“dcu”书目样式中的引用有时会返回“et al”,有时则返回完整的作者列表

“dcu”书目样式中的引用有时会返回“et al”,有时则返回完整的作者列表

\cite当我(或\citep)使用 natbib时遇到了问题dcu.bst

对于一些有 3 位或更多作者的引文,作者的完整列表会插入到正文中,但在其他引文中,作者列表会缩短为““(这就是我想要的)。
问题与选项无关,dcu numnames#因为““缩写适用于大多数有 3 位或更多作者的参考文献。我注意到这个问题只发生在参考文献列表中的几个条目中(下面给出了三个例子)。




以下一些 bib 条目会产生意想不到的引用。两个条目Chmait, Nader的第一作者是不同的合著者,而且重要的是,出版年份相同。相比之下,另外两个条目的Insa-Cabrera, Javier第一作者是不同的合著者,但出版年份不同。

 author = {Insa-Cabrera, Javier and Dowe, David L. and {Espa{\~n}a-Cubillo}, Sergio and {Hern{\'a}ndez-Lloreda}, M. Victoria and Hern{\'a}ndez-Orallo, Jos{\'e}},    
  title = {Comparing Humans and {AI} Agents.},
  booktitle = {Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)},  
  isbn = {978-3-642-22886-5},
  keywords = {dblp},  
  pages = {122-132},  
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},    
  volume = {6830},  
  year = {2011}  

    author      = {Insa-Cabrera, Javier and Benacloch-Ayuso, Jos{\'e}-Luis  and Hern{\'a}ndez-Orallo, Jos{\'e}},  
    title       = {On Measuring Social Intelligence: Experiments on Competition and Cooperation},  
    booktitle   = {Proceedings 5th International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)},  
    editor      = {Joscha Bach and  Ben Goertzel and Matthew Ikl{\'e}},  
    volume      = {7716},  
    series      = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},  
    publisher   = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},  
    year        = {2012},  
    pages       = {126-135} 

      title     = {Factors of Collective Intelligence: How Smart Are Agent Collectives?},  
      author    = {Chmait, Nader and Dowe, David L. and Li, Yuan-Fang and Green, David G. and Insa-Cabrera, Javier},  
      booktitle = {Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence {ECAI}},  
      address   = {The Hague, The Netherlands},  
      ISBN      = {978-1-61499-671-2},  
      Series    = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},  
      Editors   = {Gal A. Kaminka and Maria Fox and Paolo Bouquet and Eyke H{\"u}llermeier and Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum and Frank van Harmelen},  
      Volume    = {285},  
      pages     = {542--550},  
      doi       = {DOI10.3233/978-1-61499-672-9-542},  
      year      = {2016}

  author    = {Chmait, Nader and Li, Yuan-Fang and Dowe, David L. and Green, David G.},  
  title     = {A Dynamic Intelligence Test Framework for Evaluating {AI} Agents},  
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Evaluating General-Purpose {AI (EGPAI 2016)}},   
  address   = {The Hague, The Netherlands},    
  year      = {2016},  
  pages     = {1--8}



书目样式dcu- “dcu”代表“设计计算单元”,悉尼大学建筑与设计科学系 - 是哈佛引文管理包。(附言:如果你使用dcunatbib而不是harvard包,最好har2nat也加载包,特别是当hyperref包正在使用时。)

正如你所发现的,dcu书目风格是程序化的不是如果有两个(或更多)多作者条目,且 (a) 以相同et al的第一作者开头,并且 (b) 没有所有作者共同点。在这方面,dcu与参考书目风格类似agsm,参考书目风格——并非巧合!——也是harvard引文管理包的一部分。请参阅帖子对于重复的作者+年份,AGSM 书目样式有时不会缩写为“et al.”了解有关此主题的更多信息。


完整的 MWE:

enter image description here

author = {Insa-Cabrera, Javier and Dowe, David L. and {Espa\~{n}a-Cubillo}, Sergio and {Hern\'{a}ndez-Lloreda}, M. Victoria and Hern\'{a}ndez-Orallo, Jos{\'e}},
title = {Comparing Humans and {AI} Agents.}, 
booktitle = {Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)},
isbn = {978-3-642-22886-5}, keywords = {dblp},
pages = {122-132},
publisher = {Springer}, 
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {6830},
year = {2011}
author = {Insa-Cabrera, Javier and Benacloch-Ayuso, Jos\'e-Luis and Hern\'andez-Orallo, Jos\'e},
title = {On Measuring Social Intelligence: Experiments on Competition and Cooperation},
booktitle = {Proceedings 5th International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)},
editor = {Joscha Bach and Ben Goertzel and Matthew Ikl{\'e}},
volume = {7716},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
year = {2012},
pages = {126-135} 
title = {Factors of Collective Intelligence: How Smart Are Agent Collectives?},
author = {Chmait, Nader and Dowe, David L. and Li, Yuan-Fang and Green, David G. and Insa-Cabrera, Javier},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence {ECAI}},
address = {The Hague, The Netherlands},
ISBN = {978-1-61499-671-2},
Series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
Editors = {Gal A. Kaminka and Maria Fox and Paolo Bouquet and Eyke H\"ullermeier and Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum and Frank van Harmelen},
Volume = {285},
pages = {542--550},
doi = {DOI10.3233/978-1-61499-672-9-542},
year = {2016} 
author = {Chmait, Nader and Li, Yuan-Fang and Dowe, David L. and Green, David G.},
title = {A Dynamic Intelligence Test Framework for Evaluating {AI} Agents},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Evaluating General-Purpose {AI (EGPAI 2016)}},
address = {The Hague, The Netherlands},
year = {2016},
pages = {1--8} 






