\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 1, baseline, domain = 0:220]
axis lines = left,
xlabel = {$Q_d$},
ylabel = {$P_x$},
x label style={at={(axis description cs:1,0)},anchor=east},
y label style={at={(axis description cs:0,1)},rotate=270,anchor=south},
xtick = {70,190},
ytick = {50,120,190},
ymax= 200, ymin =0,
xmax= 230, xmin = 0,
legend style={at={(0.4,-0.15)},anchor=north},
legend columns = -1]
\addplot[fill=green, fill opacity = 0.2, draw = none] coordinates {(0,190) (0,120) (70,120)};
\addlegendentry{Excedente consumidor};
\addplot[fill=blue, fill opacity = 0.2, draw = none] coordinates {(0,120) (0,50) (70,120)};
\addlegendentry{Excedente productor};
\addplot[color = black]{(-1)*x + 190};
\addplot[color = black, domain = 0:190]{x + 50};
\draw[black!30, dashed] (axis cs: 0,120) to (axis cs:70,120);
\draw[black!30, dashed] (axis cs:70,0) to (axis cs:70,120);
\filldraw [fill=yellow, draw=black, thick] (axis cs:70,120) circle [radius=2pt];
\caption{Pregunta 7}
这是你想要的吗?我做的唯一更改是添加了area legend
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 1, baseline, domain = 0:220]
axis lines = left,
xlabel = {$Q_d$},
ylabel = {$P_x$},
x label style={at={(axis description cs:1,0)},anchor=east},
y label style={at={(axis description cs:0,1)},rotate=270,anchor=south},
xtick = {70,190},
ytick = {50,120,190},
ymax= 200, ymin =0,
xmax= 230, xmin = 0,
legend style={at={(0.4,-0.15)},anchor=north},
legend columns = -1]
\addplot[fill=green, fill opacity = 0.2, draw = none,area legend] coordinates {(0,190) (0,120) (70,120)};
\addlegendentry{Excedente consumidor};
\addplot[fill=blue, fill opacity = 0.2, draw = none,area legend] coordinates {(0,120) (0,50) (70,120)};
\addlegendentry{Excedente productor};
\addplot[color = black]{(-1)*x + 190};
\addplot[color = black, domain = 0:190]{x + 50};
\draw[black!30, dashed] (axis cs: 0,120) to (axis cs:70,120);
\draw[black!30, dashed] (axis cs:70,0) to (axis cs:70,120);
\filldraw [fill=yellow, draw=black, thick] (axis cs:70,120) circle [radius=2pt];
\caption{Pregunta 7}