如何正确定位 tikzpicture?

如何正确定位 tikzpicture?

% 我需要知道如何让这个 tikzpicture 保持居中。它往往会向左和向右移动。

\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning,shapes,shadows, arrows}
\Large\textbf{Where Are We Now?}\\% Title

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 0.36cm, thick, every node/.style = {rectangle, minimum width= 34mm, rounded corners=2pt, font = \sffamily, black,top color = green!40!white, bottom color = green!20!white,drop shadow, minimum height = 0.5cm}]
\node[minimum height=0.3cm] (SWGDAM){\sffamily\bfseries{SWGDAM Guidelines for Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems}};
\node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.1cm] right:{\scriptsize4.2}}] (42)        [below = of SWGDAM, xshift=3cm, yshift=0cm]  {Comparative Study};
\node[label={[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.1cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.1cm] right:{\scriptsize4.1}}] (41)[below = of 42, xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm]  {Data Generation}; 
\node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.1cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.2cm] right:{\scriptsize4.2.1}}]  (421)        [below = of 41] {Consistency};
 \node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.1cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.25cm] right:{\scriptsize4.2.1.1}}] (4211)   [below  = of 421, top color=yellow, bottom color=yellow]        {Method Comparison};
\node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.1cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.25cm] right:{\scriptsize4.2.1.2}}] (4212)   [below  = of 4211, top color=yellow, bottom color=yellow]        {Concordance};
 \node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.1cm] right:{\scriptsize7}}] (intval)        [below = of SWGDAM, xshift=-2.0cm, yshift=-0.36cm, top color=gray!40!white, bottom color=gray!40!white]  {\bfseries{Internal Validation}};
\node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.1cm] right:{\scriptsize7.1.1}}] (711b)        [below = of intval, xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm, top color=gray!20!white, bottom color=white]  {Template Concentration}; 
 \node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.1cm] right:{\scriptsize7.1.2}}] (712b)        [below = of 711b, xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm, top color=gray!20!white, bottom color=white]  {Mixture Proportions};
 \node[label= {[circle,  text width=0.25cm, top color=white, bottom color=white, yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm, minimum height=0cm, minimum size=0.1cm] right:{\scriptsize3333}}] (3333)        [left = of intval, xshift=-1cm, yshift=0cm, top color=gray!20!white, bottom color=white]  {3333};




对于采取的任何措施,以更清晰的形式重新编码图像是适当的,使用通用的样式定义,这比最终重新设计表格更容易操作(在我看来这是唯一正确的方法)。关于可能的代码重新设计,以下是 MWE:

\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} 
\Large\textbf{Where Are We Now?}\\

\begin{tikzpicture}[%auto, thick, 
node distance = 3.6mm and 9mm, 
C/.style args = {#1/#2}{% Color
    top color = #1, bottom color=#2},
C/.default = green!40!white/green!20!white,
     N/.style = {% Node
    rectangle, rounded corners=2pt,  
    minimum width= 31mm, font = \sffamily\footnotesize, %black,
    drop shadow, minimum height = 5mm}, 
every label/.style = {shape=circle, fill=white, text width=4.5ex, align=center,
           inner sep=1pt, font=\sffamily\scriptsize, drop shadow,
           yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm}
\node [N,C] (SWGDAM)    {\textbf{SWGDAM Guidelines for Validation 
                                 of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems}};
\node [N,C,label=right:4.2,
       below left=5mm and 0mm of SWGDAM.south east]     
                                            (42)    {Comparative Study};
\node[N,C,label=right:4.1,below=of 42]      (41)    {Data Generation};
\node[N,C,label=right:4.2.1,below=of 41]    (421)   {Consistency};
      label=right:, below=of 421]   (4211)   {Method Comparison};
      label=right:, below=of 4211]   (4212)  {Concordance};
      label=right:7, left = of 42]      (intval)    {\textbf{Internal Validation}};
      label=right:7.1.1,below = of intval]  (711b)  {Template Concentration};
       label=right:7.1.2,below = of 711b]   (712b)  {Mixture Proportions};
      label=right:3333,left = of intval]    (3333)  {3333};




\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} 
%\usepackage{dtklogos} % not relevant
\Large\textbf{Where Are We Now?}\\% Title

\begin{tikzpicture}[%auto, thick, 
node distance = 3.6mm and 9mm, 
C/.style args = {#1/#2}{% Color
    top color = #1, bottom color=#2},
   C/.default = green!40!white/green!20!white,
     N/.style = {% Node
    rectangle, rounded corners=2pt, 
    minimum width= 24mm, font = \sffamily, 
    align=center, inner xsep=1ex,
    drop shadow, minimum height = 5mm}, 
every label/.style = {shape=circle, fill=white, text width=4.5ex, align=center,
           inner sep=1pt, font=\sffamily\scriptsize, drop shadow,
           yshift=0.17cm, xshift=-0.15cm}
\node [N,C,font=\bfseries\sffamily] (SWGDAM)   {SWGDAM Guidelines for Validation of\\
                                                Probabilistic Genotyping Systems};
\node [N,C,label=right:4.2,
       below=of SWGDAM.south east]     
                                            (42)    {Comparative\\ Study};
\node[N,C,label=right:4.1,below=of 42]      (41)    {Data\\ Generation};
\node[N,C,label=right:4.2.1,below=of 41]    (421)   {Consistency};
      label=right:, below=of 421]   (4211)   {Method\\ Comparison};
      label=right:, below=of 4211]   (4212)  {Concordance};
      label=right:7, below = of SWGDAM]     (intval)    {Internal\\ Validation};
      label=right:7.1.1,below = of intval]  (711b)  {Template\\ Concentration};
       label=right:7.1.2,below = of 711b]   (712b)  {Mixture\\ Proportions};
      label=right:3333,below = of SWGDAM.south west]   (3333)  {3333};









使用 tikz 键scale、、、xy...使图形变小

2. 使用 resizebox 缩放绘图


\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}}


3. 让绘图对称地溢出边距

这是通过告诉 LaTeX 你的绘图宽度为其中心 0pt 来实现的,这可以通过将环境包装tikzpicturemakebox

\makebox[0pt][c]{\begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}}
