\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % set margins to meet your document's needs
% use ragged-right, not fully-justified, look in narrow columns
\caption{Table 2: Length and distance between ditropic contexts in the reading material (measured in words)}
%\centering % not needed, since table is as wide as text block
& {\bfseries N}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries Length}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Distance} \\
\cmidrule(l){3-5} \cmidrule(l){6-7}
&& tokens
& \textmugreek
& \textsigma
& \textmugreek
& \textsigma\\
entire text & --- & 1855 & 14.4 & 6.5 & --- & --- \\
all contexts & 17 & 225 & 13.2 & 5.2 & 91.2 & 68.7 \\
idioms & 9 & 33 & 3.7 & 0.8 & --- & ---\\
idiomatic contexts & 8 & 110 & 13.8 & 5.6 & 170.4 & 110\\
literal contexts & 9 & 115 & 12.8 & 4.7 & 194.4 & 173.4 \\
ditropic pairs & 9 & 225 & --- & --- & 882 & 374.6 \\
\caption{the entire text contained 129 sentences}
&\multirow{2}{*}[-2pt]{\bfseries N}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries Length}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Distance} \\
\cmidrule(l){3-5} \cmidrule(l){6-7}
\usepackage{booktabs,tabularx, multirow, siunitx}
\usepackage[flushleft]{ threeparttable} %
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % set margins to meet your document's needs
% use ragged-right, not fully-justified, look in narrow columns
\caption{Table 2: Length and distance between ditropic contexts in the reading material (measured in words)}
%\centering % not needed, since table is as wide as text block
& \multirow{2}{=}[-\dimexpr\aboverulesep+\belowrulesep]{\centering\bfseries N}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries Length}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Distance} \\
\cmidrule(l){3-5} \cmidrule(l){6-7}
&& tokens
& \textmugreek
& \textsigma
& \textmugreek
& \textsigma\\
entire text & --- & 1855 & 14.4 & 6.5 & --- & --- \\
all contexts & 17 & 225 & 13.2 & 5.2 & 91.2 & 68.7 \\
idioms & 9 & 33 & 3.7 & 0.8 & --- & ---\\
idiomatic contexts & 8 & 110 & 13.8 & 5.6 & 170.4 & 110\\
literal contexts & 9 & 115 & 12.8 & 4.7 & 194.4 & 173.4 \\
ditropic pairs & 9 & 225 & --- & --- & 882 & 374.6 \\
\caption{the entire text contained 129 sentences}
\caption{Table 2: Length and distance between ditropic contexts in the reading material (measured in words)}
%\centering % not needed, since table is as wide as text block
\begin{tabular}{@{\,}lcS[table-format=4.0]S[table-format=2.1]c *{2}{S[table-format=3.1]}@{\,}}
& \multirow{2}{*}[-\dimexpr\aboverulesep+\belowrulesep]{\bfseries N}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries Length}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Distance} \\
\cmidrule(l){3-5} \cmidrule(l){6-7}
&& {tokens}
& {\textmugreek}
& \textsigma
& {\textmugreek}
& {\textsigma}\\
entire text & --- & 1855 & 14.4 & 6.5 & {---} &{ ---} \\
all contexts & 17 & 225 & 13.2 & 5.2 & 91.2 & 68.7 \\
idioms & 9 & 33 & 3.7 & 0.8 & {---} & {---}\\
idiomatic contexts & 8 & 110 & 13.8 & 5.6 & 170.4 & 110\\
literal contexts & 9 & 115 & 12.8 & 4.7 & 194.4 & 173.4 \\
ditropic pairs & 9 & 225 &{ ---} & {---} & 882 & 374.6 \\
\item{the entire text contained 129 sentences}
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % set margins to meet your document's needs
% use ragged-right, not fully-justified, look in narrow columns
\caption{Table 2: Length and distance between ditropic contexts in the reading material (measured in words)}
%\centering % not needed, since table is as wide as text block
& \multirow{2.5}{*}{\bfseries N}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries Length}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Distance} \\
\cmidrule(l){3-5} \cmidrule(l){6-7}
&& tokens
& \textmugreek
& \textsigma
& \textmugreek
& \textsigma\\
entire text & --- & 1855 & 14.4 & 6.5 & --- & --- \\
all contexts & 17 & 225 & 13.2 & 5.2 & 91.2 & 68.7 \\
idioms & 9 & 33 & 3.7 & 0.8 & --- & ---\\
idiomatic contexts & 8 & 110 & 13.8 & 5.6 & 170.4 & 110\\
literal contexts & 9 & 115 & 12.8 & 4.7 & 194.4 & 173.4 \\
ditropic pairs & 9 & 225 & --- & --- & 882 & 374.6 \\
\caption{the entire text contained 129 sentences}
我用了 2.5 行行数的参数\multirow