Right
Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction by Three-Dimensional
& 540
& Men:\newline
$35 \ldots{} 87$ mL/m2\newline
$32 \ldots{} 74$ mL/m2
& Men: \newline
$10 \ldots{} 4$4 mL/m2\newline
Women: \newline
$8 \ldots{} 3$6 mL/m2
& Men: \newline
$34 \ldots{} 7$4 mL/m2\newline
Women: \newline
$29 \ldots{} 6$1 mL/m2
& Men: \newline
$11 \ldots{} 3$1 mL/m2\newline
Women: \newline
$8 \ldots{} 2$4 mL/m2 \\
Reference right ventricular systolic and diastolic function
normalized to age, gender and body surface area from steady-state
free precession cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Table 2 and
3. Stratified by age.
& 120
& \begin{subtab}{Men}
20 \ldots{} 29 & 91 \\
30 \ldots{} 39 & 88 \\
40 \ldots{} 49 & 85 \\
50 \ldots{} 59 & 82 \\
60 \ldots{} 69 & 79 \\
70 \ldots{} 79 & 75 \\
20 \ldots{} 29 & 84 \\
30 \ldots{} 39 & 80 \\
40 \ldots{} 49 & 76 \\
50 \ldots{} 59 & 72 \\
60 \ldots{} 69 & 68 \\
70 \ldots{} 79 & 64
& \begin{subtab}{Men}
20 \ldots{} 29 & 35 \\
30 \ldots{} 39 & 33 \\
40 \ldots{} 49 & 30 \\
50 \ldots{} 59 & 28 \\
60 \ldots{} 69 & 25 \\
70 \ldots{} 79 & 23
20 \ldots{} 29 & 32 \\
30 \ldots{} 39 & 30 \\
40 \ldots{} 49 & 27 \\
50 \ldots{} 59 & 24 \\
60 \ldots{} 69 & 21 \\
70 \ldots{} 79 & 19
& Not measured in this study
& Not measured in this study \\
Reference Values for Real Time Three-Dimensional
Echocardiography–Derived Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection
Fraction: Review and Meta-Analysis of Currently Available
Studies. Table 2
& 2806
& Not measured in this study
& Not measured in this study
& Men:\newline
54.3 mL/m2\newline
Women: \newline
49.0 mL/m2
& Men: \newline
20.8 mL/m2\newline
Women: \newline
17.3 mL/m2 \\